A muffled sound of “Peng”.

More than a dozen muffled sounds were mixed with the impact of energy.

The space is no longer distorted, and the surrounding situation clearly appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes.

Forty-eight people all fell to the ground, and several of them were cut in two by Yang Tian this blade’s Blade Qi, and some people suffered huge wounds.

Seeing such a situation, Yang Tian felt a little surprised.

“We have been hungry for too long, and there has been no original battle strength. Otherwise, with your current battle strength, it is impossible to defeat us…”

At this time, black The voice of -armored person sounded again.

Yang Tian turned around, and in his eyes appeared a big man who had taken off the helmet and looked like an ordinary middle-aged man.

After dropping the helmet on the ground, the black-clad man sat down with a knife, his eyes full of tiredness.

Although the opponent suddenly became weak, Yang Tian did not at all approach, standing in place, indifferently said: “Where is this place?”

The black armor before The big guy said that as long as you defeat them, you can know the answer.

“This is Zhaoji Palace.” The black-clad man raised his head and glanced at Yang Tian, ​​then lowered his head, and slowly said: “We are the guards guarding this first palace. You are here, yes Want to get the Zhaoji Talisman of the Zhaoji King? The people who came last time don’t know how many years.”

The Zhaoji King was extremely powerful during his lifetime, and his methods were vicious. The entire Star Sea Even the Divine Realm guys are afraid of him, but no matter how powerful creatures are, there are times when they will die, and the powerful King Zhaoji cannot avoid this fate.


The black-clad man lowered his head and slowly described a powerhouse that is no less inferior to the giant god, that is, King Zhaoji.

The power of the giant is manifested in his tyrannical battle strength, and King Zhaoji gave Yang Tian the impression of this big man as a Rune Dao expert who was good at plot against , A nasty guy.

It is estimated that when King Cauldron was in full bloom, his enemies would rather face the powerhouse with invincible battle strength like the giant god than plot against King Cauldron.

“The island outside and the Jiuding Festival, what’s the matter?”

When the black armored man said, Yang Tian asked again.

The black-clad man was silent for a moment before he said: “The King Zhaoji wanted to be reborn through the Jiuding Festival. For this reason, he invaded the Dragon Realm. He captured more than nine thousand Divine Dragons and used them all Sacrifice, unfortunately, although he plot against exquisite in his life, he never miscalculated, but lost in the last calculation.”

Speaking of this, the black-clad man paused, then continued: “Zhao The Star Sea island owned by Jiwang, named after him, Zhaoji Island, is extremely vast, and it is not much smaller than the island where you humans live.

Zhaojiwang is eager to capture Dragon Race thought that Dragon Race had nothing to do with him, but didn’t expect that, compared with the mysterious Dragon Race, his power is like a stream of air that’s all in the air. Before the sacrifice, Zhaoji A huge dragon claw landed on the island, and with this, Zhaoji Island was photographed into pieces. And now this island is just a tiny piece of it that’s all.

Divine Dragon Race is so powerful. From the beginning to the end, the surviving creatures on Zhaoji Island could not see the body of the Divine Dragon, only a huge dragon claw, although I did not see it with my own eyes However, I can imagine how huge the mysterious dragon is and how powerful its power is…

The Jiuding sacrifice was interrupted and could no longer be carried out. King Zhaoji could only Hiding in this isolated space, and slowly waiting to die, until the last trace of Spirit Physique dissipates.”

In the process of the black armored man speaking, when Xiao Qinglong heard King Zhaoji grabbed With more than nine thousand heads of the same kind used for sacrifice, they thought of the dragon bones seen in the cauldron before, and they couldn’t control it, and there was an extremely angry expression.

But when it heard that the Zhaoji Island built by King Zhaoji was smashed to pieces by a huge dragon claw, the little green dragon couldn’t help it and became excited.

A claw smashes a continent, what a powerful force is needed…

It’s not just Xiaoqinglong, this made Yang Tian also realize that he wants to become a member of this world. The most powerhouse still needs a long way to go.

After the black-clad man finished speaking, it was Yang Tian who was silent.

After a long time, Yang Tian asked: “What’s the matter with the yellow mist outside?”

Yang Tian asked such a question, the black-clad man said with a smile: “Although King Zhaoji died, he left an extremely powerful rune magic weapon, that is, Zhaoji Talisman. Zhaoji Talisman was the most proud work of King Zhaoji during his lifetime, and he kept practicing. Inject energy into it, no matter how much you instill, how much it can store. When you are off, you can divide the energy into one time, or burst out several times to attack the opponent.

, The powerhouse in the Star Sea has been constantly searching. In order to prevent the harassment of foreign creatures, the daughter of King Zhaoji, “Gu Ling”, used Jiuding to create a powerful rune formation. Any creature that comes here will be trapped. Live. Even if they arrive here in the end, they will have to pass through the front four houses to get the aura.”

Gu Ling?

“Is anyone here?”

The black armored man said, Yang Tian raised his head and glanced at the palace in front, and asked with frowning.

The black-clad man shook the head, “Jing Ling left long ago. Although it is safe and big enough, what’s the point of living here for a long time!”

So the question is, now that Zhu Ling has left, why not take away the powerful formidable power of the aura?

The black-clad man might know what Yang Tian was thinking at this time, and said: “The trillion amulet is still there, otherwise, there won’t be that kind of yellow fog outside. That kind of yellow fog is just using the signs. It’s produced by extreme talisman. Although Zhuling is like her father, vicious and without emotion, she doesn’t want to destroy the fleshy body left by her father.”

“How do you know this? More?”

Yang Tian asked again.

The black-clad man said: “I used to be Zhuling’s mount, of course I know this.”

“You are also very poor.” Yang Tian looked at the black-clad man, shook the head said.

This is Yang Tian’s sentiment.

If he were trapped here, he might be crazy.

The black-clad man is just snorted, and he said: “The guards here are not only us, you will also encounter stronger opponents. You have to crack the outer rune array unless you get the Mega Talisman. Although Zhaoji Island was destroyed, this island is still guarded by the talisman formation left by the Zhaoji King. With the Zhaoji Talisman, you can turn this island into a beautiful and livable island.”

After finishing speaking, the black-clad man stood up and waved to his surviving companions.

Next, something sad happened to Yang Tian.

The living person, carrying the body of his companion, jumped straight into the cave opened by the black armored man.

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of painful grunts.

The black-clad man took a look at Yang Tian for the last time, and then moved towards the entrance of the cave. Obviously, he would also jump into it and let himself become the food of’Kara’.

Yang Tian felt uncomfortable in his heart, and raised his hand to stop the black-clad man, “You don’t have to be like this…”

Yang Tian didn’t finish speaking, the black-clad man said: “We In fact, it’s already dead, our body is the same as it.”

The black-clad man pointed to the little blue dragon on Yang Tian’s shoulder, and after speaking, he smiled slightly at the little blue dragon.

At this moment, the little green dragon dumbfounded.

“You can remember my name, my name is Mi’er.” After speaking, the black-clad man pushed Yang Tian’s arm away and jumped into the pothole.

“No~” Yang Tian was also taken aback, waiting for him to react, it was too late, and he could only give out a shout to the dark pothole.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Tian loudly said: “Mi’er, where is the dragon domain? You haven’t told me…”

Mi’er didn’t answer Yang Tian, ​​a dark pit In the cave, there were moaning hums, as if someone tried their best to endure the pain.

After a few minutes, there was only a sound of crawling animals.

“Their blood, there is no bloody smell, Spirit Physique, only that little dragon, they are Dragon Race, just like you…”

After a long time, Yang Tian sighed, indifferently said.

The little green dragon silently came to the edge of the pothole, facing the dark pothole, continuously spewing golden-yellow dragon flames.

In the cave, those screams of’Kara’ kept coming.

The little Qinglong stopped until there was no more sound inside.

The big black-clad man, that is, Mi’er, at this time, Yang Tian remembered, and felt that the changes were too great compared to before and after, it looked like he had changed a person.

“Very simple…” At this time, the strange program said: “In their within the body, there is a kind of life talisman, this talisman is composed of a peculiar energy, just like outside That kind of yellow mist is the same. When Mier and the others are defeated, there is no use value, and the sealed memory will slowly wake up.”

After the strange program is finished, Yang Tian sighed, look. He glanced at the little green dragon and said: “Dragon Race is a proud race. If it weren’t for this method, how could it be willing to be enslaved and driven? And, as Mier said, they were indeed dead long ago. Their Spirit Physique is not Incomplete, the fleshy body is also like a numb machine. When they are controlled by the talisman within the body, they will survive in this way.”

“ao ~”

Yang Tian finished speaking, Xiao Qinglong faced the palace in front and let out an angry and sad roar.

When Xiao Qinglong’s mood stabilized, Yang Tian lifted the knife, followed the stone steps, and walked towards the palace in front.

The stone palace is also built with hard yellowstone. From the outside, it seems to be illuminated by sunlight, giving Yang Tian a warm feeling. However, after entering the gate, it was dark and wet.


After entering the door, a large rock fell above the door, turning the hall into a dark space.


As soon as the stone gate fell, there were bursts of women’s giggles in the dark space.

In the dark space, this sound is like the laughter of a female ghost, adding a frightening atmosphere to the darkness.

“xiu ~”

Yang Tian raised his left hand, the fifteen in his hand was shot out by him, turned into a red light, and pierced in the direction of laughter.

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