“Beauty Fujuan, this is quite interesting.”

Yang Tian smiled and said to himself, slowly unfolding the entire Fujuan.

Yang Tian didn’t know the rune above, but looking at it line by line, beautiful women with good looks could not help appearing in his mind.

The runes on the rune scroll are arranged in a peculiar way, and the rune energy generated can show the images recorded on the rune scroll in the mind of the viewer.

After the singular program has read all the runes above, he said to Yang Tian: “Use energy to stimulate it, and you can create an Illusory World that is the same as the senses of the real world, beautiful person like jade, It seems that Immortal World……”

The situation described by the strange program for Yang Tian is a very beautiful scene for men.

Yang Tian said with a smile: “King Zhaoji, he really knows how to enjoy. Unfortunately, everything is illusory. Indulging in it, it will inevitably kill people’s minds.”

After speaking, Yang Tian will collect the talisman scroll into the storage bracelet.

This Fuju Yang Tian doesn’t use it himself, which doesn’t mean it is useless. If you encounter a powerhouse who likes this way in the future, it might be useful.


Seeing Yang Tian is about to close the scroll, the strange program suddenly said.

“What’s wrong?” Yang Tian asked.

The strange program said: “There seems to be something on the back of the scroll.”

Yang Tian unfolded the scroll again and turned it over.

The back is yellow and white, and there are many fine red lines. If you don’t look carefully, it’s really hard to find.

Yang Tian looked and looked again, but didn’t find that these tiny red lines had any special features. After thinking about it, he attached a trace of spirit strength to it.

Using spirit strength, Yang Tian can see even smaller things.

When Yang Tian’s spirit strength fell on it, a pair of Mountains and Rivers Chart appeared in Yang Tian’s mind.

This is a vast land with a big river in the middle. It stretches from one end of the picture to the other end. I don’t know the source or where it will eventually flow.

On both sides of the big river, there are vast plains. The plains are scattered with green grasslands, forests, and behind the plains are the continuous mountains. After the mountain range is the end of the picture, surrounded by clouds and fog. .

The whole picture is full of life, but Yang Tian did not see any animals.

“Where is this?”

Recovering the spirit strength from the picture, Yang Tian thought for a while, and felt that there would never be such a wonderful world in the continent world where he was before Environment, could not help but wonder.

The strange program said: “This picture is not complete, it seems to be only a part. If there is such a place in Star Sea, it would be a good place.”

Yang Tian nodded, The situation on the picture is much better than the environment on Earth.

Yang Tian was preparing to retract the beauty talisman into the storage bracelet again, didn’t expect the little Azure Dragon One to open his mouth and suck the talisman into his mouth.

After Xiao Qinglong received the talisman scroll, he explained to Yang Tian: “It seems to be familiar with the situation on the map. It is stored in its own storage space and can be taken out for a look at any time. “

Is this the area where Dragon Race survives in Star Sea?

Thinking that King Zhaoji had once been to the territory of Dragon Race in Star Sea, and also caught thousands of dragons, Yang Tian suddenly felt that his guess was very likely to be accurate. But this picture is not complete. If there is a complete picture, you might be able to find the star Sea Dragon Race based on this picture.

Originally, Yang Tian came here to break the huge talisman formation. After didn’t expect to come here, he had clues about the Star Sea Dragon Race.

At this time, Yang Tian hopes that King Zhaoji is still alive.

A powerful enemy is not terrifying, but the unknown is the most tormenting one.

The first temple is called the emptiness temple, probably because Spirit Physique lives in it. And the second hall, on a stele next to the gate, the rune engraved on it explained that the second hall is called Jiebian.

Jie Ren Temple?

Should you disarm the sword?

Yang Tian listened to the explanation of rune by the strange program, laughed, carrying the blue giant knife, and walked directly into the palace gate.

As soon as he entered the door, what appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes were nine tall yellow weapon racks.

The material of the weapon frame looks the same as the yellow brick of the world outside. Huge weapons are placed on the three weapon racks entering the door.

On the first weapon stand, there is a huge bone hammer, azure black, shaped like a leg bone of a behemoth, 15 meters long, and it looks extremely heavy.

As soon as Yang Tian saw this kind of weapon, he felt that it should be the weapon used by the orc powerhouse.

Yang Tian carried the knife and walked slowly in front of this weapon stand, not at all something unusual happened.

Then, what appeared in front of him was the second weapon rack.

On the second weapon stand, there is a huge soft whip.

This weapon was obviously made with care, and the thick and long red whip handle was covered with protruding runes. These runes not only constitute a symbolic array, but also have the effect of anti-slip.

The whip body is a bundle of black chains, and each chain is formed by buckling ring-shaped sheets.

These black flakes, on each of them, there are also protruding runes.

As soon as he saw this soft whip, Yang Tian couldn’t help but think of Solli. The soft whip used by Solli is very similar to this giant soft whip.

On the third weapon stand, there is a red giant axe.

Giant axe is ten meters long and looks very rough, as if it is directly carved from red rock, and there is no rune on it.

Although this weapon seems to give people a heavy feeling, at the same time, it also gives people an illusion of easy destruction.

Seeing the first two weapons, Yang Tian certainly would not think that this giant axe was really carved from ordinary red rock, otherwise, using it would be better than fighting with bare hands. It does not need to be placed here.

There are nine weapon racks in the hall, and six of it’s empty.

Yang Tian walked past the weapon rack where the giant axe was placed, and came to the front of the fourth weapon rack.

Jiangdian Temple…

Yang Tian understands now that if you want to pass here, you must untie the portable weapon and put it on the weapon rack, and then you can pass here.

However, the weapons on the first three weapons racks have not been taken away, and Yang Tian has been told that if the weapons are left behind, it may not be so simple to take them away.

After Yang Tian looked at the fourth weapon rack, he walked over.

The strange thing finally appeared.

When Yang Tian passed the fourth weapon rack, saw a flash, what appeared in his eyes was still the fourth weapon rack.

“It’s space energy!” At this time, the strange program said: “It is a displacement mechanism. No matter how many times you walk, it can teleport you back.”

Yang Tian said with a smile: “That way, if I go forward once, it will pass me back once?”

The strange program said: “Yes, this is the wonder of spatial displacement Here, it’s more than that. If you move forward many times, it will continue to accumulate space energy. When it reaches a certain level, it will produce a small area of ​​space annihilation.”

Yang Tian said: “This is too troublesome. Wouldn’t it be better to come directly to Space Annihilation!” The strange program did not respond to Yang Tian’s sentence, because Yang Tian understood that this is probably the use of the symbol of Zhaoji King A test of array design can also be said to be the Profound Void.

(It will be more tomorrow!)

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