
There was a loud noise.

The giant hammer of Jilu powerhouse hit the hard rocky ground, the gravel shot all around, the’puff puff puff’ hit on the psychic energy shield of Yang Tian, ​​making a series of collision sounds.

very powerful!

Yang Tian continuously moved the position, finally got rid of a feeling of being locked in by the opponent’s consciousness.

“gu gu gu……”

After the hammer fell, the Jilu powerhouse stopped, and a strange sound came out in his chest.

Wait for the splashing sand and rocks to disperse, in Yang Tian’s eyes, a large pit with a diameter of ten meters appeared, and the edges of the pit were full of cracks, extending far away.

The power of this hammer is really too strong, even if Yang Tian wears the Titan Battle Armor and is hit by this hammer, he will suffer great damage.

The giant hammer in the hands of this big man is not a Divine Weapon, but a simple square boulder, drilled a hole in it, pierced in with a hard trunk, and wrapped it with animal tendons. , Weight, probably thousands of catties.

If this giant stone hammer is in the hands of a weak person, it is estimated that it will be destroyed if the ground is not cracked.

After the call of gu gu, in the sky besieged the little blue dragon, and the four surviving deer beasts scattered and moved towards the distance.

In this short period of time, the little green dragon suddenly broke out, killing three Jilu beasts in succession.

Probably, seeing that the same clan is not the opponent of Xiaoqinglong, this Jilu clan powerhouse will let them leave, so as not to sacrifice in vain.

After the four Jilu beasts flew away, the little Qinglong turned his huge body and moved towards the Jilu powerhouse standing on the ground and pounced.


As soon as he flew over the head of the Jilu powerhouse, the little green dragon opened his big mouth and spewed a golden-yellow high-temperature dragon flame.

The billowing dragon flames descended from in the sky, and the coverage area is getting larger and larger. It seems that the Jilu powerhouse is about to be wrapped.

At this moment, the Jilu powerhouse opened his mouth, and a red flame shot out from his mouth.

This is a very condensed flame. It meets the dragon flames of the little green dragon in the air, and it spreads quickly, and merges with the golden-yellow dragon flames of the little green dragon, giving out a burst The sonic boom of’crackling’.

This process lasted only a few seconds, and the two flames quickly disappeared, leaving only the hot temperature, moving towards all around spreading away.


Seeing that the flames can’t burn this Jilu powerhouse, the little Qinglong uses a powerful electric current. A blue electric pole thicker than an adult’s thigh was emitted from the dragon horn of Xiaoqinglong, and the strikes were on the powerhouse of the Jilu clan.

However, under such a strong current, this guy actually stood still, like a huge rock that can conduct electricity, without any harm.

Yang Tian discovered that, in fact, the lightning sent by the little blue dragon, not at all really touched the body of this Jilu clan powerhouse, but was blocked by the energy emitted by him.

Two consecutive attacks. Both attack methods were resolved by others. The little Qinglong was very surprised. He immediately swung the dragon tail and flew towards the side.

At this moment, the Jilu powerhouse suddenly moved. Its huge body unexpectedly ejected and grabbed the dragon tail of Xiaoqinglong with one hand.

The speed of this guy is also very terrifying, and the sudden action made Xiao Qinglong unable to react.


The powerhouse of the Jilu clan took a deep breath, clutching the dragon tail of the little green dragon and spinning around.

The extremely fast rotation speed made Xiao Qinglong’s body collapse straight. After just turning around, the Jilu powerhouse released the little green dragon.

Little Qinglong couldn’t control the huge body that was threw away, and kept rolling against the ground. Finally, with a’boom’, it hit a small mountain outside several hundred meters and stopped.

Little Qinglong’s body rubbed against the ground, scraping out a huge zigzag groove on the hard rocky ground.

Shaking the huge head, the little Azure Dragon One turned over, got up from the ground, raised his hair and let out an angry roar, and the dragon mane on his neck stood up.

When the head is lowered, a big head, a golden-yellow dragon flame, sprays out from the mouth, forming a huge pillar of fire, moving towards the powerhouse of the Jilu clan assault.

This dragon flame is extremely condensed, and the speed is extremely fast. It is like a golden drill bit, which rotates continuously. It travels against the ground. Wherever it passes, the rocks are gasified and melted. , Forming a trench more than ten meters deep and wide.

Faced with this huge pillar of formidable power, the ray of light appeared in the eyes of this Jilu powerhouse. He didn’t evade, but opened his arms, leaned forward, opened his mouth, and sprayed a red pillar of fire.

This red pillar of fire is not as thick as the pillar of fire sprayed by the little blue dragon, but it appears more condensed, and the speed of the impact is not slower than the pillar of fire sprayed by the little blue dragon.


In an instant, the two pillars of fire collided with each other, making a thunderous sound, a powerful shock wave of energy, carrying air currents, and forming a hurricane. moved towards around.

With two beeps of “pu pu”, Yang Tian stomped his feet on the ground one after another, sinking his legs into the ground, and at the same time, burst out more powerful spirit strength.

The energy of the collision of the two pillars of fire continued. The rocks on the ground were crushed layer by layer, and quickly turned into stone dust, forming gray dust, spreading away, and soon covering Yang Tian’s Sight.

At the same time, the surrounding temperature is also rising continuously, the stone powder in the air begins to melt, and then condense together, and then fall, forming a unique kind of’lava rain’.

This process lasted for five minutes. In the end, the Jilu powerhouse was defeated, and the golden-yellow dragon flame sprayed by the little green dragon instantly hit the Jilu powerhouse. , Jilu powerhouse immediately blocked the front of the body with a huge stone hammer.

What made this Jilu powerhouse didn’t expect is that the huge stone hammer in his hand just blocked the high temperature dragon flame of the little green dragon, the dragon flame suddenly disappeared, and the little green dragon appeared in his eyes. Head.


There was another loud noise.

Little Qinglong hit the stone hammer with his head, and the violent impact caused the Jilu clan powerhouse to retreat again and again.

The little Qinglong opened his eyes wide, crawling faster and faster on the ground, so that the opponent has no chance to take back the stone hammer.

In this way, the powerhouse of the Jilu clan was led by Xiaoqinglong back all the time. His feet were constantly rubbing on the ground, sinking deeper and deeper… Finally, his legs were completely submerged in the ground and his back After breaking a boulder, the little Qinglong stopped.

This time, Xiao Qinglong won a round.

Seeing the power of the little blue dragon, the powerhouse of the Jilu clan rushed through the gravel covering him, threw away the stone hammer in his hand, pulled out the clothes on his body, spread his wings behind him, and flew to In the air, in the blink of an eye, it changed back to its original form.

This is a giant lonely deer beast that is three times larger than the previous lonely deer beasts. It has a pair of fleshy wings and exudes azure light. The whole body is also covered with blue and yellow scales. .

The biggest difference from other Jilu beasts is that this huge Jilu beast has an azure sharp horn on its forehead.

Yang Tian is surprised, this lonely deer beast is too similar to the unicorn on Earth.

At this time, the little blue dragon also flew in the sky, and the two giant beasts faced each other at a distance of several hundred meters. The fierce battle in futile is about to happen.

Yang Tian looked at the domineering little Qinglong in the sky and laughed. The little blue dragon who swallowed the yellow dragon dragon ball grew faster and faster through this fierce battle.

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