Seeing Wulu entering Mori Cave, Beilu’s eyes flashed with a hint of proud rays of light.

There is also competition among the Five Great Powerhouses of the Jilu clan, and their relationship is not harmonious.

Meilu, who has the best relationship with Wulu, saw that Wulu entered Mori Cave and reluctantly shook the head and left the altar.

After that, the other three powerhouses also left.

For them, Wulu has become a thing of the past.


Previously killed a powerful Jilu Beast, but has not recovered, and flew for a long distance, then smashed the door of Mori Cave and lay down The little green dragon on Yang Tian’s shoulders looked extremely weak, and was holding a piece of World Tree leaves and gnawing.

There is no light in Mori Cave. From its storage ring, Beiya took out a rune magic weapon for lighting, which emits strong rays of light, like a multi-thousand-watt cannon , The distance of 100 meters before and after the cave clearly appeared in their eyes.

Moryi Cave was obviously not formed naturally, but was opened by intelligent creatures. The cave is full of rune institutions.

With the help of the strange program, Yang Tian has already cracked the nine-runes mechanism.

It is cracking, not destroying, Yang Tian is not sure whether the guy named Wulu will catch up. The nine-runes mechanism they passed through, although unable to prevent Wulu’s pursuit, will lag The forward speed of Wulu.

These nine talisman organs were obviously destroyed, and after a long period of time, they repaired some of their functions.

This also confirms that the rumors from the outside world are true. Before Yang Tian and the others, there was indeed a powerhouse that entered Mori Cave.

The rune organs are arranged extremely densely, there is one every 100 meters or so.

When Yang Tian passed the ninth runes organ, Wulu also entered Mori Cave.

After walking a distance in the hole and turning a turn, Wulu encountered the First Layer rune mechanism.

This is a rune mechanism that uses space energy. When it is triggered by the black deer, the surrounding space energy fluctuates, forming strange space bubbles.

Wuler is not sensitive to rune energy. When he bumped his head, the space bubble he touched burst and burst like a bomb. The resulting space tearing force detonated other space bubbles one after another.

More and more spatial tearing forces are superimposed, and a powerful destructive power is produced. The black deer involved in this power is pulled indiscriminately. If he can’t hold on, he will Will be pulled into countless pieces.

This kind of destructive power is really too weak for Wulu. With a movement of his mind, the body protection strength suddenly exploded, and then suddenly accelerated, and easily passed through the space force field.

As he hurried forward, Wulu encountered the 2nd rune mechanism again.

It is also spatial energy. When it is triggered, the surrounding space becomes solidified. If the power is not strong enough, the body will instantly be compressed into a ball under this spatial force field.

The force field constructed by Yang Tian with black hole chains is dozens of times stronger than this, and the black deer that can resist that force field naturally passes through easily.

However, the frozen space made him move slowly, and it took at least 3 minutes. And Yang Tian passed this level and used less than one minute.


As the runes mechanism appeared, Wulu became more and more surprised.

Originally, he thought that he would be able to catch up with Yang Tian entire group soon, but he didn’t expect that after a few passes, there was no trace of Yang Tian. In other words, Yang Tian’s forward speed is faster than their own.

This made Wu Lu suddenly realize that among the three humans of Yang Tian, ​​at least one of them is a Rune Dao expert, who can easily crack the rune mechanism in the cave.

In the upper class of the Jilu clan, there is a saying that the reason why Mori Cave has not been cracked is because the Jilu clan does not have a Rune Dao expert.

Under special circumstances, the other orc powerhouses that broke into this mysterious cave did not have a cultivation Rune Dao.

Based on this understanding, the Jilu tribe has sent at least tens of thousands of young and intelligent Jilu beasts to other islands to cultivation Rune Dao for countless years.

However, none of the clan beasts has outstanding cultivation on Rune Dao.

Although the Star Sea Beast clan is powerful, in some respects, it cannot be compared with humans. Except for powerhouses of orcs like King Zhaoji, almost all of Rune Dao’s most powerful characters in Star Sea are humans, or half human half beasts.

After realizing that there was a Rune Dao expert among the three following, Wulu couldn’t help but a hint of retreat emerged in Wulu’s heart.

Being blocked by the runes mechanism, it is difficult for him to catch up with the opponent.

However, as soon as this thought appeared, it was obliterated by Wulu with firm will. The most basic psychological quality of becoming a powerhouse is to be firm in goal. No matter what difficulties you encounter, you can’t give up.

Moreover, Wulu also knew that even if he gave up chasing Yang Tian and the others, it would be difficult for him to find a way back.

In the legend of the Jilu clan, Mori Cave is a forbidden place with no entrance but no exit. As long as you step into the stone gate, the retreat will disappear.

The Wulu, who rushed through the six runes mechanism one after another, finally took out his weapon, and in his hand, a red bone hammer appeared.

If this red bone hammer is enlarged several times, the shape is exactly the same as the bone hammer that Yang Tian got.


After passing the nine runes organs with ease, and walking for more than a thousand meters, a peculiar hole appeared in front of Yang Tian and the others.

This is an oblate entrance. The upper and lower edges of the cave are full of protruding spikes. In bright light, these white spikes are like two rows of teeth. The entire cave entrance It’s like a huge mouth.

Yang Tian They stopped about 30 metres from the entrance.

At this time, you can see a layer of broken bones on the ground about 30 metres from the feet of Yang Tian to the entrance of the cave.

“It looks very dangerous.” The Beiya standing behind Yang Tian stared at the entrance, muttered.

Hui Echan said: “It looks terrifying, like a big mouth. When we went in, did we get into the mouth of a strange beast?”

After speaking, Yang Tian didn’t say a word, for a while, only the voice of the little green dragon eating the World Tree leaves, echoing in the cave.

Yang Tian condenses the mind, the mind moves, a strand of spirit strength moves towards the cave entrance slowly approaching.

This thread of spirit strength successfully passed the seemingly scary hole, entered inside, and appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes, which was a blue space.

This space is circular with a diameter of about 100 meters, and it is covered with numerous spikes emitting blue rays of light. The spikes are very dense, and the gap can only accommodate one person to pass smoothly.

Yang Tian is preparing to let this strand of spirit strength go deeper, and look a little more carefully, suddenly this strand of spirit strength loses contact with him.

When the spirit strength disappeared, a powerful rune energy wave suddenly came from the depths of the cave.

When Yang Tian and the others did not react, a powerful attraction came and sucked Yang Tian into the cave full of blue spikes…

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