Yang Tian successfully attracted the attention of Insect King.

From the two big black eyes of Insect King, Yang Tian could not see any emotions.


Suddenly, Insect King hissed.


As soon as this sound rang, Yang Tian felt like his head was hit by a sledgehammer, dizzy and dizzy, and his ears were buzzing. ‘Call straight.

Obviously, this is a sonic attack.

Not only Yang Tian, ​​but also Xiaoqinglong, Beiya and Hui’er Chan Chan, the powerful Wulu, were also affected by sound waves.

Bei Ya fell to the ground and fainted.

Hui’er Chan Chan covered her ears and knelt on the ground in pain. Wulu frowned and gritted her teeth.

And the little Qinglong, fell from the air, hit the ground, and got up, shaking his head constantly.

Yang Tian, ​​whose spirit has been impacted, can no longer control the spirit strength.

At this moment, Insect King opened his mouth again, and sprayed a group of green liquid toward Yang Tian.


A silhouette flashed past, and the Wulu appeared in time and threw Yang Tian down. The two rolled around on the ground for a few times, just avoiding the attack of the Insect King. .

Insect King is a powerful insect. Don’t think it is a bug, just think it has low intelligence.

This Insect King has the same wisdom as Yang Tian. And the Insect King who has wisdom naturally sees Yang Tian’s weaknesses and knows how to use his attack methods flexibly.

The sonic attack caused Yang Tian to lose their minds for a short time, but fortunately, Wulu appeared in time.

Otherwise, if he is stained with highly corrosive venom, he will not die and will be seriously injured if he cannot use spirit strength.

The two rolled over from the ground and got up from the ground.

Little Qinglong also quickly regained consciousness.

Hui’er Chanchan shook his head and struggled to get up from the ground.

North Cliff has the weakest strength, has been lying on the ground, it seems that he will not wake up in a short time.

“I saved your life, I don’t owe you anymore.”

Wulu looked at Insect King and said independently.

Yang Tian nodded.

“This Insect King has been staying in place, there must be some reason.” Wu Lu said again.

Yang Tian can also see that the Insect King is very angry at Yang Tian who killed a large number of larvae. With its power and speed, it should be very easy to defeat Yang Tian and them. But it stayed in place, motionless.

This is too abnormal.


Suddenly, a bright light lit up in the cave, and then, a thunder sound sounded.

It turned out that it was Xiaoqinglong who slashed a powerful current towards the Insect King and hit the Insect King.

At this moment, the surface of the Insect King’s body flashed countless electric wires, which only flashed for a while and disappeared without a trace.


When Xiao Qinglong used electric current to strike, Insect King screamed again.

This is not a sonic attack.

When its voice fell, a rustle sounded again in the hole.

At the same time as this sound appeared, all around the walls, tops, and the ground, the rocks suddenly protruded, and there appeared a hole with thick arms of adults, and countless larvae, from these dense small Climbed out of the hole.

This huge underground cave suddenly became like a honeycomb.

In addition to the ground, there are more insects hidden under the cave wall and the ground.

The electric current sent by the little blue dragon, not at all hurt Insect King.


The little green dragon refused to admit defeat, took a big mouth, and sprayed out a golden-yellow dragon flame again, moving towards the Insect King shrouded.

In the face of the high temperature flame of the little blue dragon, Insect King did not dodge, it is still motionless.

The golden-yellow dragon flame once again enveloped the Insect King.

After a while, when the dragon flames dissipated, Insect King’s body was still the same as before, not even the spikes on his legs were burned.

The dissatisfied little Qinglong stopped his head slightly, his body lowered, and it seemed that it was about to hit the Insect King directly.

“Small dragon, stop!”

Yang Tian was shocked, and immediately stopped it loudly. Seeing that Xiaoqinglong looked to himself, Yang Tian shook the head towards it.

Yang Tian knows that it is useless for Xiaoqing to do this, but instead will put himself in a dangerous situation.

After countless larvae crawled out of the cave, they did not at all attack Yang Tian, ​​but gathered around the Insect King and surrounded the Insect King. Soon, the huge Insect King was covered by countless Surrounded by larvae.

“It can’t move its position, why is that?”

Bei Ya finally woke up, was raised by Hui’er Chanchan in front of Yang Tian, ​​looking at the piles of small insects. Chongshan raised up, wondering.

“I also want to know…”

Yang Tian muttered.

The power of Insect King is very powerful, even if it stops there, with Yang Tian’s power, it is impossible to cause damage to this Insect King.

The Wulu frowned for a while, and said: “This Insect King, the most powerful thing is its defense. Its within the body can burst out with powerful power to block our attacks. If you can let your special power enter its within the body, it may be able to hurt it.”

Yang Tian attacked the Insect King before, attracting the attention of the Insect King and the experienced fighters. Lu, has already figured out the reason. In the process of chasing Yang Tian before, the force of Xiaoqinglong and Yang Tian’s attack on Wulu also contained original force. At this time, Wulu finally remembered.

Wu Lu finished, Yang Tian nodded, “A little force, even if it enters its within the body, it will not play any role. Unless, all the force of me and Xiaoqinglong, all Enter its within the body, and then burst into an instant.”

After speaking, Yang Tian clenched his fists.

But to achieve this, it is extremely difficult…

Yang Tian’s brain is running at high speed.

Fighting with powerful enemies requires not only great power, but sometimes also subtle skills.

“This Insect King may be absorbing energy…”

Suddenly, the voice of the strange program sounded in Yang Tian’s mind.

At this time, the singular program has successfully read the symbolic information under the belly of Insect King.

What surprises Yang Tian is that on this symbol array, there is actually a part of the symbol array that is not related to the symbol array, which records some information about the Insect King.

The singular program speculates that it is not a single person, but a group of people who build the symbolic array here.

In the symbolic array, those redundant symbolic arrays are very scribbled and seem to be left in a hurry.

These runes, cryptic hints, insect race has a kind of energy that other races don’t know about. This awakened Insect King is attracting other Insect Kings within the body through the mysterious power of insect race. the power of.

In this process, the Insect King cannot be moved in a large area…

That is to say, in this strange world similar to the planet, there is not only one Insect King, but also others The Insect King exists.

In the eyes of this Insect King, killing Yang Tian and the others is not as important as absorbing similar power.

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