“ao ~”

in the sky, Xiao Qinglong let out a loud roar. Immediately, I saw that luminous sphere in the sky suddenly changed its shape, and the rays of light flourished.

Yang Tian looked up, the elliptical ball of light separated a thick flame and entered the big mouth of Xiaoqinglong.

Obviously, Xiao Qinglong is absorbing the energy of that light ball.

Little Qinglong is very smart. At this time, the energy of the photosphere is too hot to be swallowed in one breath, so let’s absorb some of its energy first.

Only a Divine Beast like a dragon can’digest’ the high-temperature energy.

Yang Tian just raised his head and took a look, then lowered his head, speeding up the depiction of rune.

Hui E Chan Chan and Bei Ya kept looking up at the sky, and the situation where the little Qinglong swallowed the light ball was very shocking to them.


One piece, two pieces, three pieces…

Yang Tian side yellow The more and more bricks and stones pile up.

With the ebbing of time, the ball of light in the sky is getting darker and darker.

A few hours later, Yang Tian stopped.

At this moment, beside him, rune-engraved yellow bricks were piled like a hill.

In the sky, the luminous sphere has become red, like the sun about to set in the evening. Not only did it turn red, it also seemed to have doubled its size.

Because of the weakening of the light, the entire world has become dimmed.

“ao ~”

At this time, Xiao Qinglong turned his head and let out a roar. Immediately, it became bigger again.

Yang Tian got the reminder from Xiaoqinglong and began to spread the rune-engraved bricks on the ground.

Thousands of yellow bricks of standard volume were paved into a circular symbol array. When Yang Tian laid the symbol array and the test was successful, he gestured to Xiao Qinglong with an OK hand gesture.

The red ball of light in the sky was swallowed by the little Azure Dragon One.

Without the light source, the entire world suddenly became invisible.

After a while, the little green dragon returned to the top of the mountain, spitting out the dragon flame, and the mountain top reappeared in light.

Yang Tian took out three beast cores, inlaid on the symbolic array.

This is a Teleportation Talisman array. When the talisman array is activated, it emits blue light in dim light, which is particularly bright.

“Let’s go!”

After the little blue dragon became smaller and fell on Yang Tian’s shoulders, Yang Tian glanced at all around, said lightly, and walked in In the Fu Zhenzhong.

Hui E Chan Chan and Bei Ya immediately followed.

When the blue light in front of them disappeared, what appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes was dense woods.

All the trees are green.

The sky is blue, with white clouds floating, and the air is very fresh, indicating that the oxygen content is high.

The ambient temperature is about 20 degrees, which makes people feel very comfortable.

“What a great place!”

North Cliff took a deep breath, exclaimed.

Yang Tian feels very familiar with this environment, like returning to the planet environment.

He can be sure that this is definitely not Earth, because the gravity is so different.

The gravity here is more than twice that of Earth.

Whether it is a planet or an island in the Star Sea, gravity is the basis of the living environment. Otherwise, the air and water cannot be locked, and no matter how much material it has, it will spread out.

Yang Tian took a look at all around and then shifted his gaze to the feet.

At the foot is a circular array with a height of about one meter and a diameter of ten meters.

I don’t know how long this Teleportation Formation Platform has been built. The rune on it has been blurred. Fortunately, it still maintains the transmission function. Otherwise, Yang Tian can only stay for a long time. The sphere of the world, found another way to leave.

Listening to Beiya’s sigh, Yang Tian laughed and said indifferently: “They are all fake.”


Beiya Surprising eyes opened wide.

Yang Tian nodded, “They all come out of illusion with symbolic arrays.”

After speaking, Yang Tian walked off the Teleportation Formation Platform.

Without singular program reminders, Yang Tian himself can feel that since he came here, the Teleportation Formation Platform went out, and they were also surrounded in a symbolic array.

After calculating the rune energy by a singular program, a result is obtained, which is an imaginary formation.

After Yang Tian walked down the Teleportation Formation Platform, he walked around the Teleportation Formation Platform, and then said to Beiya and Huier Chan Chan: “Next, you will follow me closely, don’t Walking around, if you find that I am missing, just stop in place and don’t move. Also, don’t move these trees.” After finishing speaking, Yang Tian moved towards the woods in front.

The ground in the forest is level. All the trees are almost the same size and height, and the distances between them are similar.

In this kind of woods, it is easy to get lost.

While walking in the woods, Yang Tian raised his hand from time to time and stroked the trunk, the touch is the same as the real tree.

Yang Tian in the heart has to sigh, this imaginary formation is too delicate!

The route that Yang Tian travels forward is not straight, for a while to the left and a while to the right. After more than an hour, when Yang Tian stopped, Bei Ya couldn’t help but say: “Why don’t you go and take a look on it.”

Yang Tian bent down and picked up a leaf from the ground, Throw it towards in the sky. The leaves slowly fly upward under the control of Yang Tian spirit strength. When it passed the treetops, suddenly, the space around the leaves fluctuated a bit, and the yellow leaves quickly disappeared.

What disappears with the leaves, there is the spirit strength of Yang Tian attached to the leaves.

When the leaves disappeared, North Cliff was so shocked that its eyes opened wide.

Although the process of the leaves disappearing is very short, he can see clearly that the leaves do not disappear all at once. The disappearing process starts from the side of the leaves, just like the face being insect The gnawing is normal, which means that the space above is likely to be annihilated!

The reason why Beiya is scared is because before, he wanted to jump into the air to take a look. If that is the case, he must be finished.

It’s not just space annihilation that makes Beiya fear, but Yang Tian knows and didn’t tell him. Thinking of this, Bei Ya was very regretful, and he secretly cursed that he was dazzled by greed, and he acted without permission if there was no branch Yang Tian several times before.

Seeing the uncomfortable look on Beiya’s face, Yang Tian extended the hand, patted Beiya’s shoulder, and smiled and said: “Don’t worry! With me, you will be fine.”


“en!” Bei Ya heavily nodded, said: “I was wrong!”

Hui E Chan Chan has matured a lot, seeing the regretful look on Bei Ya’s face, I know that North Cliff is not admitting to the problem just now, but the incident in the Insect King cave.

After admitting his mistake, Bei Ya felt a lot easier.

Next, after walking through the woods for about half a time, the line of sight in front of him widened, and a vast field appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes.

In this wide field, there are twelve formations, and a giant tablet with a height of more than 30 meters and a width of more than 10 meters stands in the middle. The stele is full of rune.

Yang Tian walked straight to the stele, and after taking a closer look at the symbol array, said with a smile: “This is the Hub Region, the Transmission Array hub built by Yuan Shu.”

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