“For this selection, Azure Dragon Clan is really bleeding!”

After Yang Tian read the’instructions’ at a very fast speed, said with a smile.

The selection is divided into two parts.

The first is to select the successor of Longzu, which is a test of individual battle strength.

Thinking of the dragon with the strongest battle strength in Dragon Race, Yang Tian couldn’t help thinking of the destruction of Zhaoji King’s Zhaoji Island.

A dragon claw was crushed down, and the whole island fell to pieces. Finally, King Zhaoji had to hide, for fear that Dragon Race would chase him down.

If there is such a powerful dragon in Dragon Race, Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong simply have no qualifications to compete.

Fortunately, the process of competition does not simply test the current battle strength of each dragon.

The current dragon ancestor, that is to say, the king of Dragon Race, has a long time lifespan, at least hundreds of years!

And this process of competition will continue for hundreds of years.

Dragon Race will open many resource-rich Secret Realm in such a long time. If you get the resources in Secret Realm with good luck, your realm will be improved rapidly.

In other words, even a newly born young dragon can participate in this kind of competition. If good luck, it will grow to be the number one Dragon Race battle strength in these hundreds of years. Dragon, it’s nothing strange.

For mankind, hundreds of years are a long period of time. A dynasty was born and then destroyed.

For Long, it’s hundreds of years, but the equivalent to ordinary person smoking a cigarette or watching a movie that’s all.

Because it is to compete for the Dragon Race king, the competition process is very cruel, and if you don’t pay attention, you will die in Death God. If the battle strength is too low, the First Round will be eliminated, and it will be over if it is not lucky.

One more thing, not all dragons can participate in competition. This kind of competition has age restrictions.

The singular program converted the time for Yang Tian, ​​probably the life age is less than thirty thousand years, before he can participate in the battle for the position of the dragon ancestor.

Otherwise, this kind of competition is completely unnecessary. There are many old dragons living in the same era as the dragon ancestor. These Elder level dragons, come out randomly, and the battle strength is very terrifying. It is estimated that a hundred small blue dragons combined are not opponents.

The orcs are different from humans. What the orcs want is young and strong, and they choose a young king who can live a long time. In this way, Dragon Race can maintain a peaceful period for a long time.

If one Old Guy dies, and another Old Guy comes, after a long time, and you have to choose again, the internal fighting will consume the Dragon Race.

There are also restrictions on the number of places to compete for the position of the dragon ancestor.

There are 300 places for the upper-level Dragon Race, 500 for the middle-level Dragon Race, and 800 for the lower-level Dragon Race. The nine Dragon Races add up to a total of 4,800 places.

The allocation of places is also reasonable, because the resources of the three classes of Dragon Race are different. If you get Dragon Race with less resources, you should get more places.

Nine Dragon Races, the first Dragon Race has hundreds of places, which seems to be a lot, but if you choose among hundreds of thousands of dragons, the chance of being selected is very small.

Yang Tian said that Azure Dragon Clan is bleeding heavily, naturally because the reward for participating in the dragon ancestor competition is very high. As long as you have obtained the qualification to participate in the Dragon Ancestor competition, you can enter the Azure Dragon Realm cultivation for a period of time.

The Azure Dragon Realm is a space constructed with a symbolic array. The speed of time passing is one hundred times that of the outside, providing countless beast cores and medicine pill.

The dragon entering the Azure Dragon Realm can continuously absorb energy and strengthen itself during the cultivation period of the Azure Dragon Realm until it can’t contain it.

Seeing this, Yang Tian opened his eyes wide, doubting the inventory of beast cores and medicine pill in the Azure Dragon Realm.

Because Yang Tian within the body has two energy worlds, the original world, and the newly constructed insect source world. The energy capacity of these two energy worlds can’t even be estimated by Yang Tian…

As for the little green dragon, strictly speaking, it should belong to the Golden Giant Dragon clan, but it is very well-disguised. The energy world within the body is also extremely large, and the degree of energy accommodation is also very large.

If Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong are put into the Blue Dragon Realm, the beast core and medicine pill in the Blue Dragon Realm will be left in the end?

Yang Tian thought of this and couldn’t help but chuckled up.

This dragon ancestor from Black Dragon Clan has given Azure Dragon Clan enough suffering. For this dragon ancestor competition, Azure Dragon Clan is inevitable.

Azure Dragon Clan does this. Of course, after other Dragon Races are not content with, they will also open the Secret Realm in the clan.

Because the Black Dragon Clan used this method in the last battle for the position of the dragon ancestor, using the entire clan to collect countless years of resources to create a few powerful Black Dragons.

Black Dragon Clan has succeeded. In this hundreds of thousands of years, Black Dragon Clan has also obtained rich returns.

Except for the dragon ancestors competition, it is the competition of the Dragon Race classification.

This is a competition for group strength.

Every Dragon Race, every dragon can participate, and finally, the Dragon Race level is divided by the number of passes.

For Azure Dragon Clan, the situation is more severe, because the assessment of grades is not strict, and most dragons have a chance to pass. And Azure Dragon Clan, besides the Golden Giant Dragon family, is now the smallest branch Dragon Race.

Unless, it can increase the difficulty of the assessment.

Know that Azure Dragon Clan is compared to other Dragon Races, in terms of individual battle strength, second only to Golden Giant Dragon clan. If the difficulty increases, no matter how large the number of other branches, Dragon Race, will not be the opponent of Azure Dragon Clan.

But obviously, Azure Dragon Clan cannot change the assessment difficulty.

After closing the’manual’, Yang Tian and Xiao Qinglong began to wait quietly.

Little Qinglong took out the leaves of World Tree to eat, Yang Tian took out a lot of yellowstone and rune, and carved it.

For the next Dragon Ancestor competition, Yang Tian must begin to prepare. Some useful symbolic arrays need to be made.

For example, the hidden breath, silhouette rune array, short moment away from the Teleportation Talisman array, these two rune arrays require a lot of preparation.

In the room, the sound of the little green dragon eating the leaves of the World Tree soon remained. There is also the rustling of yellow stone by Yang with a talisman pen.


Time passes day by day.

Where there are intelligent lives, there will be a concept of time.

Dragon Domain has human-made timing tools.

Because the dragon lives for a long time, the shortest unit of time in the dragon domain is called’Evanescence’, which is about half an hour.

The unit of time greater than the time of’Yuanshi’ is’yuanshi’, which is equivalent to Earth more than three days. The unit of time greater than’yuan hour’ is’mega-hour’, which is about one and a half years for Earth time, and then’yoshih’, equivalent to Earth’s time for more than 20 years.

If you stay in the dragon domain for a long time and accept this time system, there is no problem, but for a wandering cultivator like Yang Tian, ​​it has no meaning.

The outside clock rang, and the strange program reported the time for Yang Tian.

After signing up, I waited for more than a month. The blue jade token of Yang Tian and Xiaoqinglong finally lit up the red light.

“Small dragon, it’s started…”

Yang Tian said lightly, and collected a lot of yellow stones into the storage bracelet.

Little Qinglong gnawed half of the World Tree leaves, stuffed it into his mouth, and then jumped onto Yang Tian’s shoulders.

Yang Tian walked to the window and glanced outside.

At this time, the light outside was dimmed a lot, and there was blue light everywhere. That is the rays of light released by the Teleportation Talisman array.

A large number of Azure Dragon Clan people are lining up to enter the Transmission Array.

Yang Tian went downstairs, walked out of the attic, and came to the nearest Transmission Array.

At this time, all Transmission Arrays in Dragon Race are passed to one place.

After waiting for half an hour, Yang Tian finally got on the Teleportation Talisman array.

When the blue light disappeared, what appeared in Yang Tian’s eyes were all dragons, multi-colored dragons. Whether in the sky or on the ground, you can’t see your head at a glance.

The little green dragon jumped off Yang Tian’s shoulders and turned into a green dragon more than ten meters long. Yang Tian twisted his neck, and then his body turned into a blue dragon the size of Azure Dragon One.

After Xiaoqinglong and Yang Tian completed their transformation, they both contained the blue jade token in their mouths.

From now on, the green jade token cannot leave the mouth, and it will fail if it leaves the mouth.

First Stage, the test is speed, as well as physical strength. Several millions of head dragons are about to move towards the light spot ahead.

If you want to compete for the ranking, you have to fly at the fastest speed and knock all the dragons in front of you away.

Not yet started, all nine Dragon Races have moved.

The location of the teleportation is randomly generated, which is rather chaotic. Those Dragon Races with weak individual strength, such as the White Dragon clan, Red Dragon Race and other Dragon Races, must be gathered in a group.

They will divide a part to block other Dragon Races, compared to the original Golden Giant Dragon clan, Azure Dragon Clan…

At this time, the number has an advantage.

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