Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 917: Way to leave

Chapter 917 The Way to Leave

Apparently Xia Moqiu was relieved, and after regaining his memory, his most remembered was his family.

But soon, he was silent again.

This time, Su Qiubai was able to predict that after all, he knew something bad from his memory.

I don't know how to do better. After finally Su Qiubai approached carefully, he asked softly, "Are you ... all right?"

After all, he is his father-in-law, and he should maintain the necessary respect.

Still silent, after waiting for a while, Xia Moqiu made a noise.

"Where's Rongrong's mother?"

This question made Su Qiubai suddenly feel a little dazed.

what's the situation? Shouldn't this question be asked to him? Why did Xia Moqiu ask.

"This ... I don't know, do you ... remember something? What happened then?"

It is really hard to restrain his heart, so Su Qiubai asked with courage.

Obviously, something unusual happened to Xia Moqiu's body at that time, which led to this series of things.

It's been so long now, so many things have happened, and it's time to get out of the water!

Slowly looking up, Xia Moqiu's eyes appeared a trace of recollection, and finally she sat down next to the nearby stone.

"It was Rongrong's mother who took me away from the earth ..."

At this opening, Su Qiubai listened for a moment. He had a very strong hunch and he would hear some very important things.

"Perhaps since I met her, some things are destined to happen ... Rong Rong's mother is from the outer universe!"

Suddenly turned his eyes to Su Qiubai, Xia Moqiu said.

Hearing this, Su Qiubai was taken aback, and at the same time began to recall the past.

It seems that, indeed, Xia Rongrong and Xiaobei have never heard anything about their mother and family, as if this woman appeared out of thin air!

"She told me at the time that there was a very important experiment that could change the fate of the earth, and said that the earth would one day be destroyed ... I didn't believe her words at first, until I saw those things of God.

Taking care of himself, Xia Moqiu began to talk about the past, and Su Qiubai listened very carefully.

In fact, at this time, he was very good about Xia Rongrong's mother. What was that woman doing, and she could know the crisis of the earth in advance?

"What happened later? She took you into the experiment?"

Subconsciously, Su Qiubai asked.

However, this time, Xia Moqiu shook his head, as if he had fallen into some uncertain hesitation.

"The experiment that Rongrong mother said at the time did not mean this ..."

This sentence made Su Qiubai upset again!

If Xia Rongrong's so-called experiment does not refer to the experiment of genetic agents, what does it mean? Is there another experiment?

Suddenly, Su Qiubai's mind flashed countless kinds of speculations, and the truth became confused.

"What experiment was that?"

Then, Su Qiubai asked.

"I don't know. Rongrong's mother always said that she would tell me when she got there, but the spacecraft encountered a robber while passing through the star field of Ilinka, and I was arrested.

His eyes were a little dim, and Xia Moqiu's voice followed.

This time, Su Qiubai really listened to the dumbfounded, such a thing would happen!

"What happened later? Was your mother arrested like you?"

The whole person was very nervous, Su Qiubai hurriedly asked.

"No, we were scattered then, and I never saw her again ..."

Xia Moqiu seemed to be in pain, and said slowly.

Su Qiubai had no idea what to say, and things were completely different from what he thought. He thought Xia Moqiu was brought here by her wife.

But now it seems that this is not the case, but ... what is the identity of Xia Rongrong's mother? What is her so-called experiment ... and where is it? What are you going to do?

"Later I was treated as an experiment, and from the lowest level experiments to this day ..."

Obviously, he was unwilling to advance his painful time too much, so Xia Moqiu simply said it.

Hearing here, Su Qiubai suddenly remembered something.

"Well ... did you later send a message back to earth to make Rongrong be careful?"

This question made Xia Moqiu obviously hesitate, then shook his head.

"Since participating in the experiment, I have been restricted in freedom. How could I send a message back to Earth?"

At this time, Su Qiubai immediately determined that after Xia Moqiu was arrested, his wife must still be paying attention to this genetic experiment, and at some stage knew that the planet Ilinka was going to send someone to deal with Xia Rongrong, so he tried to find a way Got the news back!

After all, the letter and photo and the words found in Xia Rongrong's room at that time, Su Qiubai remembered it very well!

I want to come, I can remember Xia Rongrong in this life, except that her parents will not have anyone else!

Later, he soon told Xia Moqiu what happened and his guess.

After listening to Xia Moqiu, he looked very excited.

"You mean ... she may have been lurking on the planet Ilinka, intending to wait for the opportunity to rescue me and Rong Rong?"

Xia Moqiu's thinking was also very clear, and quickly thought of this.

Although everything is speculation, Su Qiubai nodded.

He didn't want Xia Moqiu to lose hope, nor did he want Xia Rongrong to lose hope.

Maybe, the fact is the same as he guessed?

Sure enough, Xia Moqiu's whole person's mental state has undergone a great change, and his eyes are also much more determined.

"thank you!"

Looking at the old driver, he said seriously.

This made Su Qiubai a bit embarrassed, after all, he was his father-in-law.

Later, two people talked about the earth here, as well as Xia's group, including Mr. Xia, they ...

After listening, Xia Moqiu was in a good mood, but soon became serious again.

"So Rong Rong is very dangerous in the sanctuary!"

Su Qiubai actually realized the problem, but ... he didn't know how to get out of here.

If there is a way, I should not be trapped here by virtue of Xia Moqiu's strength.

"But ... how do I leave?"

However, he still asked Xia Moqiu tentatively, and it was a bit of hope.

"It will take about half a month, my new round of evolution will end, and I should be able to open the door by that time!"

Xia Moqiu's words immediately made Su Qiubai anxious.

"But ... half a month is too long!"

For such a long time, God knows what will happen. If Xia Rongrong really does something, then what will he do to get back the memory!

Xia Moqiu also fell into silence.

From the first day into the third space, he was planning how to leave from here and retaliate against the entire planet.

Therefore, the third space has become what it is now. It can be said that all the mutants are under his control.

No one knows exactly how many genetic agents Xia Moqiu injected, and no one knows how many different biological genes are fused into those genetic agents.

Therefore, he evolves every so often and his strength soars.

After each evolution, Xia Moqiu will try to impact the exit of this space. According to his estimation, wait until the next evolution is over ... It should be almost!

"Ask him, what's under that cliff?"

Suddenly, Long Rado's voice sounded in Su Qiubai's mind.

For a moment, Su Qiubai didn't see any cliffs, but he believed in Lonado.

So he asked this question.

As a result, Xia Moqiu's face changed greatly, and he shook his head.

"There is something terrible under that, nobody knows what ..."

His answer and his expression made Su Qiubai very nervous.

At the same time, he is also very good about what it is that makes Xia Moqiu feel fear.

As a result, Rondo's next sentence sounded in his head again.

"Tell him, you're going down there!"

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