Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 923: Funeral

"Gou Yong, you are still not a human! You are robbing in the fire!"

It is estimated that it is really impossible to control the anger in the heart, and the Niu million cheeks are all bulging!

Standing opposite him was the son of the village chief of Honggang Village, Gou Yong!

Originally, this kid had no courage to come here after being beaten by Su Qiubai last time.

However, in the past ten days, he heard a lot of news, saying that Su Qiubai was dead.

And these news were told to him by people he didn't know. Those people are just like the glasses men of Zongtian Group last time. Regardless of wealth or background, they are far from comparable!

If Gou Yong was skeptical when he heard the news for the first time, he was told one after another. And he was promised that as long as he deliberately harassed Qin Ming and Su Changhe, he would have a million bonus!

Millions of bonuses!

What kind of concept is that, even if Gou Yong is the son of the village head, this is a lot of money!

So he was tempted. And it's the kind of heart that you can't control yourself.

At the beginning, this boy was only a tentative test. After all, Su Qiubai almost killed him last time, and it really left Gou Yong a psychological shadow.

However, he still did not see Su Qiubai after he had a dispute with Su Changhe. Finally let Gou Yong believe the previous news.

Su Qiubai ... probably really dead!

Excited! It's almost as exciting as an explosion!

So, with all his bodyguards today, Gou Yong ran to the Qin family.

As for the reason, it's too simple.

"Qin Ming, you can see it clearly. It's written clearly in black and white! You two agreed to sell me all the real estate and real estate! Now repent?"

Without looking at Niu Million at all, Gou Yong just shouted at Qin Ming and Dong Fang.

This is what he came here for today.

It's simply killing two birds with one stone and getting the bonus! You can get the land and house of the Qin family again!

"You ... you nonsense! At that time, you said that you would see Haier for us, and we promised to sell the house and real estate to you, but you did nothing at all! And we didn't even get your money!"

Qin Mingqi's teeth clenched, thinking that his daughter was dead, and in addition to his anger, his eyes were more sad.

"Gou Yong! Are you a human being! How can you do such a beastly thing?"

When many people heard this, they understood what was going on, and Niu million screamed angrily again.

"My beast? Do you know how much I spent for Qin Haier's illness? Qin Ming's house can't be exchanged for that fart! Still thinking about asking me for money?"

Raising his eyebrows, Gou Yong sneered, and then picked up the contract.

"Hurry up! Move out today! I will find someone to measure that land, so you don't have to worry about it."

Speaking of which, his bodyguards have begun to move things.

Seeing this situation, the villagers were a little bit confused, and Qin Ming rushed over to try to stop the bodyguard, but was kicked to the ground.

The atmosphere became tense too. Su Changhe quickly bolstered Qin Ming, and Niu Million and a few young boys wanted to stop these bodyguards.

Su Xiaoxiao was a bit anxious, and stared at Gou Yong in the first two steps.

"My brother won't let you go!"

The little girl's anger flushed and her voice was low. But it lingered everyone.

By coincidence, everyone remembered Su Changhe's lawless son, and even his eyes showed a little hope, if he returned. Gou Yong dare not be so arrogant!

Even Gou Yong changed his face.

Then he looked around, after all, he was still very scared of that evil star to come back.

When he thought of Su Qiubai's appearance, his heart was straight, and the **** didn't make any sense at all. If he really came back ... I would probably be killed alive!

But then, he suddenly settled down again.

Then, Gou Yong laughed at Su Xiaoxiaoyin.

"Your brother? Su Qiubai? Haha ... you don't know yet? He's dead! Understand? He'll never come back when he's dead!"

After Gou Yong said this, everyone's face changed.

Especially the Su Changhe family, they felt the same as Wulei.

"You ... you bullshit! How could my brother die!"

Su Xiaoxiao's face turned pale, and he retorted in a hurry.

Su Changhe and Qiu Chunyu also came hurriedly, their faces were extremely ugly. Although the surrounding village names did not speak, they were equally shocked.

how is this possible!

Su Qiubai is dead? The news is so shocking.

"Why did our little white die! Gou Yong, you must be afraid of him so you said it on purpose!"

Qiu Chunyu's eyes were full of panic, and this sentence seemed to be talking to Gou Yong. In fact, it's just saying to themselves.

For ten days, although Qiu Chunyu had no idea what was born on Su Qiubai, but from the killers at that time, the two girls took the initiative to live in Honggang Village. She said that she was traveling but she could feel The two girls are to protect their family.

why? Why do you do this?

She wanted to ask this question at the time, but did not dare to ask.

She was scared. What scared her most ... Su Qiubai could not be reached for ten days!

It was from that day on that his phone could not be reached, as if it had disappeared!

No one in the family talked about it, but everyone's heart was pressed on a stone.

And now, because Gou Yong ... this kind of depressed mood has finally burst!

"Haha, it seems you really don't know! Then I repeat, Su Qiubai is dead! He died on Fenglei Mountain!"

Looking at the opposite Su Changhe, they seemed to be falling. Gou Yong only felt that he was extremely happy, and he was laughing.

Opposite Su Xiaoxiao and Qiu Chunyu, at this moment, finally, they could no longer control their inner panic and sadness, and their tears fell down.

"Million brother, he's talking nonsense, right? My brother isn't wrong, right? You tell me! You are my brother's best friend, you must know!"

Looking back, Su Xiaoxiao just saw Niu Million, and he felt the same dim and sad expression on the other side. Su Xiaoxiao ran over and grabbed his arm, and asked again and again.

Niu Million looked at Su Xiaoxiao and didn't know how to answer.

He also knew the news of Su Qiubai's death on Fenglei Mountain.

Although he was very reluctant to tell Su Xiaoxiao's family, they knew it anyway. So although helpless, Niu million nodded.

"Xiaobai ... there is no news."

If Gou Yong's words just make people sad, then Niu Million's words are desperate.

Su Xiaoxiao's eyes widened and he stepped back two steps. With no words, tears fell silently.

In addition to Gou Yong, the whole courtyard is still happy, others are dim and depressed.

Qiu Chunyu only felt dark before his eyes and passed out.

Regardless of the sadness in my heart, Su Xiaoxiao rushed over, the phone just happened to fall out, and then the ringtone was a masterpiece!

She did not intend to manage it, but instead saw the caller ID.

Suddenly. She froze all over.

Then he picked up the phone blankly, Su Xiaoxiao just felt that his heart was about to beat out, and then connected.

"Little? I'm your brother! Haha ..."

Speechless, Su Xiaoxiao burst into tears.

hang up the phone. She was calm all over.

Because everyone was busy viewing Qiu Chunyu, no one except Niu Million noticed that she took the call.

Su Xiaoxiao noticed something strange, Niu Million asked strangely.

Then Su Xiaoxiao replied, "My brother! He said he has arrived at the village entrance!"

Her voice is not loud. But enough for everyone to hear.

Immediately, the entire courtyard was silent, and even Su Changhe's eyes widened and his face was incredible.

"Impossible! He is dead!"

The most exciting thing is Gou Yong. The smile on his face froze, then stared at Su Xiaoxiao.

As a result, he saw Su Xiaoxiao still calm.

I just felt a murmur in my heart, and Gou Yong's mind buzzed.

He swears. I haven't been so scared in my life. The fear is like enveloping him for a moment. He obviously wants to speak, but there is no sound in his throat.

Just then, there was a loud noise outside the yard!

Everyone was taken aback and ran out together, with Gou Yong at the front.

After coming out, I saw that his overbearing was almost bumped into a pile of scrap iron by a Hummer.

Then, when Gou Yong turned blank, he saw a young man jumping from Hummer, a cigarette in his mouth, and a smile at himself.

"Gou Yong, long time no see!"

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