Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 930: Note

Chapter 930

"Su Qiubai! Su Qiubai is here! He wants to kill me!"

Sweaty Huerlie, the panic at this moment seemed almost to swallow him.

He didn't even think that he would be like this one day, where the arrogant look before can still be seen!

"Su Qiubai?"

Raising his voice suddenly, Hu Batian looked very incredible.

You know, everyone thinks Su Qiubai, and ... he is indeed dead, and Da Luo's blow basically blasted his body into pieces, and then he was thrown into the mandible!

Now Huerlie said that he was alive again, which is really impossible to understand.

"Father, Su Qiubai ... really came alive!"

Feeling the increasingly strong breath, Huerlie almost wanted to cry.

He is really crazy, but he is afraid of death!

Moreover, Su Qiubai is the guy who can easily kill him, plus these things he did, there is basically no possibility that the guy can let himself go!

When Hu Batian frowned, and wanted to ask again, Hu Erlie suddenly paused, then looked a little bit confused and surprised!

Just now, before he felt the breath of Su Qiubai, he had completely disappeared!

That feeling, as if he was really just an illusion, the **** was dead ... the body was under Wanzhanggou!

"what happened?"

Hu Batian was completely at a loss, and asked again at this moment.

Shaking his head, Huerlie didn't know what to say, and slowly reached out and wiped the cold sweat on his brain.

"He's dead, rest assured."

Patting his son's shoulder, Hu Batian said.

In fact, he can fully understand Huerlie, as if he thought of Shen Gongbao, no one would like the feeling of life hanging.

After hesitating, Huerlie nodded.

He didn't know what was going on, but now ... it was true that Su Qiubai could not feel it!

Is it ... really an illusion?

He couldn't be sure, but still felt uneasy in his heart.

"Father, let's wait a while ..."

Immediately, Hu Erlie told Hu Batian.

He really has no courage now. When he thinks that Su Qiubai may be alive, he is a dry mouth. After all, that guy will really kill him.

Although Hu Erlie could not understand his thoughts, Hu Batian nodded and said nothing.

Later, he asked Huerlie to go back to his room to rest, and the situation should be much better when he wanted to sleep!

Although Hu Erlie wanted to tell his dad about essence and blood, he didn't have the courage. He didn't want his dad to know that he was subject to others!

So after all, he could only comfort himself that he was just an illusion before returning to his room.


At the same time, no one knows a star field from the planet Ilinka.

This star field is so large that it is impossible to imagine.

It is no exaggeration to say that a planet here may be the entire Milky Way galaxy!

Almost the moment Su Qiubai's driver's license was upgraded, a control room that had been waiting for a long time immediately sounded the alarm.

Horse, powerful breath begins to permeate.

"His driver's license has been upgraded again ..."

After confirming the news, someone whispered.

Immediately, there was a silence in the control room.

"Report it ... if we don't take him seriously, one day we will regret it very much!"

Then someone said.

"But ... it can't be found at all. The super system is too powerful and has been disturbing us!"

"Yes, we have sent a lot of people out, but still haven't found its place."

In the end, all the arguments and disputes were interrupted by a sudden coming voice.

"Let the more remote star fields search, those that are obscured or inaccessible, the super system ... must be found, and he can no longer be upgraded!"

Obviously, this should be a leader.

After he finished speaking, the other soldiers expressed their promises, and then batch after batch were sent out.

If you sense the momentum of these people, you will find that their most ordinary warriors are also much stronger.


Of course, these things Su Qiubai don't know. Now he can still grow under the wings of the super system.

After leaving Wanzhangou, he quietly sneaked into the sanctuary.

With the gift of space, Su Qiubai sneaked into the sanctuary without anyone discovering it.

He is not assured of Xia Rongrong, so he will come here the first time!

According to the route he remembered, the old driver soon went outside the courtyard of Xia Rongrong, and then jumped in directly.

The light was on, Xia Rongrong didn't rest, and after looking through the window, Su Qiubai determined that she had nothing to do, but wondered whether she should go in.

After all, Xia Rongrong has not yet restored his memory, and he has no way to force Xia Rongrong to incorporate a memory crystal ball.

After all, she now has an independent mind, and everything should be decided by herself.

It can even be said that at this time, Su Qiubai was just a little familiar to Xia Rongrong!

However, after turning around in his mind, Su Qiubai, who was struggling, decided to try to communicate with Xia Rongrong, but it was certainly not convenient for the Holy Court.

After thinking about it, he had an idea!


In the room, Xia Rongrong was thinking about something messy, and suddenly a strange sound sounded outside the window.

Startled, she immediately stood up. After the previous crisis, she was more cautious.

Immediately, a note was thrown in from the outside and landed on her desk. When she looked out through the window, she could see nothing.

I felt strange, and my heart was full of alert, then Xia Rongrong opened the note!

There was only one sentence in her face, but her heartbeat accelerated a lot.

"I know the whereabouts of Su Qiubai, the old Jiuweng Teahouse outside the holy courtyard, waiting for you!"

It's such a simple sentence, there is no way to tell who this paper was thrown in, and it is impossible to tell whether it is true or a lie!

In fact, the old driver also has some careful thinking in this way.

He wanted to know if Xia Rongrong would be willing to take risks, so as to determine how much she valued her past memories!

After all, whether to give her the crystal ball or not, Su Qiubai was very hesitant!

After almost throwing a note, he took the lead to leave the sanctuary.

The old Jiuweng Teahouse is not far from the sanctuary, and it can be regarded as the more prosperous street of the sanctuary. Su Qiubai noticed it before, so this time will be the case.

Worried that he would be recognized, so the old driver deliberately made Long Rado easy for himself. It would be more convenient to do this.

Although this teahouse is on the street, there are not many people inside.

Su Qiubai sat down and waited patiently after entering.

He wasn't sure if Xia Rongrong would come, all he had to do now was that ...

Asked for a pot of tea, Su Qiubai sat quietly, like a schoolboy waiting for his first love.

Eventually, with the sound of footsteps at the door, the old driver looked up.

This look made his heart throb.

The so-called farthest distance is probably the separation between life and death. After seeing this girl again, the old driver will always feel warm and moved from the bottom of his heart.

He couldn't describe this kind of touch, but just watched Xia Rongrong step by step in, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Besides Xia Rongrong, after getting the note, she made a decision after a short struggle.

She had to go. Although she might be in danger, she didn't see Su Qiubai's body from beginning to end. Maybe she was holding the last hope, waiting for the moment.

So she quietly left the sanctuary.

At the entrance of the tea house, her mood began to linger, and she glanced around gently. She soon determined that the guy sitting in the corner with a smile on her face was the one she was looking for!

Taking a deep breath, she walked over there!

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