Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 19: News

After all the growth value was thrown up, Su Qiubai felt a kind of whole body burning, listening to Xia Rongrong's busy work in the kitchen in his ear, feeling like a thief.

To know that Taohuayun himself has tried it before, so he knows the power of this feature.

Not to mention now throwing fifty growth values ​​directly.

So what happens next?

Just thinking of this, Xia Rongrong had come out of the kitchen, then sat down next to Su Qiubai, and the bowl of soup was put on the table by her.

"Drink, or it will be cold."

Looking at Su Qiubai. Xia Rongrong said softly.

Where did the old driver still focus on drinking soup now, now he is watching the girl next to him with full attention.

"What do you think I do?"

Seen by Su Qiubai's fiery eyes, Xia Rongrong turned her head slightly. Then said softly.

Her words made Su Qiubai immediately realize that she was indeed a bit shameful, so she hurriedly lowered her head and continued to drink soup.

My heart is extremely depressed. Why is there no effect when the peach blossoms are shipped?

then. He drank another bowl of soup, but in the end, nothing expected happened.

Was Madan pitted?

There was a secret murmur in his heart, and Su Qiubai secretly threw up fifty growth values.

For the happiness of buddies, only one hundred growth values!

So comforting himself, Su Qiubai is ready to continue to drink soup this time, it is estimated that he wants to hit him with a head.

"thank you"

Suddenly, he heard Xia Rongrong speaking softly.

Su Qiubai froze, and then raised her head, completely did not respond to why Xia Rongrong would say such a sentence.

"no need thank me?"

Subconsciously, he asked.

Maybe his look was so funny, Xia Rongrong didn't hold back a smile, but soon those eyes were full of tenderness and touching.

"Thank you for Xia and everything I do."

Finally, this sentence had been spoken in her heart for a long time.

She didn't know when it started, and she had an inexplicable reliance on this man, as if as long as he was around, the whole person would feel a sense of security.

This sense of security seemed to disappear from her heart after her parents disappeared.

There are many crises facing Xia's. She had a **** her shoulders to let it go.

This kind of hardship and bitter outsider only understands, and only she knows it best.

She herself once imagined that she would meet a world-famous hero in a cloud of seven colors, but she soon laughed at herself. Get rid of all these thoughts.

And who would have thought that she really met a world hero.

Although this hero is not driving a cloud of seven colors, it is, uh, driving a taxi.

But he was warmer and more considerate than he thought, and he really liked the feeling!

So when she opened the door and saw Su Qiubai paralyzed and fell asleep on the sofa, she actually had the urge to hug him.

Because of this distress. That's why she got into the kitchen and made the soup for the first time.

Perhaps it was the tenderness in Xia Rongrong's eyes, and Su Qiubai's heart throbbed again.

And his heart beat faster.

In silence. The atmosphere in the whole room was a bit out of place.

In the end, Su Qiubai took a deep breath and grabbed Xia Rongrong's hand. Then took her directly into her arms.

Xia Rongrong didn't say anything. Her body felt a little tight, but her eyes closed as if there was a fire inside.

Looking at this face close at hand, Su Qiubai felt as if his brain was congested.

Finally, he kissed at that beautiful face.

this moment. Both people's brains were blank.

The old driver shuddered nervously, while Xia Rongrong closed her eyes and looked completely like Ren Jun picked. Seeing Su Qiubai is even more itchy.

A kiss is as long as a century.

Su Qiubai remembered a lot of pictures in his mind.

But the feeling of playing in the water is not enough to describe it.

That tenderness is like a spring water, but it is clearer than water. It was even warmer, and both people couldn't help but want to be wrapped.

There were no extra moves, the two just kissed.

Su Qiubai became more nervous. Xia Rongrong slowly embraced himself from both hands, and became a hold on Su Qiubai.

This seemed to encourage the old driver, and as a result he was planning to take it one step closer.

The knock on the door rang.

"Old Bai, open the door! I'm an old cow!"

It sounded like a thunder blast, waking both people up.

Xia Rongrong opened her eyes and covered her face with both hands, then sat far away.

Su Qiubai had the urge to go to the kitchen to get a knife and then open the door!

Madan's 100 growth value! At this moment, my husband and wife must return the family!

Why don't you give a great nap to Lao Tzu!

But no way. This guy's designation is mixed up.

So Su Qiubai could only walk to the door with a look of depression, and then pulled the door open.

"Why did you open the door in such a long time! President Xia is also here! Oh, am I not here at the right time?"

This Niu Million is not a fool. It doesn't feel right at first glance, especially Su Qiubai's eyes seem to kill himself.

"What are you doing? The restaurant is closed?"

He really didn't want to see Niu Million's face at this moment, Su Qiubai asked angrily.

"Then I'll go back first."

The old cow was also embarrassed, but he just finished saying this. Xia Rongrong had stood up there.

"Let's talk to you two. I'll go back first."

Talking, she had already walked towards the door.

Su Qiubai wanted to stop. But I don't know how to open my mouth, so I can only let Niu Million wait for the meeting first, and then go downstairs to send Xia Rongrong.

After all, two people live not far away. So Su Qiubai simply sent Xia Rongrong to the downstairs of her house. As for Niu Million, the boy was definitely not in a hurry.

"Thank you tonight."

Seeing Xia Rongrong going upstairs, Su Qiubai finally managed his mood. Then said softly.

"Thank you for a good rest."

Maybe it hasn't come out of the previous memories, so Xia Rongrong just went upstairs after answering a sentence, leaving Su Qiubai to continue his urge to kill Niu million.

If it wasn't for this thousand-knife run to stir, is it already

Thinking of this, the old driver couldn't help but be eager.

At least from the things tonight, Xia Rongrong did not reject herself!

That's a good thing!

It was not so depressed, he returned home.

Lao Niu is playing with Wangcai. When he saw Su Qiubai coming in, he shouted, "Hurry up and confess to your buddies. What are you two doing?"

In the last sentence, what Niu million said was a wretched one.

"What do you care about me? Why come here? The restaurant is closed?"

Glancing at him, Su Qiubai sat down on the sofa.

"Closed. Of course I came here to sleep! Don't you know I have nowhere to live?"

Taking Su Qiubai for granted, Niu Million followed.

What he said made Su Qiubai stunned, but also remembered that the boy was indeed homeless now.

"By the way, do you know what qualifications a one-star hotel has?"

Suddenly, Niu Million didn't know what to think, and the whole person leaned to Su Qiubai and asked with a look of mystery.

"What qualifications?"

There was a strange feeling. Su Qiubai then asked.

"After a few months, you can participate in the God of Food contest in five provinces, and the first place can be promoted to a two-star brand!"

In a word, Niu Million was about to shout at the end.

Su Qiubai was also surprised. He didn't expect to have the opportunity to upgrade the two-star brand so soon, but it was not easy to win a championship in the five provinces of God of Food!

I just wanted to talk about it with Niu Million, but his cell phone rang.

It turned out that it was a call from the North Capital, which made Su Qiubai a little strange.

After being connected, he heard a familiar voice, but only one sentence made Su Qiubai choke himself.

"Mr. Su, I'm Dongfangtai, those five relics are gone!"

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