Super Driver

Chapter 1285: rich

"Miss, they have gone in." Just

Behind this spirit beast restaurant, a waiter in the room whispered to the woman in front.

The woman was very strange. The temperature in the room was not very low, but she covered her face with a black veil.

"That's good. Make a good connection with the earth. If there is anything that can help in the future, help."

His voice was cold and he didn't look back to the waiter behind him. This

Although the waiter was very strange, he didn't dare to ask more, and nodded and left here.

The room returned to calm before the woman gently lifted her veil.

Amazingly, her left face was a black demon flower, although it was only a vague ghost image, but she looked very shy. Show

Of course, that's why she wore a veil. "

Can make Bai Xiwei choose to take a step back ... This Su Qiubai really has some meaning. "

With a soft whisper in her mouth, she turned to the news at hand, and her expression became serious.

"Cang and Hai, can this message be correct?

Of course, you have to believe in my abilities. Inquiring about the news is my strength, and I will definitely not make a mistake. "very

Quickly, following her, a man's voice sounded in the room, from the communicator. "

OK, when will it start? "

Taking a deep breath, the woman has made her decision.

"Small word, do you really want to take this risk? The action of the demon hunter ... but it is very dangerous."

That Cang and Hai continued to speak out, it seemed to have the meaning of dissuasion.

"No need to say any more, I can't wait any longer, when will I start?"

After Cang and Hai paused for a few seconds, some helplessly gave the answer.

"Tonight, port three, the team will be able to go after the assembly." This

One thing was completely finalized. The woman named Xiaoyu also left the room, and it seemed that nothing had happened.


At the same time, Su Qiubai below, they were already sitting in the restaurant.

I have to say that such a shocking scene made the waiters in the restaurant a bit shocked. he

We have worked here for a long time and have never seen so many people come and eat together. To

You know, this is the spirit beast restaurant, a real high-level place in the college. that

Master Lu, with a big bald head, was sitting in the corner very proudly, and suddenly saw this big group of people come in, and his frown suddenly frowned.

In fact, it wasn't just him. Many guests in the restaurant felt uncomfortable.

The reason for this is actually the ideas in these guys' minds.

In any case, there are few people who can eat and eat here for food and increase their strength. Most of them are for enjoyment and pretense. on

For example, Master Lu, in his case, the number of visits to this spirit beast restaurant is also very small, after all, the expenditure in it is definitely a word of horror. on

Even if he is going to be promoted to a higher school, the contribution value is still very useful. After all, this is a lot of cultivation resources.

Therefore, before leaving, he would bring a few beautiful women to show his arrogance and distinctiveness.

But now, this special Hula la came in nearly a thousand people, suddenly made this restaurant suddenly feel like a food stall, the grade has been directly reduced a lot. Do not

After this is how they feel, Su Qiubai doesn't care. on

Like he said, come out today to take everyone to eat, simply to relax, do not let Long Ruoxuan keep their nerves tight.

As soon as he was seated, the waiter came up. "

Mr. Su, the above specifically instructs you that today's consumption can be 20% off ... "

The waiter smiled softly. This

In other words, it is to hold everyone else around. Eight

fold! like

It sounds like a trivial thing, but you know ... this is a restaurant for spirit beasts. I have never heard of this happening. Su

Qiu Bai has just entered the academy today, and there is a vein of the earth behind him. There is no special background. Why would the spirit beast restaurant be willing to give him such treatment? old

The driver frowned slightly, wondering what happened. Do not

After all, people have taken the lead in showing goodwill, and it is not appropriate to refuse.

"Thank you."

After speaking a few words, the waiter left, and Chen Kaida could not wait to ask Su Qiubai.

"Boss Su, do you know the boss here?"

In fact, his thoughts are also the guesses of others. Such things as 20% off are really rare, but there is really no other possibility. "

I do n’t know, Lu Yaxing is my first visit. How could I know the boss here? "shake

Shaking his head, Su Qiubai said truthfully.

This thing is really weird. "

20% off, it will cost a lot less contribution! Make a lot of money! Chen

Keida is already in love, this kind of thing is really no different from falling out of pie in the sky. fruit

Of course, Su Qiubai is an amazing figure, and everything good happens to him. Long

Ruo Xuan and Wen Xiaoshu, they did not say much, and could be with Su Qiubai ... in itself is the greatest happiness.

Soon, the old driver started to order.

His mouth was scared enough to scare the waiters around him, even the other guests in the restaurant were stunned!

"What kind of fish ... come with ten dishes! And this shredded meat, come with ten dishes! Jinwu beef, come with ten dishes! Dragon whisker, come with twenty dishes ..."

In all the restaurants, only Su Qiubai's voice remained. he

It is natural to flip through the menu in the hand. Basically, if you see a good one, you will order ten or twenty.

Such a move is choking others. Big

Brother, this is the spirit beast restaurant. The same meals, at least a dozen contributions.

Ordering food like this is a lunatic, and a lunatic who is extremely rich. to

Little, Master Lu's eyes are falling to the ground. he

Staring at Su Qiubai closely, the fire of jealousy was burning to his head. real

Damn, when I was at the door before, I just taunted this is a bunch of soiled buns.

The results are good now, not only did the buns enter the restaurant, but their generous shots pushed him away several streets. Rely on

what! Why can such a poor ghost eat so many good things, but he simply shows off with a few girls. very

As for this moment, several beautiful women around Master Lu are all looking at Su Qiubai's eyes.

In the college, those who have contributed value are a big golden mountain that can definitely attract anyone's attention. because

For such a person, it itself represents a huge cultivation resource, and there are unlimited possibilities.

Make friends with local tyrants, this idea will be everywhere. "

What to see! What good-looking bands of earthworms fall into my hands, they must step on the soles of their feet and let them eat shit! "Lu

The young master patted the table and pulled his eyes back, his voice was full of resentment.

The girls were taken aback and comforted him quickly. After all, they were relying on Master Lu to dare not offend him. "

Yes, Master Lu, you are the one with the identity, not that they can compare.

Yes, Master Lu is much better than them.

This group of people are not worthy of your shoes! "


Listening to these words, Master Lu could obviously feel the coping in it, and the jealousy burned even more. and

The old driver here has finally stopped performing his own tyrants.

In the end, the waiter whispered to confirm with him, so many dishes are really scary. Get

After getting a positive answer, we started to serve soon. complete

Actually, this is the most upscale consumer place of the whole college, which itself represents the highest level of service industry. and

The warriors on the earth are also enjoying the food happily. This is a rare moment of relaxation for them, and it is in a place like the Spirit Beast Restaurant.

I have to say that the things here are really amazing. Su Qiubai was surprised after taking a sip. it is good

It ’s not good to put it aside first, the key is that the special cooking method completely condenses the aura and energy of the ingredients themselves, and the moment it enters the mouth, it seems to expand with the meridians. strange

Everyone can't praise this restaurant for a good reason. gas

The atmosphere is very good, everyone is chatting while eating. but

No one had thought that a change would happen suddenly at this time.

With a loud noise, everyone stopped.

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