Super Driver

Chapter 1287: Lesson you again and again


This voice exploded directly in everyone's head.

The rules in the college do not allow students to fight directly. This is definitely not a play. After all, there have been very severe penalties.

It is precisely for this reason that even if Master Lu wanted to do something, he had to find a reason first.

But now, what Su Qiubai does ... is directly on!

That's right, I just want to hit you, not even a nonsense, because it is too wasteful to do so.

Tone wastes so much time, it's better to just let your head bloom.

In many people's opinion, it is too difficult to let a prefecture master's head blossom.

However, in the eyes of the old driver, this matter is very simple.

At this moment, he directly imprisoned Master Lu.

The prefect level master can't count his fart, so it can't take much effort at all, Su Qiubai can make him motionless, as it is now.

The chair was just broken.

Master Lu, also shot out of blood.

The chairs of the spirit beast restaurant are all based on the characteristics of the parts of the body of the beast. The hardness is unimaginable.

But now, the chair is almost shattered.

It is entirely conceivable how much energy Su Qiubai used, exactly ... how painful Master Lu is at this moment.

But all he could do was tremble, his body still, even with blood on his face.

This scene happened very suddenly. No one expected that Su Qiubai would do it, and it was so hot.

The girls shouted sternly and hurried away to the side, while the others were cold on their backs.

How fierce this should be in order to make such unbridled shots!

However, it turns out that everyone's prediction for Su Qiubai is not enough. This guy ... has just begun.

Master Lu's uncontrollable pain caused him to fall.

His eyes were wide and his head was blank.

Su Qiubai naturally squatted next to him like this, and pulled a box of wine next to him with his right hand.


There was another loud noise, and many people frowned.

Then, a wine bottle burst from Master Lu's forehead again.

Green wine, intertwined with red blood, kept flowing down.

Master Lu still couldn't move. He was scared to death, even more painful to die.

"The wine is very angry on your table, isn't it? Now? Still angry? Come on ... hit me!"


The second bottle of wine was broken again.

The waiters in the restaurant were afraid to come over, and someone had notified the college's law enforcement.

The matter has become like this, and it is no longer something that ordinary people can solve. Perhaps only law enforcement can intervene.


There was no tenderness in his heart, and another bottle of wine was broken.

Master Lu's strength is indeed a prefecture-level master, but because Su Qiubai was confined by the energy of the whole body, and because of the old driver's full shot.

So this bottle of wine, for Master Lu, is equivalent to a heavy blow.

There was no sound at all in the restaurant, and no one dared to speak. All he could do was watch out for Su Qiubai and watch Su Qiubai smash all the boxes of wine.

Master Lu's head was completely bloodless.

His eyes were cloudy, and his mouth was speechless.

Finally, with another bottle of wine smashed, poor Master Lu completely passed out.

"Stop it, he's going to die."

It was the woman doctor who finally couldn't help it.

In the sixtieth college, the control of private fighting is indeed very strict. If Master Lu died, Su Qiubai would definitely not end well.

Even everyone in the Earth camp will be implicated!

Her words sounded, Long Ruoxuan and the papers also wanted to speak out to discourage Su Qiubai.

But at this time, the old driver took out the silver needle.

His action made everyone around him look at it for a moment.

After all, he used this strange thing to save Chen Kaida's life.

So now, what is he going to do if he takes the silver needle out again?

Inexplicably, the female doctor suddenly lighted up.

Sure enough, the next moment, I saw Su Qiubai's silver needle inserted into Master Lu's body.

In a short period of time, Master Lu had already had dozens of silver needles on his body.

At the same time, because of the infusion of energy, those silver needles were shining with golden light, and as the silver needles were finally pulled out one by one, Master Lu's injury recovered at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Yes, he's healing Master Lu!

After seeing this scene, everyone was relieved.

In any case, as long as Master Lu is okay, this conflict will have no terrible consequences.

Finally, as Su Qiubai pulled out the last silver needle, Master Lu's breath completely returned to normal.


Knowing what kind of desperation Master Lv had experienced, he felt that he was dead, otherwise he would not be completely unconscious and passed out.

At this moment, he opened his eyes again.

Then he saw Su Qiubai, and the whole person fell into the ice cave again.

what happened? Why is this devil still here?

But soon, after seeing the silver needle in Su Qiubai's hand, Master Lu had a guess in his heart.

Is it ... this guy saved himself?

It was almost that he just thought of it, and then ... Su Qiubai smiled again.

Looking at Master Lu lying on the ground, Su Qiubai's Rong did not change at all.

But the smile in Master Lu's eyes made him feel very bad.

what's the situation? What is he going to do?

In fact, all of this question came to mind.

Then, Su Qiubai did something that made Master Lv almost explode in place.

After he got up, he carried a box of wine directly, and then squatted beside Master Lu again.

At this moment, Master Lu's mind was blank.

In fact, many people's brains are blank.

The big guy finally understood why he wanted to heal Master Lv. The reason was simple ... he planned to do the same thing again.

The sound of a headshot of a wine bottle seemed to sound good.

What is the devil? This is the devil, and it is the most terrible devil on earth.

Master Lu completely broke down, and he cried, crying loudly.

"Let me go, it's my fault ... it's my fault!"

In these words, Master Lu has never been so sincere, thinking of the feeling of being headshot again soon, he could not wait to die immediately.

However, Su Qiubai's answer was just a smile. The next moment ... the bottle burst again!


Ten minutes later, when Master Lu reopened his eyes, he saw Su Qiubai and a box of wine beside Su Qiubai's feet.

Yes, the plot of the story is exactly the same, unchanged.

That is, soon Master Lu will experience the third headshot, and it is uncertain ... and the fourth and fifth!

"Dad, forgive me, Daddy! I am your son, the most filial son ... or you kill me, kill me!"

Mad Master Lu is completely crazy.

He had never been so afraid of a person, and that fear was going to go deep into the bone marrow.

Knowing that there would be such demons in the world, I was met by myself.

Everyone around me looked at Master Lu with only sympathy. He was so pitiful that he felt so distressed by strangers.

The wine bottle exploded over and over again, the feeling of life is not as good as death, it feels terrible when you think about it.

Master Lu crying, crying, begging for mercy.

Su Qiubai raised the bottle again.

Yes, he was a lunatic!

Lao Tzu only wanted to have a good meal from the beginning. You can just ridicule me outside. I ignore you.

It turned out that he was provocative. If it weren't for himself ... Chen Kaida might be dead.

An earth man who has no injustice with you will almost be killed by you.

If this revenge is not reported, the three words Su Qiubai will be written upside down later, and I will see you later and call dad!

Really find myself dead, can't stop it!

If you do n’t give you an unforgettable ideological character today, you do n’t know how many eyes are on the top of Ma ’s head!

So, the next moment ... the bottle exploded again on Master Lu's head.

The warriors around, retreated subconsciously.

This devil is terrible, knowing if he would turn his head and eat himself.

Master Lu also experienced painful struggles again.


Just then, a cold voice suddenly sounded from the door.

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