Super Driver

Chapter 1291: Buddy

The contribution of eight thousand is a huge asset and a huge resource for anyone coming.

Especially the warriors in the academy all depend on contribution value to survive.

As a teacher, for many years of savings, he can make eight thousand contribution values. Lu Gong also played a lot of tricks.

But now, it's gone, it's gone!

Moreover, not only him, but also the contribution value of Master Lu.

Both father and son, because Master Lu's pretense failed, became completely poor.

Su Qiubai was not polite at all, and directly accepted the contribution of 8,000.

Like he did before, a group of people just wanted to eat quietly from start to finish, but some people came very pretentiously.

This world is always fair.

Since you want to pretend, you must be prepared to pretend to fail!

Chen Kaida really died almost, and even if he died, Master Lu would not be punished.

This is the rule, always serving the strong.

Since this is the case, of course, Su Qiubai is going to get back a fair deal by himself!

After he got the contribution, Master Lu quickly apologized to Chen Kaida, without any hesitation.

Although he is already a student in the High School, although Chen Kaida came to him like an ant.

However, he did not dare to neglect, and did not dare to act excessively.

Otherwise, he is dead, and his previous experience has left him a huge shadow in his heart.

After receiving compensation, the other party also apologized, and the meal was similar.

Without the need to stay here, Su Qiubai planned to leave.

As a result, at this moment, the captain of the law enforcer is blocking the way again.

Although he was also very afraid of Su Qiubai, his identity prevented him from swallowing this breath.

I am the law enforcer that everyone must respect. The most authoritative person in the entire college, whoever they want to arrest, even if they are powerful?

He broke the rules and was punished, not to mention that the **** made him so embarrassed.

Because of these reasons, he stopped at the front.

He had to wait for those high-level martial arts to come over, and then arrest Su Qiubai.

"You can't go! College rules do not allow private fighting, you have to wait for our processing!"

Taking a deep breath, the captain went straight to Su Qiu.

The atmosphere became a little nervous again, and the old driver smiled happily.

"Private fight? Who fought against us?"

This sentence has completely stunned law enforcement.

Who else does this need? Everyone can see clearly, the whole restaurant has become what it is now, what are you kidding!

"Don't quibble anymore, everyone saw it, you don't want to run! We need to make justice for Master Lu!"

The voice was still low, and the captain of the law enforcement officer looked at Su Qiu in a whistle.

As a result, Lu Gongzi felt depressed for a while.

If you want to die yourself, run fast. Don't drag me on. You are a friend. I want you to be fair!

As a result, at the next moment, Su Qiubai turned his head and looked at both Master Lu and his father.

"I'm fighting with you personally. I think this matter should be clarified. Obviously we are just friendly exchanges. Why do people want to injustice us so!"

The words of the old driver are called sincerity.

If he hadn't experienced the previous things, he might really feel that he was right.

The next moment, Master Lv yelled at the law enforcement captain directly.

"Don't you have a bad brain? Who wants you to be fair? Everyone knows we are just friendly discussions. I do n’t know how good the relationship is. How can we fight privately and get out of here!

As a student of the High School, Master Lu's momentum is unquestionable. He seems to have regained his former grandeur.

As for the law enforcement side, it was aggressive.

There is really a mother who sells a lot of do n’t know if it should be said or not. Do you have a good relationship with me now?

That's true, why are you crying and calling dad, begging dad to let you go!

I almost died before, but now it is such a wolf-hearted thing!

Therefore, under the threat of law enforcement, they didn't even know what to do.

Then, he finally took a sigh of relief, but watched Su Qiubai laughing with Master Lu as he left.

"You broke this restaurant. Remember to compensate others!"

This sentence made both Father Lu and his son look pale again.

Obviously hate the teeth itching, but there is nothing more, knowing what dark means this guy has, is it going to hurt people.

Therefore, they can only carry on this compensation again.

But destroyed so many things, it is estimated that the father and son ... owe a lot of debts.

Coming out of the restaurant, Su Qiubai's mood was quite good again, and things here were completely left behind by him.

This sixtieth college is really fun, so it seems ... it's not that difficult to stay for a while.


It is almost that the old driver just received the news from the spirit beast restaurant and the senior management of the college.

At the ongoing high-level meeting, someone directly raised his question.

"This person has to deal with it, otherwise everything will be messed up in the college. The entrance test will hit the teacher, the restaurant will fight privately, and the law enforcement will ..."

It was a red-faced middle-aged man. His voice was full of anger, and in his hand he held a copy of Su Qiubai's information, including what just happened.

This person's name, called Shi Wen, is quite unusual in the college.

After his speech, there was a moment of silence in the conference room.

Others seem to be thinking about his suggestions, or thinking about Su Qiubai.

"What does he do that is unusual? The entrance test is that the assessment teacher violates the rules himself. As for the private fight in the restaurant later, others are the ones who provoke him first. Is there a problem?"

As a result, nobody expected that Bai Xiwei, the director of training, would speak out at this time. He stared directly at Shi Wen, with a serious expression on his face.

For a long time, the severity of the training director is known to many people, even if it is also a senior member of the college, Shi Wen is not willing to conflict with this guy.

He did not expect that Bai Xiwei would stand up at this time, and say so.

Moreover, after finishing this sentence, Bai Xiwei looked directly at the dean of the college.

"I suggest that he be directly admitted to the high school, and his strength must be at the level. Such a young martial artist should go to the high school to get better training."

After all these words, Bai Xiwei stopped.

His attitude has been clearly expressed, and there is no doubt that he is quite optimistic about Su Qiubai.

For a moment, the atmosphere was silent again, until Shi Wen snorted.

"It's ridiculous that such a disciplinary student would think that the director of training would be a personal talent and recommend to enter a high school."

Immediately after Shi Wen, several people expressed the same opinion, apparently disagreeing with Su Qiubai's entry into the high school.

As for Bai Xiwei, he squinted and completely ignored these people, and no one knew what he was thinking.

This makes Shi Wen's anger more and more helpless. His strength is not as good as Bai Xiwei's, and his status is the same.

Therefore, all the pressure finally came to the dean, and he must come to make a decision.

For Su Qiubai, is it a reward or a penalty!

"Su Qiubai ... I don't need to enter the high school for the time being, let him take the normal classes in the college, and tell all the mentors to be as strict as possible, grind the suffocation on him, and make a decision after seeing the situation."

This is what the dean meant, and he did not follow Shi Wen's opinion to take any punishment measures for Su Qiubai, nor did he directly approve Su Qiubai to join the high school in accordance with the training director.

This time, Bai Xiwei actually made a noise again.

"Dean, doing this ... can be troublesome."

On weekdays, Bai Xiwei never violated the dean's opinion, so this sentence is very abrupt.

Frowning slightly, the Dean looked at him as if waiting for his explanation.

"If you do this, the general student area will be upset by him."

Although the contact is short, Bai Xiwei has already seen how disturbed Su Qiubai is. If he continues to follow the normal course, it is definitely not a good thing for ordinary students.

However, the dean waved his hand.

"This thing doesn't need much, just do what I want! Let's meet ..."

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