Super Driver

Chapter 1315: Brave man

Aggressive, **** alive, dazed ... eyes widened. day

After knowing what kind of thought course Su Qiubai had gone through, his brain finally became blank. hair

What was born? who am I? Where am i "

Teacher, look! "This

This bewilderment was broken by the sharp voice of a girl. under

Turning consciously, Su Qiubai saw a pretty girl, but looking at him at this moment seemed almost to kill. difference

After spending a few tenths of a second, Su Qiubai finally remembered where she had seen the girl.

The first time was on the previous rally, and the second time was on the screen next to myself! Screen


What is called awakening?

People sit at home, the pot comes from the sky, and they are brought home by the passionate pursuit of Zen master. "

That ... is not what you see. "Hurry

Leaning tightly, Su Qiubai was also panicked. He had never encountered this kind of panic before, and it was simply indescribable at this moment.

"No? How is this screen explained? Isn't your monitoring device yours?"

This girl, however, did not give Su Qiubai any explanation at all and directly interrupted his words. The fire in her eyes was about to spit out. "

Well, this screen is not mine ... "

After waving his hand, Su Qiubai continued to explain. "

The screen is not yours? Then the monitoring equipment is yours? Is the room yours? "

However, the girl was aggressive.

She also accidentally found this monitoring device, so she informed the teacher the first time and helped him to find the signal directly. true

I didn't expect that it would be this kid who just entered the college!

It's very logical. The first day I came to the High School, I had already done such indecent things. "

This house is not mine, I just came here, you have to believe me! "

Looking at the opposite seriously, the old driver explained that it was a concentration.

"Do you think I will believe you?" Ran

However, they snorted directly, and their murderous spirit was even worse than before. heart

It was even worse than Dou E, and Su Qiu had a pain in his head.

The dozens of warriors around it looked like they should be the guards of a high school. real

The power is very strong, and basically has the realm of the first-level king of war, especially the girl's teacher, is actually the second-level king of war!

That's right, it is really the second-level king of war. At this moment, Su Qiubai can't deal with the master.

Really start, you may have a big loss. All

So he wants to explain now, desperately. Of course

At this time, the teacher turned his attention to the meat products on the table. "

Are you eating these things? "This

The woman looked pale and her voice softened.

Su Qiubai thought about it and nodded. from

I'm still honest, maybe people will forgive themselves, but what do you want to ask these meat products? "

kill him! "Knot

Immediately, the wife was directly murderous and even more angry than before. "

I worked hard to raise the assault chicken, and said why it disappeared for good! You've eaten it! "listen

By this time, Su Qiubai was aggressive again. Rush

Fengji, what is this special? Terrible name ...

Basically, I had no time to think about it, and then Su Qiubai had to run. he

I have been soberly aware that if I do n’t run again, it is likely to become a pile of meat and be broken into pieces. Of course

However, the master of the second-level king of war, the burst of strength for Su Qiubai at this moment, is simply desperate. All

Because he couldn't break out of this encirclement at all, he was blocked by the old woman.

"Want to run? You peeped at the female student taking a bath, and even stole my assault cock. You don't need to report to the college. Now I can kill you!"

A low voice sounded from the elderly woman's population. she was

Very angry, making Su Qiubai cold on his back.

If at this time God gave him a chance to say another word ... Su Qiubai would definitely use all his strength to shout!

Chasing Zen Master, your second uncle! Do not

Before he could say this, he heard a low voice. "

Xiao Xiao sister, do not know why they came to my temples? "This

This sound made everyone's eyes focus on the door. in

After seeing the talking master clearly, Su Qiubai's heart was resisting, and his mind was full of incredible! this

At the moment, there was an old man in a robe standing in front of the door, with a majestic look, a natural expression, and a strong momentum.

It's fine everywhere, but this face ... isn't just chasing a Zen master.

Su Qiubai thought he was probably a hell. This

What kind of?

Do you play with me ... This

I just went out for a few minutes, not only changed my clothes, but also made my hair special? "

Brother Chase, is this your disciple? "

Looking at the chasing master, Xiao Xiao, an old woman, looked a lot more serious, even with a touch of respect. "

Yes, he is my disciple. "

Nodding his head, the chase of the Zen master remained calm and natural.

"I hope my brother can handle it impartially. Your disciples not only peeped at the female students taking a bath, but also stole my charge chicken." Lao

The woman told Su Qiubai's crime again, and after finishing speaking, she chased a Zen master and frowned, looking directly at Su Qiubai. "

There is such a thing! "he

There was anger in his voice, and scrutiny in his eyes.

Then, the old driver really couldn't help yelling. you

What big tail wolf is pretending to be with me? Is there something in your heart? If it weren't for you, would I be carrying a **** pot here? Say

In the truth, Su Qiubai really wanted to rush up to ask him if he had heard of a method of falling from the sky? This

I ca n’t bear it anymore, really shameless!

"The evidence is solid, brother can see for himself."

Nodded, the old woman said again. Of course

Afterwards, the angry chasing Zen master went silent, paused for about ten seconds, and then looked up again.

"So, I really didn't expect such a thing to happen under the door. Give me some time to investigate this matter clearly. I hope that my sister will not speak up ... This month I can give your students under the door one more time to enter the temple of the gods . "

These words, chasing life Zen master said very seriously.

Perhaps his attitude touched the elder Xiao Xiao, or his condition made the other party quite satisfied.

After thinking for a while, the elder Xiao Xiao agreed.

When she left with a person, the female student's eyes were staring at Su Qiubai, and she could not wait to rush over to bite him, making Su Qiubai really creepy. long

Pretty pretty girl, why do you want to be so aggressive, and don't worry about whether you can't marry in the future. Do not

In the end, they left, leaving only Su Qiubai's whole body cold.

This feeling, he had never experienced it in his whole life, it seemed that he had taken off his pants and planned what, and as a result, a group of people rushed in and surrounded himself. difference

At one point, he was killed. total

Well, there are only two people left in the room.

After closing the door calmly, Su Qiubai turned to the old guy.

No ... I'm desperate! "

I fight with you! "day

Knowing how old the old driver was at the moment, he was crazy. Knot

If the man with his teeth danced before he rushed to the front, it seemed that the old man had no idea where to pull out the large jug, and began to eat meat while drinking, and the screen was turned back on.

Amazing ... this is another camera. day

Who is this person? How could I come to such a place.

"Relax, there is a Master to protect you, and Lu Yaxing can walk sideways! Just go! Just go where you want!"

However, the old alcoholic didn't care about Su Qiubai's anger at all, instead he handed him a chicken leg of the assault chicken and said while drinking. This

For a moment, Su Qiubai really wanted to slap this guy with a slap, how could there be such a teacher, and he seemed to have become a brave man. This

At this time, Xiao Yuan came in from the outside. He obviously knew what was going on. He shook his head helplessly and looked at Master Zhunming. "

Uncle Xiang, if you ask your brother to cook for you, he has just arrived, so he should give some compensation. "he

With that said, Su Qiubai felt quite comfortable inside.

That's right, you should get some benefits. This

The side chasing the Zen master was very refreshing, took out a black card directly from his arms, and threw it towards Su Qiubai.

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