Super Driver

Chapter 1321: In one breath

Many people took a subconscious glance at Chun Suiyu who was still lying on the ground, and finally determined that what happened before was true. Of course

Then suddenly someone stood up. No

Method, this time it feels like standing on the tip of a knife, maybe one who doesn't pay attention to the end is just breaking his belly.

Su Qiubai was almost like a demon, standing in fear that everyone could not control.

In particular, the Decepticon and Hongya were trembling in their hearts.

After all, many of the things that were targeted at Xiao Yuan were arranged by them.

In other words, once Su Qiubai knows, the first thing he will not let go is these few people. and

Now, the students around Lu Yaxing, after seeing the first person standing up, didn't dare to hesitate, and then stood up.

Just kidding, if this time makes Su Qiubai angry, who throws the coffin directly, who can bear it? two

The spring martial arts of the class Wu Wang, the elders of the dignified college, were directly made into what they are now. he

Who will be stronger than Chun Suiyu, confident to face such a monster. answer

The case is ... no! All

For a short time, under Xiao Yuan's gaze, the black crowd stood up in front of them.

This is Lu Yaxing, otherwise how could people be so powerful.

"Those who have insulted my younger brother, stand up." Ji

Continue to look at everyone below, Su Qiubai's voice is very slow. Correct

There are hundreds of people on the face, but in the face of Su Qiubai, they are afraid to come out. His words even made many people's legs start to tremble. small

Yuan's life experience is special. His mother was a talented student of the college. He even led Lu Yaxing Academy to the top ten in the Qianshan Kingdom College Ranking Competition. can

It was a later thing that made the whole Qianshan Kingdom shake it, and his mother fell in love with a Dark Lord. To

It is known that the entire Qianshan Kingdom is surrounded by the Dark People. The Dark People ’s war with the Qianshan Kingdom has never stopped. It is entirely possible to describe each other as blood and deep hatred. Otherwise, the title of Demon Hunter appears. and

Such a talented female student will eventually fall in love with a demon king and give birth to a child!

This kind of thing was considered a shame by almost everyone who heard it, and then this woman was taken away from the Qianshan Kingdom by the devil, leaving Xiaoyuan alone to stay here. From

Xiao Yuan, who stayed here at birth, never left the high school, because he might face pressure from the whole Qianshan Kingdom, and that kind of pressure is enough to make him collapse instantly.

Rao is so. Xiao Yuan stayed in the high school, but also suffered countless insults and targets. All

Therefore, the students here have basically done something non-trivial to Xiao Yuan. This

For some shuddering reasons, with Su Qiubai's gaze getting colder, he just felt that the whole body's blood had solidified.

And Decepticon and Hongya here, even including Chun Suiyu, who had just got up from the ground, had a blank mind, and both did the same thing subconsciously. will

The news came out, whether it was other elders or students, anyway, they were completely messed up, spread the news as much as possible, and no one would really die if they did not come again. "

Ha ha ... very interesting, kneel down and apologize to my brother! "

With a bang, he dropped the coffin at hand, and Su Qiubai's voice went through the audience. "

Su Qiubai, the other elders of the college will come right away and you will be executed directly! "

Suddenly, Hongya said loudly.

Just now, he had received news from other elders, and he would immediately feel it. spring

Sui Yu was also aware, but he did not dare to speak.

As an elder, he knew that it was embarrassing for a student to become what he is now, but only after he really faced it would he know what kind of evil he was. Macro

Asia was actually betting that Su Qiubai was under pressure from the academy and was afraid to continue.

However, his behavior is a bit shameful in the eyes of many people.

If you have a little brain, you can learn about the things Su Qiubai did in the area of ​​ordinary students. Which one puts the college in my eyes? with

So, which one treats others as one thing again?

In the past, Hongya was quite respected because he had the first-level king of war, but now he is standing there like a mental retard.

Sure enough, Su Qiubai looked directly at him.

"Kill me? Haha ..." Mad

The ridiculous laughter rang from his mouth, and the next moment in everyone's eyes, it seemed that Su Qiubai just flashed, and then Hongya's body was choked by him.

That feeling, it was as if Hongya had become a little chicken at this moment, and Hongya had her neck pinched without any resistance. "

You were the mastermind of last night? "

From the first time he entered this venue, Su Qiubai has locked all the warriors here with his breath, so Hongya is the strongest student and he is very clear.

And now, plus he took the initiative to threaten himself. This

For some reasons, Su Qiubai has convinced enough that this guy is the mastermind, or that now he just needs a reason, and then it is enough to do it.

So, without waiting for Hong Ya to speak, Su Qiubai twisted his neck the next moment. in

The moment Hongya was completely out of breath, the entire hall was dull.

Dead ... actually dead!

Although it is said that high school does have casualties because of frequent battles, but ... it has never dared to kill in the college.

Even the elders, Chun Suiyu had wanted to kill Su Qiubai before, but he didn't have the courage. learn

It is unimaginable what kind of consequences this kind of thing will face when killing people in the hospital! and

Now, someone has done this kind of thing. and

And the genius who died is Hongya, Lu Ya's star warrior, and can even be said to be an elite student in the high school. but

Yes, he was dead, so Su Qiubai twisted his neck in the eyes of everyone. small

With his eyes widened, he finally realized what kind of fellow he was. he

In his eyes, there are no rules at all, and there is no fear. Some are just willfulness and arrogance.

He feels damn, he will do it himself, there is no hesitation.

"Again, kneel on the ground and apologize to my brother!"

Again, he said this, and Hongya's body was at his feet. Imitate

The Buddha was a cold wind blowing from his heart, and the huge pressure directly crushed these Lu Yaxing warriors completely to collapse.

Especially the Decepticon, Hong Ya's death made him feel like a knife was placed on his neck.

Yes, Hongya is the mastermind and he is almost the same.

The executioner didn't even give Hongya a chance to explain, and he directly killed someone.

So in other words, it is very likely that the same thing will happen to yourself. All

Therefore, the Decepticon was the first to kneel on the ground.

He fell on his knees like a chain reaction at the moment, and all the trainees on the brush knelt down. on

This is true even of warriors who are not Lu Yaxing. open

Joking, this pervert has begun to kill people, who dares to play around! on

In this way, everyone knelt on the ground and shivered, so Xiao Yuan had such a moment of nagging.

Tears even appeared in his eyes, especially the back standing in front of himself at this moment, which was to restore his dignity for himself.

"From today onwards, if someone insults my younger brother, I will definitely smash him into pieces. If you don't believe it ... you can try it." No

Wanting to say more to these rubbish, after leaving this sentence, Su Qiubai glanced coldly at everyone, then gave Xiao Yuan a look to signal that he could leave.

Xiao Yuan was just a breath away, so killing too many people was not a good thing for him. All he needed to do was help him get that breath back.

But there is no chance to leave at this time. At this time, dozens of arrogant breaths have completely shrouded here.

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, almost all the elders of the academy came, even the Taishang elders with the third-level Wuwang realm. very

Obviously, this time things went awry. and

After these elders appeared, they saw the mess at the scene, plus the corpse of Hongya, and the embarrassing spring encounter, all of which were cold.

Even Elder Lu, who had previously brought Su Qiubai into the high school, was ugly. most

In the end, everyone looked at Su Qiubai.

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