Super Driver

Chapter 1328: decision

Behind him are all black armored warriors. According to the breath ... all are demon kings!

In other words, this is a Demon Squad running out of the devouring space. In Su Qiubai's perception, at least there are three second-level kings, ten first-level kings, and three people. Su Qiubai Not perceivable. To

I know that although Lu Yaxing is very common in the Qianshan Kingdom, it is also a star field belonging to the Qianshan Kingdom. It is an absolute forbidden area for the dark people. especially

It's the sixtieth demon hunting station is here, so more than a dozen demon kings appear, it's really dangerous, let alone a high-level demon king! Species

It is speculated that for this reason, the identity of this woman is absolutely extraordinary, at least it is worth the dark people to take such risks to arrest her. very

In a short time, Su Qiubai had a lot of thoughts in his head, but the whole person was more cautious. he

His heart is experiencing hesitation and struggling. Before, he didn't want to have extravagant branches, so he hid his breath.

But is he still hiding? although

Although I don't know the identity of this woman, the dark people are really revenge on themselves.

The enemy of the so-called enemy is his own friend! Such as

If you think about it, you should save yourself. Of course

The strength of this Demon Squad is really strong, especially the three Demon Kings who can't perceive their strength, at least three Demon Kings. from

If you have shot ... there is no chance of winning. on

While Su Qiubai was making a choice, the demon king here made a noise again?

"Three princesses, come back with us honestly, otherwise you will die!" He

There was a joke and a sneer in his voice, while the other armored warriors completely blocked all the escape routes of the three princesses. body

There was no change in the body. The three princesses stood in place, staring at the demons on the opposite side. After a pause, the sound slowly sounded.

"This is the area of ​​the Qianshan Kingdom. Are you really afraid that I will notify the surrounding warriors?"

Her voice was cold, but she had a sense of exhaustion beyond words. "

Haha, I think ... you're also afraid of being known by people in the kingdom? From this perspective, we can talk about it. "This

The Demon King doesn't have any tension, some just relax.

Their strength is absolutely invincible on this Luya star, which is why they dare to appear here. Even if they are really discovered by nearby demon hunters, they have the ability to take away the three princesses in the shortest time.

Continued silence, no one knew what the three princess was thinking, suddenly ... she moved. This

Suddenly Su Qiubai was surprised. to

The strength of the third-level Wu Wang! Who

I can think that this woman would be so strong, no wonder the dark people would send such a lineup to arrest. with

At that time, Su Qiubai was also grateful that he had a special hidden method of the system, otherwise, if it was found, the consequences would be disastrous. three

When the princess made such a move, the arrogant energy broke out directly, and she attacked the demon king closest to her.

However, almost at the same time as she moved, the demon king here reacted faster, or they were already prepared.

A lilac light curtain appeared, completely rebounding the energy of the three princesses, and she was lying on the ground. Dwell

However, in the silence just now, these demon kings set up a space cage, so this kind of scene appeared.

"Haha, still want to run? We chased you for half a month. If we let you escape this time, we don't have to go back!"

The demon king smiled very happily, watching the three princesses lie on the ground, this time he felt secure. and

Su Qiubai hiding in the dark already has a general understanding of these people. This

The identity of the three princesses, he can be sure to be human. and

And this title, we can be sure that the identity is indeed very general, maybe a princess of a large planet in the Qianshan Kingdom, otherwise it would not have such a powerful strength. but

One thing is very strange to the old driver. Why is this woman unwilling to reveal her whereabouts, even the humans in the Qianshan Kingdom do not know?

This is very strange. In principle, she can go to any demon hunting station to seek protection, instead of sneaking into the library of Luyaxing College to collect information. heart

Thinking about this, he actually had a decision. He had to help, and he could n’t watch the warrior of the human race be taken away by the demon king. If it did n’t work, it would be a big deal. All the warriors knew the news of the Demon King's appearance.

The third princess had stood up at this moment, and her mouth was covered with blood, and she could see fair skin under the mask. "

If you do this, my father will never let you go. "sound

The voice is still low, but full of helplessness, it is obvious that the third princess herself understands that her current situation wants to leave safely, which is basically impossible. "

Haha, we really hope that your father and king will not let us go, now ... you follow us! "gas

The situation suddenly changed, and the inscription on the face of the demon king suddenly lighted up, as did the other demon kings. The strange light in the bookhouse flickered endlessly, and a net was faintly seen towards the three princesses. Shrouded away.

The three princesses exhausted all their strengths and wanted to break free of the screen. However, she could not do anything about that power, so she could only watch her covered.

At the very moment of death, watching the silk screen would directly wrap the three princesses, and suddenly a shadow flew from her feet.

This shadow appeared very suddenly and no one was prepared for it.

You should know that at this moment the entire bookcase is isolated from the outside, which means that it is an independent space, and no one comes in at all, unless it is more powerful than these demon kings combined. but

This kind of thing is absolutely impossible, after all, Lu Yaxing's strength is very clear, there is no such strong person. that

Well, where is this guy from?

Even the three princesses did not have any defense and were held in their arms by this man. "

Don't mess around, I'll take you away! "

When she didn't have time to talk, she heard the deep voice following. Yes

A man! Strength ... not quite sure.

This is the third judge's only judgment on this person at this moment. She doesn't know anything else.

Naturally, this person is Su Qiubai, and he racked his brains to think of such a way out from the floor. Now it seems to be very successful, at least the demon king on the other side did not think of it.

After finishing this sentence with the three princesses, he rushed out towards the front carrying the coffin. At this moment, time is life. The lineup of three at least three-level demon kings, but he has no confidence at all. All

So, all I can do is run.

Knowing the strength of the cage around this space, Su Qiubai had summoned the armor of the abyss as he rushed out. The powerful force of plant life seemed to form a hard spear and stabbed directly at the front.

boom! huge

A loud impact sounded, and Su Qiubai's heart sank to the bottom. he

It is too simple to think about this cage. It turns out that after entering, it is no longer possible to go out, because the energy shield is formed under his feet, and he has been blocked by the three princesses.

"Damn thing!" Demon

Wang was very angry. He did not expect such an accident, but fortunately the third princess was still there, otherwise he would definitely explode in place.

"Kill him!" Gen

Ben had no interest or time to understand Su Qiubai's identity, and it was enough for the demon king to know that this was a dying guy. in

When he said this, the arms of these demon kings turned into hard bone spurs, stabbing directly towards Su Qiubai and the three princesses.

At this moment, Su Qiubai still holds the three princesses. It was also at this time that he really understood to what extent the woman was weak. It can be said that it was already desperate to be able to explode with full energy.

Therefore, facing the dozens of bone spurs around him, Su Qiubai's armor of the abyss flashed with black light, and eventually all the bone spurs were inserted into the armor of the abyss. because

Because the flowers of the abyss have long been integrated with Su Qiubai, this pain is actually equivalent to him to bear.

There was a roar in his mouth, and Su Qiubai was almost as if he was about to explode. It was because of the impact of this energy that the coffin on his back fell to the ground. and

And, it seems like a gap!

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