Super Driver

Chapter 1331: Shot

At this moment, everyone in the Earth camp suddenly looked at this side, and Long Ruoxuan's face changed even more. "

Impossible, how could Mr. Su be fired? He is the strongest! "when

That is, Chen Kaida countered that he could not believe this kind of thing, and it was understandable that this kind of thing happened to others, but it happened to Su Qiubai ... It was unimaginable. "

There is nothing to believe. Everyone at the High School knows that he has been fired and has nothing to do with the High School. "

Someone sneered again, saying so. Su

Qiubai was lawless in the general student area at that time. It can be said that many people were unhappy with him. Now, of course, it is necessary to be ridiculed to feel comfortable. This

Next, Chen Kaida didn't know what to say, although he still felt that these **** were talking nonsense, but this time he didn't know how to refute.

Including Long Ruoxuan, they were also silent.

The fact is that at this moment members of the High School have already entered the venue, and indeed Su Qiubai has not been seen.

At first, everyone was very excited about this game and felt that they could see the scene where Su Qiubai killed the Quartet. Knot

If the game hasn't started yet, a pot of cold water was poured directly from overhead. Su

Qiubai was fired? To

What happened to the High School? Why did this happen?

Countless doubts appeared in the hearts of everyone, but no one could give an answer.

At the same time, with the admission of senior students, today the game is officially started. "

I heard that you are well prepared today. "according to

It was the elder gold earring elder who just met and said to Aohan with a smile.

Elk Star has been competing with Lu Yaxing for so many years. It can be said that he is also quite familiar with Aohan. At the moment, this sentence is also intentionally spoken.

"Not enough, there is still a big gap with you." Ao

Han's face was calm, but he didn't say much.

The gold earrings smiled, but the next moment seemed to sound something suddenly, watching Aohan again.

"I heard that Lu Yaxing's ghost trainee has obtained the high-level combat qualification of the Demon Hunter. It seems ... is this Ye Ran?"

Several nearby planets know about this high-level practical qualification. After all, this kind of thing is too rare, and it also represents the student's high potential and future! real

This time in the game, Elk Star also intentionally tried to test it out, and wanted to see what kind of strength the warrior who has obtained high-level actual combat qualifications has. To

You know, today's elk star is not what it used to be, but no one wants to get such a qualification. Present

It seems that this Ye Ran is probably the legendary kid. gold

The words of earrings made Aohan stunned for a moment. He did not expect that the other party would talk about the high-level combat qualifications of the demon hunter, and his mind also instantly understood the purpose of the other party's visit.

Of course, if Ye Ran was really granted the quota, perhaps he would feel quite happy.

However, this place has nothing to do with Ye Ran. Instead, it is the most lawless kid in the whole college, and he has been fired.

However, these things Aohan will definitely not tell, after all, this is a matter inside the Lu Yaxing Academy.

"Haha, the high-level actual qualifications are also luck. If you can defeat Ye Ran, you can probably see that kid ..." Lu

After a very natural smile, Ao Han tapped his fingers gently. fruit

Of course, this sentence changed the look of the gold earrings. Although Ao Han's words were simple, the information revealed by them was extraordinary.

The most direct point is that the genius who obtained the high-level combat qualification of the Demon Hunter is not Ye Ran, but another person! that

So who will this person be?

There is no doubt that he is more powerful than Ye Ran, and will definitely be fully trained by Lu Yaxing Academy, maybe it will really cause trouble for Elk Star in the college ranking competition. All

Therefore, the gold earrings have already made up their minds in a short time. no

Regardless, you must also force this guy to show up and see where it is sacred. It is best to fully understand his reality. miss you

At this point, the gold earrings have given an order with the warrior in his academy below, and he must show all his strength to let the genius appear.

Aohan himself did not expect that the smoke bomb he had thrown did not develop in the direction he expected, but instead made Ye Ran face the elk star warrior who shot with all his strength. moose

Among the warriors of Lu Xing, the strongest is called Iron Hand. This

From the beginning to the present, the individual has never shot even once. His strength is a big question mark in the eyes of everyone. in

After receiving the order of the gold earrings, a sneer appeared at the corner of the iron hand's mouth.

From beginning to end, he came for the guy who obtained the high-level combat qualification. Now it seems that the kid is finally about to appear.

According to the previous agreement, there will be a total of ten games today. Ordinary students are expecting Lu Yaxing's students to kill the Quartet, but senior students are very clear. The only thing that really matters is the last one, because yesterday ’s game has proved The gap between them and the Elk Star is very large. All

Therefore, after the game started, the atmosphere was extremely enthusiastic from the beginning and began to change slowly, leaving only different breathing sounds in the end. This

It was a blow, a heavy blow. Ironhead stood alone, and no one was able to take him. he

It's too strong, so strong.

Even Kaida Chen was shocked. The guy was terrible. Like the iron tower, he won six games in a row, and even several battles ended in an instant.

The depressed atmosphere began to permeate, and the warriors of the earth camp also understood why everyone else had been waiting for Brother Ye Ran. because

Because this is indeed the only hope on the side of Lu Yaxing Academy now, in the end, everything is expected, and the first nine games ... have all been lost, leaving only Ye Ran alone. will

All these things looked in his eyes, but Ye Ran didn't have any panic, but was very happy in his heart. It seemed that this was an opportunity given to him by heaven, and then he was shocked.

Almost immediately after the ninth game, Ye Ran stood on the stage and stared at the iron head on the opposite side. One

At that time, after the audience was silent for a while, the cheering version of Shanhu Tsunami was issued.

Everyone was very excited, and it felt as if after a long dark night, they finally saw that the sun was about to rise.

And Ye Ran is the sun at this moment.

"Your end will be miserable." Stare

With an iron head and a smile on his mouth, Ye Ran enjoyed the feeling of admiration at the moment.

He has always been second in the college rankings, and it can be said that he has had enough of this feeling. Present

Now is his chance to prove himself.

The iron head of the elk star has no change in expression, even with irony in his eyes. Two

In the time of day, he has defeated too many Lu Yaxing warriors, so he is very disdainful to the whole Lu Yaxing.

Although Ye Ran came to power at this moment, the audience was sensational, but he was quite confident in himself.

"go to hell!"

Suddenly, Ye Ran took the lead. he

The speed is very fast, and in front of the iron head.

Suddenly felt that powerful power broke out, and Iron Head's face finally changed. He understood that these students would be so excited, and it really was not unreasonable. body

Retreating, the iron head took out his weapon, which was something similar to a mace, with a black light shining on it.

At the same time, a round plate appeared in Ye Ran's hand. With the rotation of his fingers, dozens of flying knives suddenly flew out of the plate, and they shot straight towards the iron head. This

In this scene, everyone watching was more and more excited, and some even shouted with excitement.

The speed of the iron head was very fast. The whole person started to spin like a gyro. When they finally stopped, they just avoided these flying knives. Of course

However, soon he saw Ye Ran's smile.

Suddenly, his heart tightened, and a severe pain came from his leg. Looking down, he saw that a flying knife had been inserted into his body.

Everything just happened was completely between electric light and flint, so the iron head did not expect that the flying knife would not escape. "

burst! "Ran

Then, suddenly his face became gloomy, Ye Ran's deep voice sounded.

The next moment, the iron head lay down.

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