Super Driver

Chapter 1457: Fried

The humans who had just assembled did not react much at this time, and saw Su Qiubai rush into the army of monsters like a cannonball.

At a loss ... not just humans, but all monsters!

But soon, this bewilderment turned into horror. only

Seeing that Su Qiubai rushed into the pile of demons, the demon **** who followed the graves of the gods behind him was directly a powerful shock wave aimed at Su Qiubai's direction and rushing past. boom


With a huge roar, a lot of monsters were immediately fragmented, at least millions of monsters. under

The human camp of Fang was already gathered together, and King Qianshan stood at the highest place, his brows locked. he

I don't know what happened to Su Qiubai, but these strong men rushed out of the temples are terrible! single

Just the coercion alone gave him the ninth-level Wu Wang's strength, which made him feel breathless.

However, the bodies of these powerful men are shrouded in a strong sense of death. This

This kind of death, if you change people, even the King Qianshan himself, if it is eroded, it will definitely die. Partial

However, these guys still have very powerful combat capabilities. odd

Strange ... very strange!

The most strange point is, why do they have such a big grudge against Su Qiubai, it seems that they just don't stop killing him? real

In fact, not only the King Qianshan, but all the people present also felt the same. "

Ah ... "

At this time, with Su Qiubai's voice ringing again, he had rushed out of the pile of monsters.

Then, without any hesitation, he rushed towards the monster army in the other direction. with

Like the previous one, his direction changed, so that the demon in the graveyard changed his direction again. tight

After that ... boom!

A loud explosion sounded again.

The three nine-level demon kings aimed directly at these dead spirits and rushed up. Of course

After ... it was almost the blink of an eye that had all turned into a corpse. Nai

As for being terrible, it was swallowed directly. This

Next, everyone looking cold on the back. too

It ’s terrible. The nine-level demon king will be swallowed up. How terrible are these monsters? "

Open the protective cover! "thousand

King Shan made an instant decision at this time. He knew that Su Qiubai was going to use his own power to attract hatred against the monster. This

Although this method is said to be full of dangerous, but for now ... the effect is very good. All

Therefore, at this time King Qianshan must ensure that all humans are brought together, otherwise Su Qiubai's plan will fail once the demons re-mix with the human army. king

The protective cover in the city opened directly at this moment, completely covering the area where the humans gathered, and the monster was isolated from the accident.

Huang Chengdao stood in a volley and his face was very gloomy. He did not expect that he would kill such a Cheng to bite gold halfway. this

Come to think that everything is in accordance with your own plan, Qianshan and the kingdom will be finished.

However, Su Qiubai's appearance made him feel like he was going to fail.

"Kill him, do it together ... kill him!"

Without further hesitation, Huang Chengdao issued an order.

He has seen it clearly. If Su Qiubai isn't dead, if he consumes it this way, how many monsters will die, after all, even the 9th-level demon can't deal with these monsters.

With the exit of Huang Chengdao's order, those nine demon kings, including the senior leaders of the Black Armor Army, also all chased towards Su Qiubai.

Hundreds of powerful men, menacing!

After reacting, Su Qiubai was really aggressive.

He has done his best to deal with these monsters in the cemetery of the gods, and now he has added so many high-level monsters and warlords.

Don't take it like this, right?

Of course, it ’s too late to say anything now, and there is no time to manage everything behind him. Su Qiubai has already inspired all the energy of the Abyss Flower, including those Wang Kai he collected in the temples, and directly absorbed And decomposition. he

To escape, crazy escape!

Of course, while escaping, the old driver steadfastly carried out his plan and rushed into the army of monsters. Correct

Because of these dirty monsters, he doesn't have any good feelings and good intentions, so watching them die will not have any compassion.

Seeing the explosion continue, the three princesses stared at Su Qiubai, and their hearts were about to come out.

Everyone in the whole king never dreamed that they would eventually see such a scene. Such as

If it was not Su Qiubai, humans might have been killed by the monsters.

Now, it is also Su Qiubai who uses his life to fight for the last line of vitality.

However, once again whistling through the thick smoke, Su Qiubai was completely surrounded. Finish

It's up!

Everyone's heart sank, and it felt like something was going to happen. If Su Qiubai died ... maybe these monsters would have to deal with humans.

The extremely nervous old driver had a mess in his head. Cold sweat appeared from his forehead. He was thinking how to continue to escape. "

You are dead! "Do not

However, Huang Chengdao didn't even want to give it to him for such a little time. With the deep voice sounding, the shock wave following him had already directed at Su Qiubai.

At the very moment of death, a sudden black light flew out of the coffin behind the old driver.

The next moment, Su Qiubai felt like he was flying. low

At first glance, he was actually riding a dog!

At this moment, the Whistling Dog was completely enveloped by flames, and the powerful flame seemed to burn the surrounding space.

Of course, the most terrifying thing is the speed of the dog. This

The speed of the Erlang god's mount is really terrible. These nine-level demon kings can never catch up. As for the monsters in the graveyard of the gods, they are always a little worse.

This is the last energy that Xiaotian dog is stimulating, Su Qiubai can feel it. Rao

So, it is definitely a ride. heart

Feeling relaxed, the old driver's face appeared with a smile, especially when he saw a large number of people still chasing himself behind him. "

Haha ... rush! "

A long howl, followed by Su Qiubai had aimed at a lot of monsters in front of him.

It has long been understood that this guy is completely a bad star. The monster army with ambitious ambitions before had no intention to meet it.

Therefore, upon seeing Su Qiubai, these monsters fled immediately.

However, the speed of the old driver riding the Whistling Dog was too desperate for these monsters, he was just an explosive dynamite pack, rushing where to blast. One

Time, in the whole king's capital, the smoke was rising, and even the word crazy could be used to describe it.

The monster army is completely caught in panic. No

People can catch Su Qiubai, and no one can stop the monsters in the graves of the gods. he

In their eyes, there is only Su Qiubai. It seems that he will never give up without killing him. All

Therefore, this is a matter that no one can stop, and it makes the monster army collapse. end

As a result, some monsters chose to retreat.

In the previous crack in space, there are still monsters constantly emerging, and there are also terrifying monsters rushing in, and the scene is abnormally chaotic.

Just then, Su Qiubai suddenly had a better way. All

Therefore, he was already riding a scorpion dog, and rushed towards the crack in the space. This

Here is the place with the most monsters and the most critical position in this war.

If this space barrier can be destroyed, then at least it can guarantee that the monster army cannot continue to flow in. Of

There was no way back then, but now that there are so many monsters running out of the graveyard of the gods, with their power, maybe it is really possible.

The first time, Huang Chengdao shouted. "

Stop, stop him! "day

Know what kind of effort Huang Chengdao has put in order to get through this barrier.

It can even be said that he has been doing this for so many years. Once all the shock waves of these monsters bombard the space barrier, it is very likely that this space barrier will collapse. that

At that time, all of Huang Chengdao's reliance was gone, and he himself was dead! Of course

However, when he shouted this sentence, the old driver riding the Sky Dog was already at the position of the space barrier, and then ... the attack behind him had fallen down.

At this moment, the whole king shook violently again.

When I stopped again, the space barrier had completely exploded, and the ground was full of corpses.

Following this, Su Qiubai rode into the sky again, and rose to the sky.

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