Super Driver

Chapter 1471: monster

"Rong Rong ... I haven't seen it for almost a year."

With a sigh, Xia Moqiu's voice was low, and it was indescribably sad and helpless.

This sentence made Su Qiubai startled for a while, followed by anger.

"They closed Rongrong?"

Naturally, Su Qiubai had such an idea, and at the same time his whole person's momentum had changed, and even the next moment probably rushed to Yun's family to settle accounts.

However, Xia Moqiu waved his hand.

"They didn't lock Rong Rong, just Rong Rong ... it's different from the past."

It was a moment, and Su Qiubai suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness.

How could this be the case? What's wrong with Xia Rongrong?

When he thought of it, the opposite Xia Moqiu began to slowly talk about his experience in Wusu City for more than two years.

They originally stayed at Yun's house after they returned from Yunlan Mountain.

At that time, many people in the Yun family were full of discrimination against their mother and daughter. Those guys were self-identified. They felt that Xia Rongrong's mother married Xia Moqiu, an ordinary human being, and she really lost her face.

Even on several occasions, someone secretly beat Xia Moqiu, and in the worst case, Xia Moqiu was almost killed alive.

Although it was said that his strength was at the top of the earth, it was too weak in such a place.

In this way, they stayed for months.

While the two were expecting Su Qiubai to come, on the other hand, they were trying to escape from here.

But the influence of the Yun family is too terrible for them. Many ways they have tried have no effect, but their situation is getting more and more difficult.

Everything changed because of a trial.

When speaking of the trial, Xia Moqiu's voice brought panic.

At that time, it seemed that the young people of Wusu City participated in the trial.

In the end, Xia Rongrong became one of the few selected.

Just because she was selected, she got the attention of the entire Yun family, an unprecedented one!

After that, Xia Rongrong began to change day by day.

Her breath became cold, and Xia Moqiu began to alienate.

Until later, he did not want to meet with Xia Moqiu at all, but the mysterious and mysterious of God did not know what to do.

Finally, Xia Moqiu was kicked out of the Yun family by them.

In order to survive, also with the help of Yun Jin, Xia Moqiu opened an smithy.

His only hope is to wait for Su Qiubai.

Now, Su Qiubai has finally arrived here, and it is so overwhelming that Xia Moqiu's mood has become unprecedentedly excited.

Su Qiubai was completely silent after listening to Xia Moqiu's whole story.

He didn't expect that to happen.

What happened to Xia Rongrong? What exactly is the so-called trial?

Is Xia Rongrong's change her own reason, or is there any external force?

In a short period of time, Su Qiubai thought of many possibilities, but he rejected them one by one.

Everything, probably only understand Xia Rongrong.

At this moment, Xia Moqiu, who was suddenly opposite, seemed to be in great pain, covering his face and curled up.

This scene made Su Qiubai nervous.

When he wanted to do something, Xia Moqiu was back to normal again.

"Uncle Xia, what's wrong with your body?"

This time, Xia Moqiu paused for a few seconds because of Su Qiubai's problem.

In the end, it seemed as if he had made up his mind to take off his mask.

Then, Su Qiubai saw Xia Moqiu's face.

He was really scared, it was hard to imagine what the reason was that could make a person's face look like this.

Unrecognizable, black hair in the eyes, wounds and scales on the face, and sarcomas with different colors and shapes ...


"Because of the original genetic medicine, I can no longer control those things ..."

With a bitter smile, Xia Moqiu put on the mask again. He guessed that Su Qiubai would react like this, in fact he was scared by himself.

At the same time, he could clearly feel that he was going to die soon.

While on the planet Ilinka, he swallowed too many genetic agents, which had signs before, but now it is irretrievable.

I remembered something about genetic medicine in my mind, but Su Qiubai felt strange.

His experience is almost the same as that of Xia Moqiu, both of whom have swallowed a lot of genetic medicine.

Even if the problem of genetic disruption really occurs, it will not be the way it is now.

"Uncle Xia, don't move, I'll check your body for you."

After thinking for a while, Su Qiubai intends to check for Xia Moqiu first.

After saying this, he has fully launched the concept of Qi watching.

Nowadays, with his strength, the use of qi-blowing can produce very good results.

As a result, when looking at Xia Moqiu, he was startled by Su Qiubai.

He couldn't believe his eyes, and he had a cold feeling all over his body.

Suddenly, there is another person in Xia Moqiu's body!

This is a very difficult state to describe. If it weren't for the blinking eyes and most of the shadows, Su Qiubai could not be sure of this.

But soon, he had thought of a more appropriate explanation.

It was as if Xia Moqiu's body appeared a very scary parasite, and what kind of parasite he did not know!

Thinking in this way, Su Qiubai has fully stimulated Qi Qi, trying hard to see every blood vessel in Xia Moqiu's body, and even every meridian.

Finally, it took a few minutes for Su Qiubai to stop.

His guess was correct before, Xia Moqiu's body did have a very weird thing, as if someone had deliberately put that thing in Xia Moqiu's body to make him grow.

Once the ghost is completely formed, Xia Moqiu will also end his life.

If this thing has just been implanted, Su Qiubai still has a way to take it out.

But now, old drivers have a feeling of powerlessness.

This thing seems to be integrated with Xia Moqiu. From every blood vessel to every meridian, it is completely soft together.

Can't break free and can't take it out!

"Uncle Xia, have you come in contact with any special person?"

Brow frowned, Su Qiubai asked suddenly.

The way to save Xia Moqiu now, only if he finds the guy who implanted this monster in his body, maybe there is a slight possibility!

Otherwise, Xia Moqiu is definitely dead!

After hearing Su Qiubai's words, Xia Moqiu froze obviously.

He doesn't know what Su Qiubai found, but from his expression to this sentence, it shows that things are not easy!

Therefore, he also immediately recalled everything that happened to him, especially the special person he had contacted!

However, after thinking about it for a while, Xia Moqiu could not think of anyone who met this condition.

"I don't know, it doesn't seem to be."

Finally, he looked at the old driver and said.

In Su Qiubai's mind, she was reasoning quickly.

According to the size and state of the monster at this moment, he has been in Xia Moqiu's body for a long time.

Therefore, when this thing first appeared, Xia Moqiu should still be at Yun's house.

In other words, it is very likely that the person who plans to kill Xia Moqiu is at Yun's house!

"Uncle Xia, leave it to me, you won't die, believe me!"

To encourage Xia Moqiu, Su Qiubai's voice at this moment is very sincere.

In fact, he himself made up his own mind. In any case, he must find a way to cure Xia Moqiu, and he can't watch him die!

In this way, all the key points are in Yunjia!

What exactly happened in this place?

Why would Xia Rongrong be alienated from her father because of a weird trial, and she did not meet for a year.

In the same way, what kind of person did Xia Moqiu and planned to put him to death with such terrible means.

What's more, what exactly is this monster nourished by Xia Moqiu's body?

All these questions, Su Qiubai did not have an accurate answer.

However, he believes that when he arrives at Yun's house tomorrow, he will definitely figure it out!

At the same time, the reason why Su Qiubai waited for one night was to let Longaldo continue to explore and see if it was possible to find the guy named Niu Xi.

After all, he is the biggest threat!

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