Super Driver

Chapter 1493: Hall of Law Enforcement

Therefore, the next thing Su Qiubai has to do is to use the shortest time to improve his driver's license on the one hand and find out who is leaking the core universe's devouring source!

This latter point is the most important.

According to the Great Lord, the dark people who quickly devoured space will be completely exploded under the inspiration of devouring the origin. To

At that time, Su Qiubai must gather all the earth fragments, and at the same time let the ancient deities come. no

Then, the universe will fall completely. and

At this moment, with the words of Wuhai World, Su Qiubai has found four pieces, and there are five left!

These five pieces, according to the imprint of the earth ... are all in the core universe!

Why are all five pieces of Earth here?

This question, Su Qiubai felt very strange, but instinctively felt that there must be something he did not know why.

So now, the first thing he needs to do is to find the five pieces of earth. deep

Taking a breath and looking at the wilderness left and right again, Su Qiubai disappeared into place.

"set off!"


Almost when he just appeared in the core universe, or in the cave full of tombstones, a deep voice sounded.

"he came!"

"Yes, he's here!"

Very simple conversation, but it's not hard to hear the excitement.

For today, everyone has waited too long.

Then, the cave fell back into silence, but with a faint shadow coming out of it, it quickly disappeared into the mountains. ...


After entering for a few hours, Su Qiubai saw a small village in front of him.

It's hard to imagine that there would be such a small village in a place like the core universe. Do not

At the same time, Su Qiubai felt quite comfortable, so he could more easily inquire about some news.

However, it was completely unexpected to him. After stepping into this step, all he saw was desolation. One

There is not even a ghost in this small village.

Quiet, even creepy.

Su Qiubai just walked forward, observing the surroundings while walking.

"Help ... me!" Suddenly

Of course, such a voice was heard in the ear. fierce

Looking back, the old driver had determined that the sound came from a nearby well. First

For a while, he had already reached the well, and sure enough he saw an old man inside. Look

It seemed that his condition was already very dangerous, maybe he would die next second, and his face was covered with blood. First

For a time, Su Qiubai rescued him from the well below.

The qi-seeking technique runs at the same time, and the strength of this old man is just the level. very

It is strange why there is such a weak person in such a core universe. At the same time, the old driver has seen the wounds on his body clearly. fresh

The blood was dripping, which almost turned him into two parts. No

After hesitation, Su Qiubai has begun to heal.

Hua Qin's medical skills must be carried forward in Su Qiubai's hands. After all, the old driver's strength has now reached a level that Hua Qin is far from. and also

Just a few minutes of work, the old man's condition is already good.

Su Qiubai was dignified, because just now he found the power of devouring from the wound of the old man!

Why is this happening?

"Thank you, little brother ..."

The old man who breathed his breath was full of gratitude. he

I never thought I could live, but I also understood that all the credit for the kid around me.

He waved his hand, and Su Qiubai followed his questions. "

Uncle, what's going on here? Why can't I see others? "

This question flashed a sadness on the old man's face, and finally sighed long.

"Those things have appeared again. They have been killing the villagers in the surrounding villages ... the people in the village have been killed."

After the old man said this sentence, his eyes were full of tears. Su

Qiubai was very puzzled. What are those things in the old population ...? Do not

Soon after, the old man had all told what he wanted to know.

This village is just a very ordinary small village in the core universe. This

Living inside are ordinary people born here for generations. he

We will not be exposed to cultivation, but simply because the energy purity here is very high, so most people are born with the strength of prefecture and heaven.

However, for the rest of their lives, their strength will not increase until the end of their lives. this

For many years, this is the law and situation. but

In recent decades, a number of weird-looking beasts have begun to appear in the core universe. This

Some fierce beasts often slaughter entire villages without leaving a living mouth! on

Previously, it was a fierce beast passing by here, so everyone in the village was swallowed up. This

The old man was also lucky and fell into the well after being photographed, so Su Qiubai saved him. listen

After that, the old driver frowned completely. According to the old man's appetite on the wound and his words, Su Qiubai already had some guesses.

It seems that these fierce beasts are likely to have anything to do with the leak of the source of devour, otherwise how can they explain the emergence of the power of devour? "

No one cares about these things? "

Soon, Su Qiubai asked again. "

Theoretically, it is controlled by us. All of us belong to the realm of the rude demon, and everyone's safety should be protected by him. "

The old man shook his head this time, saying so. "

Then why not tell him? Isn't it a good thing for him to grow up? "more

Jia felt strange, Su Qiubai asked. "

Tell the rough demon? Who has such a great ability? Besides ... there is still a long, far distance from the rough city. Even if the devil really sent someone over, the beast had already run away. "

The old man sighed again, full of helplessness. Su

After Qiubai heard it, she felt quite reasonable. Do not

At the same time, he had an idea.

This idea came out of nowhere. from

I was thinking about how to open the gap in the core universe. Maybe this is a very good way!

Now that the super system is hidden, he is a simple nine-level peak warrior.

Therefore, he wants to find all the earth fragments, and find out who is behind him to let the core universe devour the source ... The first point is that he must figure out what kind of world this is! borrow

With this matter, maybe we can achieve our goal faster! This

Thinking about it, Su Qiubai looked back at the old man around him. "

Uncle, I can help you go to the rough city, we will tell the rough god! "This

The words came out, startled the old man.

He is just an ordinary old man. Where did he think about going to do this kind of thing, and it was so sudden.

"You think about it, only then can you let the demon know the existence of the beast, maybe you can avenge your relatives and friends." With

In the back, Su Qiubai continued to say. This

Now, the old man's eyes are obviously different.

Just before that, his children died in the hands of fierce beasts. Now Su Qiubai said that the fire of hatred has re-burned.

"Okay! Just go to Savage City, I want to tell the demon!" Shen

Taking a breath, the old man made a decision, his voice was shaking when he spoke, and his body was completely tense. Su

Qiu Bai smiled and nodded.

"No problem, let's get going!"

Just ten minutes later, the two prepared a little and then set off in the direction of the rough city. ...


The wild city, which is the residence of the rough demon.

For a long time, because it was led by the devil, it was very stable and united. People came and went, and it was very lively. Su

When Qiubai and the old man arrived here, they felt like they were just a drop in the ocean. complete

This rough city is so huge that it can be described as endless. "

Under the command of the rude demon, there is a man named General Black Electric! It is said that he is responsible for the security of the entire rough city, so we will go to him! "

After all, this old man has lived a long time, so I know a little about these things.

Immediately after that, Su Qiubai inquired and followed the navigation markers to take the old man to the place where General Black Electric was located.

A huge stone stele with three large characters on it. Su

When Qiubai saw it, he knew that the old man was right. It should be possible to tell the news of the ferocious beast here.

Immediately, the two went directly to the front.

"Hello, we are villagers in the nearby urban area. There are important reports ..." Lao

Human voices were shaking, looking at the samurai in front, very nervous.

The samurai who stayed outside did not raise their eyelids, only a low voice sounded.

"Get out of here!" Said

At the same time, powerful waves of energy had hit the old man.

If it wasn't for Su Qiubai's first block, the old man would probably have been seriously injured.

"It's a joke. Anything dares to come here ... Law enforcement hall, really thought it was for you people?"

The famous guards all laughed, from the sound to the expression, all of them were full of ridicule. in

In their opinion, people like the old man were dead and ignored. All

Therefore, of course, he will not inform the black generals for him. Su

Qiu Bai's eyes flashed a cold color, even if this is the core universe, Su Qiubai will always be Su Qiubai.

Just when he was going to stand up and give the guards a little color, he was caught by the old man.

"Let's go. These people are all black generals. We can't deal with them."

While the old man was talking, his face was full of sadness and despair.

Before his mind came to the wild city, now it seems ... it is simple to think.

The old driver, when looking back, saw a big drum above the Law Enforcement Hall!

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