Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 61: Outside the window

One is not a large storage room. After looking at it, Su Qiubai can only understand it this way.

The strangest thing is that the room is very dark and there is a small open window near the ceiling, but it is very high.

What the **** is this?

The old driver felt as if he had come to another world, but because of the frequent opening of the shuttle channel, he did not feel so abrupt.

The system in my head keeps counting down. There is only one and a half minutes left in this effort.

Although I don't understand why I came to such a place, but listening to the sound in my head, Su Qiubai also had a sense of urgency.

Looking at the room casually, there are some messy furniture and nothing else.

Not only that, but a thick layer of ash all fell on it. Obviously no one in this room has come in for a long time.

At this time, there was only one minute left in my head.

Naturally, Su Qiubai looked at the window.

It is not difficult for him to jump into such a window with his current physical fitness, so he intends to jump up and take a look at his legs.

As a result, I found that something was wrong.

It's as if the gravity of this place is much stronger than that of the earth. He exhausted his energy and just jumped up a little distance.


While responding quickly. Su Qiubai overturned a wooden frame not far from the window.

With this wooden frame, he finally put his head on the window, and time only had the last ten seconds left.

That's the ten seconds. Su Qiubai saw the outside of the window.

Towering high-rise buildings, there is a space-like thing parked on the sky, and most of the pedestrians on the ground are wearing various battle suits, walking with weapons on their backs

What kind of world is this?

Just thought of this, navigation actually pops up a message.

After seeing the above words, Su Qiubai just felt that the whole person was excited.

Discover the coordinates of Xia Rongrong!

But then, the countdown to the system is over!

Then he felt that as soon as his eyes were dark, the old driver passed out.

That is, when he passed out, a shuttle channel suddenly appeared next to him.

The hall where Li Yuanba was was suddenly collapsed!

The chaos flew from all directions, and Chai Zhengping and the flying warriors were killed without any defense, and Li Yuanba was armed with two hammers. Roughly smashed a path from the rocks.

By the time he finally stopped, he was surrounded, all surrounded by warriors with guns. A lightning flash above my head!

No one knows that the so-called trial of the king is over, and even that space has collapsed!

Everyone is waiting for someone to finally come out from the inside to get the title of King. The audience of the whole fist arena feels more nervous as the time advances minute by minute.

In the secret VIP room, the blond man and the fat man opened their mouths after hearing the news.

"Because someone stole energy. The entire system was paralyzed and the space collapsed."

This sound is still on the screen, but it is much calmer than before. But the voice was full of suppressed anger.

"Sorry, we have checked all the information except the Chinese warrior. The information of everyone else is complete."

The meaning of the blond man is obvious, but it is true. Only Li Yuanba's origin is more mysterious.

"It's not him who steals energy."

The result was no hesitation. That voice directly denied his guess.

"There was a warrior who was rejected outside, obviously someone mixed in in another way, and that person was the one who stole the energy!"

Follow. The voice said again.

This time, both the blonde man and the fat man looked like they were suddenly realized. No wonder Williams would not go in to participate in the trial, because of this!

"At any cost, find the person who steals the energy as soon as possible. There should not be his presence in this world. After we find it, we will try to kill him!"

After speaking, the screen went black.

The blond man and the fat man finally relaxed a little, but then they became nervous again.

Who is the one who stole the energy?

Why is there such a huge variable in this world?

On one side a lot of skeptics had appeared in the mind, and on the other side the blond man had asked the fat man to immediately inform the audience of the news.

A few minutes later, the fat man's voice sounded throughout the boxing ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have very unfortunate news to tell you. There was an accident in the King's trial. All the warriors have died. Let us pray for them.

It took almost tens of seconds for the fat man to speak. Only then did the sound begin to ring in the boxing ring.

Then, the sound grew louder, and in the end almost stood up.

Some people even can't help crying, this is really incredible. Such a powerful warrior will actually die in the trial of the king.

"Brother, is this true?"

Gu Chengya felt unable to react, and her voice was shaking.

"Are you dead?"

Staring at the screen, cold sweat came out of Gu's extraordinary forehead.

now. The final picture of the warriors before they entered the iron gate has begun playing on that screen, and the scene is silent.

Williams, who was also sitting below, had a feeling of escape. He himself does not believe that those people have all died.

At first, he was annoyed by the **** accident, but at this moment it became an indescribable gratefulness.

Of course, if he knew his friend Henry, they would all die under a pair of hammers by Li Yuanba. Perhaps this rejoicing will soar.

For the first time, the news of the destruction of all the military forces quickly spread from the small country of Myanmar to everyone who should know the news, and the world's top leaders were shaken by it.

To know. Although previous martial arts trials said that there would be injuries, few people would lose their lives.

Everyone died like this this time, and never appeared, even those who participated in the trial of the king in the past. No one came out successfully, and no one can figure out why this happened?

The world is guessing the real reason, and all the kings on the planet have received a secret message.

It tells the details of the trial space in detail. It is required to find out who the secretly sneak-in person is anyway, and what secrets are hidden in his body, and he can sneak into the system of the trial space!

It can be said that after this incident, the whole earth is a little different from the past.

now. The culprit responsible for all this, Su Qiubai opened his eyes and found lying in his taxi.

The previous things slowly reappeared in his mind, although I still don't know what happened, what happened to the scene I saw from that window last time.

But what really concerned him was the message that popped up at the time.

Found the coordinates of Xia Rongrong?

So after reacting, he turned on his system again the first time, and then began to position Xia Rongrong as before.

The results suggested that the results are still not found!

Why is that? It seems that the only explanation is that Xia Rongrong was in the city that she saw from the window, but what exactly was that place?

Why can't the system locate now? And how did she run there?

Sitting idly in the driver's seat, Su Qiubai felt a slime in his head.

He had a feeling of experiencing fantasy drifting, but followed by a message popping up with a red exclamation mark on it.

After opening, there was a sentence.

Before the driver ’s license is upgraded to a photo, leaking those messages will wipe him out!

Madan wiped out!

The last two words really surprised Su Qiubai's psychology, especially since he is only taking pictures now, which is far from a picture!

It turned out that at this time, the phone rang.

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