Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 83: Northern city

"Xiaofei is back?"

Upon entering the door, Li Jinghe laughed when he saw the grass flying.

I have to say that she is indeed a pretty woman, otherwise she would not be able to marry Xue Zidong without her identity and background.

Seeing Li Jinghe, Caotoufei suddenly felt a little embarrassed. If he had reached his lips, he didn't know how to say it for a while.

The atmosphere in the living room seemed a little quiet for a while, and Xue Haotian finally said, "Xiaofei has something urgent to tell you."

After all, Xue Zidong was an elder to Caotoufei, so he was speechless for a while, but Xue Haotian is different. In his opinion, nothing is more important than the stability of the Xue family.

After listening to his father's words, Caotoufei finally made up his mind, then looked at Li Jinghe and asked, "Second son, do you have an older sister?"

That's the exit. Everyone was stunned.

Especially Li Jinghe, her complexion was a little pale, she did not expect that the secret that she had kept for so many years would be suddenly broken today.

Xue Zidong also looked at his wife with a puzzled look. She never knew what Cao Toufei said about it.

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

After a few seconds of silence, Li Jinghe looked at Cao Taufei, and his voice became cold.

This statement also made Cao Taufei angry, and asked a step forward, "Don't you know? Why don't you secretly send someone to Honggang Village to hurt Su Changhe, and then capture Qiu Chunyu?"

As Su Qiubai's brother, Caotoufei can fully understand his feelings at the old meeting after hearing this news.

In this case, he can also promise to come to Beidu one day later, this is where the grass head really moves.

So upon hearing Li Jinghe's answer, he couldn't control whether the woman was his elder, and began to question directly.

Xue Zidong also sat up from the sofa. If it was usual, Xue Haotian must have reprimanded Cao to fly, but at this moment he also noticed that Li Jinghe's face was not right, so he remained silent.

"what happened?"

At this moment, Xue Zidong's voice was also a lot lower, looking at Li Jinghe and asking.

After being silent for a full minute or so, Li Jinghe looked at her husband.

"Yes, I do have a sister who is half-brother with me. I haven't contacted for many years. The reason why I invited her to Beidu was to check to see if it matched Jin's bone marrow."

Li Jinghe's voice was very light. Her explanation was just to Xue Zidong.

Sure enough, after Xue Zidong heard here, the original fierce expression on his face immediately eased a lot, especially when he thought of his daughter Xue Jiner, he was finally out of breath.

"what's the result?"

Contrary to Caotoufei's expectations, Xue Zidong looked at Li Jinghe and asked, with a little more expectation in his eyes.

"It's being checked and the results won't come out tonight."

Without any hesitation, Li Jinghe said directly.

At first glance, the grass was anxious, and this time he directed at Xue Zidong, "Uncle, hurry up and send the woman back, or something will happen!"

His inexplicable words made Xue Zidong and Li Jinghe feel inexplicable.

"What's the big deal?"

His eyes were a little more serious, Xue Zidong asked.

"You should be able to understand that the woman was arrested! And her husband was wounded. Do you think you would be happy inside others? Hurry and send her back, or it's really late!"

Suddenly I remembered the emperors beside Su Qiubai at the time, as well as the scene where Cheng Yijin and Tiemuzhen picked up the bus.

Once those people come to Xue's house with Su Qiubai, it's over!

"The background of their home is not ordinary?"

Xue Zidong talked and looked at Li Jinghe.

As a result, Li Jinghe smiled scornfully.

"Is there any background? It's just an ordinary rural person. Besides, I asked her to come to Beidu. After the results came out, I would give her money, and I wouldn't ask her to donate bone marrow."

These words Li Jinghe said very calmly, Xue Zidong didn't feel anything, but Caotoufei was scared by this woman's coldness.

Even if Qiu Chunyu and her were only half-brothers, that was also her sister-in-law!

Just how hard-hearted is it to say this?

"His son's name is Su Qiubai. Let me be honest, if Qiu Chunyu cannot be returned intact before tomorrow, he will come to Beidu in person, and the consequences will be unthinkable!"

Caosoufei said these words very calmly, and the dignity in his eyes was very obvious.

Xue Zidong, who had already believed in Li Jinghe, had a little more doubt in his eyes.

Li Jinghe laughed directly.

"Unbelievable? Xiaofei, I think this Su Qiubai is your friend? Don't think I don't know he's a taxi driver. If I don't send Qiu Chunyu back, will he have to drive a taxi and try to hit me? ? "

The woman's eyes were still full of contempt and disdain. She never put the Su Changhe family in her eyes from beginning to end, or she never looked up.

"I repeat, Su Qiubai is very dangerous. I have tried my best to make him wait for a day. If he comes to Beidu, the Xue family will have an accident!"

The first two words of Caotoufei were facing Li Jinghe, but in the end he looked at Xue Zidong.

Taking advantage of Xue Zidong's silent efforts, Xue Haotian, who had not spoken, made a noise.

"The Su Qiubai in Xiao Fei's mouth is really not that simple. Brother 2 think about it carefully, and in two days it will be the grandfather's birthday. No one wants to see any trouble."

Too clear about the mood of his second brother. So Xue Haotian didn't persuade him as much as Cao Tiaofei, but instead mentioned his father's birthday.

Sure enough, Xue Zidong, who had already had an idea, immediately changed his eyes, and finally fell into struggle.

It took a while before he looked at his wife.

"Tell me Xiaofei immediately after the inspection results come out, and you tell this Su Qiubai, we are willing to give him money as compensation."

Speaking of the back, Xue Zidong looked at Caotoufei again.

"It's not about money! He"

"Would you like to see your sister in trouble!"

Cao Tiaofei seemed very excited. The result was interrupted by Xue Zidong.

This word made Caotou Fei the whole person stuck in place, he didn't know what else he should say.

"Okay, you go back, even if this Su Qiubai comes to Beidu, I won't be afraid of him! The Xue family is not just anyone who can get out of trouble!"

Subsequently, Xue Zidong snorted again.

Cao Toufei still wanted to open his mouth, but his dad stopped it with his eyes.

In the end, he sighed helplessly. "You will regret it"

Afterwards, there was no more to say, the father and son left here, and only Xue Zidong and Li Jinghe remained in the room.

"Are you really not angry with me?"

After a long hesitation, Li Jinghe asked softly.

"No, everything is for our daughter!"

At this moment, Xue Zidong is completely determined, and perhaps the person who can best understand Li Jinghe is him.

After leaving from Xue Zidong's side, the grassy head quickly jumped up.

The whole person was struggling in the car.

Xue Haotian next to him didn't say a word, he didn't think that Li Jinghe and the woman who came to the north were actually for Xue Jiner's illness.

For this reason, we can understand Xue Zidong's attitude.

But what would Su Qiubai do?

Thinking of this, Xue Haotian glanced at his son, but said nothing.

He even had his own careful thought in his heart.

This Su Qiubai is best to really be as Caotou Fei said, so that the entire Xue family is in chaos, so it would be interesting!

After returning home, Caotoufei called Su Qiubai as soon as possible.

After being connected, both were silent, and finally Cao Taufei said first, "Boss, I'm sorry"

It was really uncomfortable to say this from his mouth, but there was nothing he could do.

"It goes without saying I'm sorry, I know you've done your best, leave it to me."

Su Qiubai's voice was calm. He knew that Caotoufei would never feel good, and he could also understand his embarrassment.

In the end, Caotoufei took a deep breath, and then his voice was decided.

"Boss, do whatever you want to do, don't worry about me! The only thing I can do is to ensure the safety of my aunt, Xue's family should have a hard time!"

Finally, Caotoufei decided.

In fact, his last words are a faint understanding of the reasons for Xue Haotian's silence, remembering the actions of some people in the Xue family and the increasingly lawless posture.

It's probably a good thing to follow up!

After hanging up, Su Qiubai was silent for a moment.

Then he turned on the system.

Just before that, he discovered another feature after the driver's license was upgraded.

Unlike other options, here are marked in red!

In a private hospital in Beidu, Qiu Chunyu was confined to the ward. When she arrived in Beidu, she had already been locked here by Xue Sen and the warriors.

She never felt that she was so desperate. At this moment, she finally realized that her sister, who had been concerned about her, never cared about her.

I thought of Su Changhe lying on the ground. Thinking of Su Xiaoxiao and Su Qiubai again, she was indescribably worried.

Until now, she didn't understand exactly what Li Jinghe was doing to get here. She felt very scared, especially when she saw the wounds on her body.

And not far away was Xue Sen and those warriors.

Just now, they received a call from Li Jinghe, saying that someone would come to see Qiu Chunyu.

Xue Sen was still thinking about who that person would be, but he looked up. I've seen the grass fly.

Of course, Xue Sen knew Cao Taufei. He was just a distant relative of the Xue family.

Of course, it is impossible to compare with the descendants of the old Miao Xue family, who is flying through the grass.

So when he saw the grass heads flying over, he hurriedly bowed and walked over.

"Master Fei, this is just coming back"

But he didn't walk to the side, just had time to say this sentence, the grassy head flew and the **** flew out.

Several warriors were shocked, but they also knew the identity of Caotoufei, so although hesitated, they didn't say much.

Xue Sen on the ground is aggressive, but this is just the beginning.

The next second, Cao Tiaofei picked up a stool next to him and hit Xue Sen's head directly.

"Master Fei, is there any misunderstanding in this?"

The blood from the wound on the head was already pouring out, but Xue Sen still smiled and looked at the grass head.

However, the grass head flying here said nothing, and it was a bench stumped.

Xue Sen didn't expect him to be so decisive, and the bench hit him firmly on the head again.

Seeing that Caotoufei was still going to do something, several warriors quickly stopped him.

Looking up at Xue Sen, Caotoufei glanced at the resentment in his eyes, and then sneered.

"Lao Tzu tells you to hit you just to see you upset! In the final analysis, aren't you the dog of our Xue family? Do you think anyone dares to bite! The consequences of some things are not something you can bear."

After speaking these words, Cao Tiaofei looked at the locked door.

After talking to Su Qiubai, he called Li Jinghe and wanted to come and see Qiu Chunyu to ensure her safety.

Actually, I also want to realize my guarantee for Su Qiubai.

Li Jinghe didn't mean to quit this matter, he agreed directly, and this is the scene just now.

"Open the door!"

Although Xue Sen's teeth were itchy, there was nothing he could do.

After opening the door, the grass flew in.

After seeing Qiu Chunyu, he exhaled.

Thank goodness, Qiu Chunyu finally did nothing. At this time, you can also explain to Su Qiubai.

Qiu Chunyu was still very nervous. After hearing that Caotoufei was Su Qiubai's friend, he relaxed a lot.

Especially after hearing that his son would come to Beidu tomorrow, and that Su Changhe was fine, he was relieved a lot.

Then, Caotou flew to Qiu Chunyu and made sure that her safety would not be a problem!

Not only that, but Cao Taufei accompanied Qiu Chunyu to say a lot. Although she can't take her away now, it is still okay to talk a few words to relieve boredom.

After more than an hour, Caotoufei left, and promised to visit Qiu Chunyu again tomorrow.

What neither of them knew was that all of them were heard by Xue Sen outside the door.

Because of Cao Toufei's respectful attitude towards Qiu Chunyu, Xue Sen's mind had a vicious plan of revenge.

At night, the hospital's inspection results of Qiu Chunyu came out.

Matching Xue Jiner's bone marrow!

This news made a lot of people ecstatic, Xue Zidong and his wife were crying with joy!

When Cao Taufei heard the news, he couldn't tell what it was like.

He hesitated for a long time, but eventually did not tell Su Qiubai.

No one would like their mother to do such a risky bone marrow transplant, not to mention that Qiu Chunyu was completely forced!

If Su Qiubai knew this again, maybe his anger would be even more crazy!

Throughout the night, Xue Zidong, Li Jing and the two of them were arranging bone marrow transplants. Qiu Chunxue was blood-sucked many times and performed many tests, just like a mouse.

Finally, the hospital has confirmed the date of the operation, and it can be performed in five days!

At this time no one cares about Qiu Chunyu's family anymore, those words that Caotoufei said Xue Zidong also chose to forget intentionally!

He has completely unified his thoughts with Li Jinghe.

Not just a taxi driver! Can he turn it around? The big deal is money!

This night, Su Qiubai didn't fall asleep.

His car had already left Qinghe City very early.

There is only Su Qiubai in the car, and he intends to cope with this situation alone!

The debt owed by the Xue family, he also intends to collect it by himself!

It's this taxi again, embarked on a trip to the north!

"Miss. Are you back?"

At the airport, a thin old man saw the curly girl coming across and hurried to meet him.

"Just returned, how is your health?"

This woman wears sunglasses and looks very sexy. The most important thing is the mature temperament, which has an unspeakable temptation to any man.

"Grandpa's health is not very good, I have been thinking about you these days."

The little old man's smile narrowed. His expression was still respectful.

Many people passing by felt that the old man was a bit timid.

But if you know the true identity of this woman, no one will think so.

Miss Long Family, Long Ruoxuan!

Those who know do not need to explain who Miss Long is, and those who do not know will not understand.

Long Ruoxuan is over thirty years old. A woman of this age should be counted as a leftover.

But no one ever used these two men on her.

On the contrary, this woman is getting more and more beautiful. The body is like a ripe peach. At this moment, even if the sunglasses are not taken off, someone constantly looks at them.

The reason she stays in the United States these years is because the North is too jealous because of her fighting for the wind. The young masters of the major families can't get rid of them just like nougat.

The old man at home also urged her to get married as soon as they met, but Long Ruoxuan never thought about it.

Her idea is simple.

It was because she had never seen a man who could make her feel good.

I didn't even meet my heart, what about getting married!

In addition, foreign ideas are more open, so her ideas are more free, and this beautiful stunner is even more unlikely to find a man to marry casually.

The reason why I came back this time was mainly to worry about the old man.

"Okay, come back!"

After frowning, Long Ruoxuan entered the old red flag car.

Anyone who can recognize this car will be scared.

However, Father Long was willing to use this car to pick up his granddaughter. I can imagine what kind of place Long Ruoxuan had in his heart.

The Long family house is not far from the airport, but it also has to travel a lot.

After everything was loaded, the driver started the car and rushed back.

There was nothing special along the way. As a result, when I was about to pass a suspension bridge, suddenly the entire car was hit by something, and then crossed the middle of the road.

Long Ruoxuan in the car was still thinking about what to say to the old man after returning, but the sudden and violent vibration of the car made her feel a little dizzy.

I finally managed to slow down, and when I looked up, I saw that my car was stopped by a broken taxi!

The shock was just that the taxi just came over!

Opening his mouth, Long Ruoxuan felt a little angry. You must know that this car is a treasure of the old man, and now he is hit like this. How much money can't be lost!

Similarly, the suspension bridge was blocked because of the sudden move of the taxi!

"You are sick!"

The driver even felt angry and shouted out his head towards the cab of the taxi.

As a result, at this time, suddenly a huge sound sounded from the side!

Then in the stunned gaze of everyone, the suspension bridge in front collapsed!

There were a few cars above that just came from the opposite side, and all of them fell down, and they were all pressed down by the reinforced concrete!

No one expected this to happen. Long Ruoxuan's driver was too speechless.

If this taxi had not stopped the red flag car here, then it must be right in the middle of the suspension bridge.

It's not just that, so are the cars behind.

That's the case, probably everyone is finished!

Long Ruoxuan in the car couldn't help but feel a little frightened, her white hands plucked her eyes down, exposing the eyes of the glamorous country and looking at the taxi.

However, after waiting for a long time, no one saw anyone coming out of the taxi.

"Is he injured?"

Somehow worried about this person. So Long Ruoxuan whispered something to the driver.

The driver in front was also a little hesitant, but because of the door owner, he couldn't go any further.

As a result, the taxi door suddenly opened at this time.

Long Ruoxuan didn't even have time to see what was going on, and the door on her side was already opened.

Then, an unfamiliar man carried her directly into her arms, and then carried her down and lay on her body.

All this happened too quickly, Long Ruoxuan felt a sense of being out of mind.

It looks like she has never encountered such a thing. In her thirties, she still hasn't met anyone who can make her heart.

As a result, today, I was overwhelmed by a stranger!

Especially the strong masculinity made her already familiar body inexplicably hot.

Followed, Long Ruoxuan was angry.

But next moment!

A gunshot sounded from her point of view and saw the driver's head burst.

At the same time, the man's voice sounded in her ear.

"Don't mess around, someone wants to kill you!"

In a word, let Long Ruoxuan never move, but just let the man hug him quietly, and his left hand was right in front of his chest.

Immediately annoyed, she was about to take this guy's hand away.

As a result, his right hand actually touched his face.

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