Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 133: Kung Hei Fat Choi

"Brother, can these wolves really eat?"

At this moment, Xiaoqing at the back has been led by the old driver to an endless road of no return.

In the past she thought it should be the cruelest black wind wolf, but now it has become food!

So she pulled Rasu Qiubai's sleeves timidly, and there was some doubt in her voice.

"It's delicious! Wait for me to catch two!"

Talking, Su Qiubai held Xiaoqing up in the carriage, and then he rolled up his sleeves and planned to move.

As a result, a voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"Animals, die!"

Then, Miss Nika and Elder Li were both stunned.

Looking back, I saw a man in black, rushing towards the wolves with a long knife.

His speed is very fast, and it takes only a few seconds to fight those black wind wolves.

I have to say that this guy does have some skills. In a few minutes of work, these ten black wind wolves have been chopped up by him.

Then he put away the knife, and came towards Miss Nika with a smile in his mouth.

"I'm really sorry, beautiful lady, you're surprised."

The ghost knew what his origin was, and actually made a gentleman etiquette unique to this world for Nika, coupled with that fairly fair little face, the three words of little white face were interpreted to the extreme.

Of course, these words were all said by Su Qiubai. At this moment, the old driver looked at this guy's eyes as if he was looking at a hoisted boar. If it wasn't for Xiao Qing to stop him, it is estimated that he would have slaughtered him in the past. It's up!

Madan, Lao Tzu is starving to death, so it's so easy to see something to eat. Why do you get up to two knives?

Kill it, but to pretend, there is no need to chop it up!

Now all fall in the sand, what a dirty thing ... how to eat it!

Of course, it is possible that Su Qiubai is the only one in this team who has such an idea. After all, the old driver took an unusual route, which is completely understandable.

Everyone else is very grateful to this young man who fell from the sky!

Even Nika smiled at him.

"Thank you for your help. You must be the most brave samurai at Heifenggang."

I have to say that even if she is veiled, it is difficult to stop Miss Nika's charm. Her body and silver bell sound make everyone feel a pleasure in her ears.

"Haha, my name is Kabunda, and I am from Temple City. This time I went out to practice alone."

At this point, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Before waiting for Miss Nika to speak, Elder Li took the lead in amazement.

"You dare to go out to Heifenggang alone, and you are so young, you must be the genius of Temple City!"

Because of too much excitement, Elder Li's beard was shaking with his chin.

Su Qiubai behind was still remembering the name of the little white face before.

Kabuda ... isn't it the Iron Warrior?

With a look of aggression, he was not on a channel with other people at all. Xiao Qing next to him thought he was hungry, and handed him the bread, but Su Qiubai put it beside him.

"You don't want bread, you want meat."

At this moment, the old driver really needs a lot of flesh and blood.

Therefore, you can understand why he wanted to kill this Kabulda so much.

On the other side, Kabuda certainly did not know at this moment that someone was thinking whether they should fry themselves or steam them.

Because of the admiration from Elder Li, he is now enjoying the eyes of everyone proudly.

Then, Miss Nika turned her attention to it again. There was no way ... this woman was so charming.

"I don't know where this beautiful lady intends to go? Do we have a chance to go with us?"

At this point, Nika was a little bit confused, and others instantly saw what Cabo was hiding at the end.

It turned out that Nika didn't wait for Elder Li to speak out.

"She is Miss Nika of our family, and this time we are planning to go to Temple City. If we can go with a genius like you, it is our pleasure!"

Through the previous process of killing the wind wolves by Kabuda, Elder Li has determined that this young man is definitely a child of the nobles of Temple City, otherwise he would never have such strength at a young age.

Their trip to Temple City this time was difficult in itself, and it was even said to be under tremendous pressure.

If noblemen can help in Temple City, things will definitely be much easier!

Therefore, he got the idea for Kabda.

"Are you going to Temple City? That's great. I just plan to go home and I can invite Miss Nika for a hearty dinner."

Talking, Kabuda was already eager, especially staring at Nika's gaze, not concealing her thoughts.

Feeling uncomfortable, Nika slowly turned her face.

The result was just right, she saw Su Qiubai and Xiaoqing sitting on the back of the carriage hanging their legs over there.

Without hesitation, she exclaimed.

"you're awake!"

This exit immediately attracted everyone's attention, including Elder Li and Kabda, and also stared blankly behind the team.

Even the old driver was a stunner. Before that, he knew from Xiaoqing's mouth that this woman was Miss Nika. It seemed that she had taken herself in.

So at this moment, although I still want to kill this Kabuda in my heart, my face is smiling at Nika.

"Congratulations on getting rich, good health and good luck!"

After saying this, except for Su Qiubai, who was still smiling, everyone else was bewildered and didn't understand what he was talking about.

Jumping a little awkwardly from the carriage, Nika here has led someone over.

"Huh, it's not dead? Pack up and leave here quickly, our team doesn't support useless people."

When he saw Su Qiubai waking up, Elder Li felt very depressed. After all, he also said that this man was dead, but it was only one night after that, they were already jumping!

That's why at this moment, he just said coldly before Nika spoke.

"Elder Li!"

After he said this, Su Qiubai did not make any response, and Nika shouted angrily.

"Am I wrong? What's the use of him? All of us stood in front of the wind wolf. He was clearly awake, but he hid behind ... Miss Nika, please remember your identity!"

As a result, Elder Li didn't budge this time, staring directly at Nika.

So it took more than ten seconds before and after. The two people with the most right to speak in this team actually quarreled.

"Who is he?"

At this moment, Kabuda couldn't help but asked Su Qiubai directly, with some indignation in his eyes.

Before that, obviously all the limelight was here, but inexplicably he was snatched by this guy.

Then, Miss Nika, who looked beautiful, defended him. How could this not make Kabuda angry?

His sudden voice finally broke the rigid atmosphere between Nika and Elder Li.

"He, huh! A man who almost died, if not we saved him ... probably dead!"

He snorted again, and Elder Li looked at Su Qiubai, his eyes full of contempt.

The old driver over here finally figured out what happened.

After all, Xiaoqing is just a child, so she can only feel goodwill and malice. When she told Su Qiubai before, she did not mention the matter of the elder Li.

Now listening to this, Su Qiubai finally understands that for a long time, this team is not the master of Miss Nika!

What elder is obviously very interesting to himself!

Paralyzed, what **** elder!

For Su Qiubai, all the people add up here, it is estimated that they can't stop him!

Wake up after coma, the old driver at this moment is already invincible with d license!

Strength has turned several times!

So, rolling his eyes, he took a step forward, and was about to explode!

As a result, a huge roar suddenly sounded around this time!

Immediately, everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw that from the east, a black convoy was rushing towards their place.

Especially after looking at the signs on the cars, everyone's face changed.

Black Wind Thief ... Here!

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