Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 151: Ghost knife

After saying this, Su Qiubai didn't want to pay attention to Xun Xue's meaning anymore, turned around and saw Bian Liangji coming with An Yanghua and Doug.

"Xunxue, what are you talking about?"

Going aside, Doug seemed very curious, but Xunxue didn't mean to explain. He just smiled and said to Su Qiu, "I'm very happy to tell everyone this sentence. But you may not know that this sentence is in the sky. Whatever the city represents no matter what, I hope to see you the day you live to the city of the sky and bless you. "

After leaving this sentence, Xunxue turned and walked away. Doug looked very strange to several other young people, but ended up leaving behind Xunxue.

And here, only Bian Liangji and An Yanghua are left.

"Boy, you can make that kind of food, it's really amazing, so what reward do you want?"

After the young ladies left, in the presence of An Yanghua, Bian Liangji seemed much more relaxed, so he asked Su Qiubai directly.

An Yanghua next to him was also full of admiration. The bowl of fried noodles just made him feel so much afterwards.

"I want to participate in the elite trials."

Without any hesitation, Su Qiubai said directly.

As soon as the words came out, the two people on the opposite side were stunned. It seems that Su Qiubai would not have raised such a question at all.

"Are you sure you want to participate in the elite competition?"

Having completely converged, Bian Liangji became serious.

After all, as the owner of Temple City, he knows exactly what dangers the elite trials will face, and Su Qiubai is obviously a very good chef.

If he died in the game, would n’t those delicious foods disappear?

Therefore, he asked solemnly.

"I'm sure!"

That is, his face was calm, then nodded at the two people opposite.

After finally hesitating, Su Qiubai finally decided.

"Since you are so determined, I can charter you to be a member of the Temple City team. Good luck!"

In the end, after some helpless words, An Yanghua and Bian Liangji turned and left together.

In their opinion, even if Su Qiubai has some skills, but in the final analysis, he is just a chef. The scale of this elite trial is not simple at all.

After the old driver confirmed this, he immediately returned to Liu Kun's home.

The task of the system is now finally released. After experiencing the past, he always reminds himself that this is the task space of the super system!

So there is no doubt that this elite trial is definitely not easy. To win the championship must also be more difficult than expected!

In order to complete the task and to survive, he must make all the preparations!

When the old driver was so prepared, Ban Yun and his father returned home.

Just came in. Because he was so angry, Ban Yun kicked and flew a vase in front of the door, causing everyone to look sideways, and then quietly backed out of the room.

"Check! Immediately find out where the kid came from! The Liu family must not turn over. Otherwise, my class will be finished!"

After shouting loudly at the housekeeper next to him, the housekeeper nodded quickly and left, leaving only two members of the room, Father and Son.

"Dad, don't be angry, just a chef"

It seems to be to relax his father, so Ban Huichao said with a smile.

But as soon as the voice fell, Ban Yun's eyes widened.

"Fart! Just a chef? Do you know how the class's foothold in this Temple City? I tell you! Today he has been very satisfied with the city's owners and those VIPs in the Dark City. What does this mean? These people will shelter him in the future! "

Ban Huichao didn't expect that his simple words would make Ban Yun so angry, and his expression on his face was not very good.

Ban Yungang wanted to say something, but it turned out that at this time, there was a notice that a guest was coming.

For a moment, Ban Yun asked to come in.

Soon, the guard came in with a middle-aged man who looked quite hardcover.

Just the first glance at seeing this person. Ban Yun's face turned pale, and his eyes were full of panic.

Taking a step forward, he lowered his voice and asked, "Why did you come?"

The performance of this middle-aged man is very natural, even sitting in a chair with a big care.

"What? Brother Ban is now well mixed, and he doesn't even know his brother?"

Ban Yun seemed more panicked, and just wanted to speak, but noticed his son and the guard next to him, and his face was calm again.

"We have something to talk about, you go out first, don't bother to come in any case!"

After hearing this, he looked at his father's face again. Ban Huichao felt very strange. After taking a final look at the middle-aged man, he left with the guard.

As they went out, Ban Yun quickly closed the door. Even the curtains were pulled down immediately.

"Ghosthead, why on earth are you here!"

At this moment, without any concealment, Ban Yun's eyes were full of puzzlement and anxiety.

"Don't be nervous, don't you want to see me?"

The man named Ghostblade still didn't panic, but laughed more and more happily.

"Hurry up! Otherwise I'll send you to see the Lord now!"

Following his words, Ban Yun said directly.

He knew too well what kind of disaster this person would bring to himself. So this sentence is really no joke.

This time, the expression of the ghost-headed sword finally became much more solemn.

"Brother, this time my brother asked me to come!"

In just one sentence, even Ban Yun's legs were soft and he almost sat on the ground.

"Big brother? What is he looking for?" The thought of that terrible name in his head made Ban Yun's voice tremble.

"Rest assured, not for turning over old accounts, this time there are good things! Good things in heaven!"

Ghostblade looks very excited. My voice rises a lot when I speak.

Ban Yun was still nervous, "What's good?"

Going forward, the ghost knife approached before he said, "Boss is going to hold Heifenggang completely in our hands this time!"

In a word, Ban Yun took a few steps back before stopping.

Others probably don't understand, he did listen clearly.

The Black Wind Thief who has been entangled for many years is about to act!

In the past, Ban Yun had stayed in Heifeng Pirates, but few people knew about it. Later, when he arrived in Temple City and was taken in by Liu Kun's father, he gradually lost contact with him.

As a result, who would have thought that today this ghost-headed sword would find himself again!

After hesitating for a long time, Ban Yun asked carefully, "I can't do anything to help you?"

The ghost knife suddenly converged and then stepped forward, "You should know what the elite selection contest is held here? I won't hide it from you, waiting for the teams from various cities and those nobles When we reach the end of the final here, we will attack everyone in Temple City, and we will hit the net! "

Obviously Ghostblade said very slowly, but Ban Yun's heart seemed to jump out.

He didn't expect this to happen at all, but he thought for a moment that it was indeed the best time for the action of Heifeng Pirates. At that time, the hostages were forced to force the Dark City into submission!

The more I think about Ban Yun, the more I feel nervous. This matter is a test of life and death. His choice will affect everything in the future of the class.

"Think about it, when you choose to cooperate with us inside or out. Or do you follow the heroic resistance of the Lord of the City, all on your body! Then I will go!"

Leaving this sentence, the ghost head sword did not stay, and left Temple City directly.

And Ban Yun, also began the most difficult choice in life.

On the other side, Ban Huichao had already received the news from Nika at this time. He was full of anger and rushed to the guesthouse with a group of people!

Many people saw it along the way, but they invariably gave way.

Waited at the door of the guest house. That waiter is already waiting.

"Is she upstairs?"

"Yes, it's in the room."

After asking this sentence clearly, Ban Huichao rushed forward without hesitation.

Then he kicked the door open with one foot, and sure enough, he saw Nika sitting calmly beside the bed.

"Slut, I killed you!"

With a shout, Ban Hui walked over with a knife.

But at this time, Nika stood up and looked at Ban Huichao's face without any fear, but said calmly.

"Aren't you planning to marry me?"

In a word, Ban Huichao suddenly froze.

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