Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 162: Fighting poetry

"Did you write this poem?"

With a blank edge of my head, I managed to straighten my tongue.

Looking at Su Qiubai next to him, the whole person had a feeling of five thunder.

This chef wrote a special poem?

Are you kidding me?

"Yeah, didn't you watch it before?"

With a calm face, Su Qiubai answered, and then looked at the electronic screen, then looked back at Bian Shui and asked, "Is the special poem really amazing?"

I swallowed a spit, and the mood just calmed down again.

"Amazing? Awesome! I raise my hand first! Hurry up and tell them you wrote it!"

Having said that, he shouted for Su Qiubai to raise his hand. As a result, the side water jumped up.

"Here! Look here! Look here in the lens!"

Then, Su Qiubai didn't say anything. Bian Shui already had two hands waving at the huge camera. For a moment everyone in the audience looked over.

"Is that Master Bian Shui, right? Did he write it?"

"It's not him. I saw his results before, third class!"

In the tumultuous conversation of everyone. The lens finally gave the edge water.

But soon, the captains of some of the same medium-sized cities next to him had sneered.

Originally because the game was held in Temple City. The teams from other cities are already very unconvinced, so they have been waiting to see the joke of Temple City.

Now when I see Bian Shui standing up, it is natural to start taunting.

"What? You wouldn't be so shameless that you wrote this poem, right?"

"I think it's quite possible. After all, Temple City can do everything right now."

"Ha ha"

Listening to these words in the ear, if usual, Bian Shui must have been angry.

But now, instead, a very mysterious smile appeared, and then looked at the teams in these other cities in front of the camera.

"I didn't say I wrote it."

After saying a few words, these teams felt that he was advocating and laughed.

"Haha, how could anyone who can write a special verse stay in a place like Temple City!"

"Yes, Bian Shui are you deliberately shameful?"

With the camera, these words also spread into the ears of everyone at the scene.

Sitting on the stage, Bian Liangji's face was very ugly. He didn't understand what the nephew was doing.

Isn't it good to sit below? Have to run out at this time to be ashamed.

Although the owner of the other city nearby didn't speak, he looked at Bian Liangji with a smirk. Obviously all watching his jokes.

As a result, at this moment, the edge water front suddenly turned.

"I said I didn't write it, but I didn't say it wasn't written by our Temple City team."

Say that. Many people were ready to ridicule in their throats.

what's the situation?

"Do you mean this poem written by you Temple City?"

"Bian Shui, are you crazy?"

"Yeah! May I have your face?"

Suddenly, the sound of super wind many times crazy than before. Bian Liangji's expression turned pale.

What's wrong with this?

The edge water below was still very calm, but slowly let the camera turn to his side.

"See, this poem was written by him. Our team members in Temple City are right. What's your name?"

The mood had reached its apex, and it seemed to be about to erupt, but the water suddenly jammed in the next second, then looked back at the old driver and asked embarrassedly.

This problem suddenly made everyone a little embarrassed, including Su Qiubai.

Helplessly waved. The old driver said softly, "My name is Su Qiubai."

"Yes! This special poem was written by Su Qiubai! We from Temple City! Haha"

These words were shouted in an excited breath, and then the audience was shocked!

Who would have thought that a special poem would actually come from a member of a medium-sized city!

In that corner, Xiao Qing clapped her hands happily.

"Haha, it's brother!"

Talking, she looked at Liu Kun, who was a little sluggish next to her.

no way. Liu Kun is really dumbfounded!

He used to think that Su Qiubai was a cook, and when he heard that he was going to participate in the elite trials, he thought the kid was crazy, and now he is a poem!

Xuan Tianyang in another area heard this voice. Seeing Su Qiubai's face on the screen again, I just felt that the whole person had a feeling of rushing.

It's him again! This **** **** again!

It seems that as soon as you see Su Qiubai, Xuan Tianyang's ears sound short and long.

On the other side of the high platform, Bian Liangji was speechless in surprise. He never thought that Su Qiubai would have such a skill!

But cheers soon swept the audience!

Mo Chou has no confidant on his way, who in the world does not know the king!

These two poems are definitely not written by ordinary people. The pride and aspirations of them can be felt by everyone who reads them!

Good verses are like the sun on the same spring day, with the power to melt all the ice.

So the cheers at this moment are not just for Su Qiubai, but also for this poem.

But follow this voice. Xuan Tianyang suddenly stood up and quickly pulled the microphone next to him.

"I object, he's cheating!"

In a word. Everyone is shocked!

You know, in this kind of game, the system is the fairest referee.

Few people can hide the system cheating, but once the cheating is confirmed, the corresponding punishment will be quite horrible!

Therefore, his eyes were almost divided into two parts, one part looked at Xuan Tianyang, and the other part looked at Su Qiubai.

On the stage, Situ Xing and Li Tianci looked at each other and found that Kong Yue did not speak with Meng Lin. Also silent.

It can be seen that the two messengers on the other side of the Wuhai Sea are happy to see things proceed in this way.

That's why they made this choice.

Hearing Xuan Tianyang said this. Su Qiubai was not in a hurry, but the water was anxious.

He didn't recognize Su Qiubai's ability before, and worried that the boy would humiliate Temple City.

But now it's different. People have proved themselves.

Super poem! That's a special poem!

In any case, you can't counsel yourself as a captain!

"Put your mother's fart, do you have any evidence to prove that Su Qiubai cheated? Would you like a little face? Are all the geniuses on the other side of Wuhai the same as you?"

It's really hard to talk about the boy Bian Shui. There was no intention of giving face to Xuan Tianyang.

After saying this, the audience became silent. The big guys expected that Bian Shui had such courage, even Su Qiubai was a little surprised.

You know, when he said that, it was offensive to everyone on the other side of the Wuhai, and even the messenger was probably angry.

Sure enough, there was a look of anger on the faces of Kong Yue and Meng Lin, and all Wuhai geniuses, including Xuan Tianyang, glared at Bian Shui.

Bian Liangji's face was a little awkward. His nephew has always been like this, and there is nothing he can do.

"Haha, are you reluctant to admit cheating till now?"

Xuan Tianyang quickly converged his anger, but said with a sneer.

"Where's the evidence! Come on!"

There was still no concession, and Bian Shui blocked Su Qiubai behind him.

"Evidence? Do you still need evidence for this kind of thing? Think about how many poems there are in the entire Heifenggang? Those big writers and big poets may not be able to make such a degree of poems in the competition. Young people without any experience can casually say such verses? What a joke, do you really think everyone is stupid? "

Xuan Tianyang's remarks were very vicious. Many people who hadn't thought about it had hesitated.

Take a look at that poem, and then look at Su Qiubai who is ordinary.

It also murmured that it didn't feel right. It seems that Xuan Tianyang said it, it really makes sense.

How can super special poems be so simple!

With the sudden silence in the audience, Bian Shui was more anxious.

His idea is very simple. Su Qiubai is a member of their team at this moment, so he must not be bullied!

But when he was about to open his mouth again, Su Qiubai's soft voice sounded from the side.

"Leave it to me, thank you."

After saying this, the old driver stepped forward and said loudly while looking at the camera.

"Don't believe me, right? Tell me, what do you want to do?"

At this moment, Su Qiubai was really calm in his chest.

Since there is nothing wrong with this "Don't Be Dongda", then those poems that have been circulated throughout China can be spoken.

The so-called self-confidence of poetry and literary self-confidence in the stomach, the self-confidence of the old driver at this moment is simply bursting.

After hearing this, Xuan Tianyang sneered.

"Okay! Fight with me if you have the courage!"

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