Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 186: Australian lobster we go

No one can tell exactly what happened, the manager's words got stuck in his throat.

Everyone knows that Su Qiubai must have made a ghost!

However, all the dishes from the table to the end of those messy things, everyone can see clearly, really no one has moved!

Then the ghost knows where these things come from!

Silent effort, all the guests who ran into the bathroom are back!

"What kind of shop are you! Where did these things come from!"

"Yes! We won't have it on our plate, right? I said it wasn't right when we just ate it!"

"Me too, now my stomach hurts so much!"

Everyone shouted as if they were blasting a barrel of gunpowder at the same time.

No wonder everyone gets so angry. If Su Qiubai was deliberately making trouble, it would be OK, but everyone saw it, except for the pair of chopsticks, he really hasn't touched those plates!

How can this be explained!

"Don't worry, we will give you an explanation! I have already called the police just now. If it does prove to be our reason, all your consumption today will be free and there will be additional compensation!"

I have to say that this manager is still very capable, but this remark made everyone quiet.

then. He looked at Su Qiubai.

"When the police come, everyone you know will know!"

There was obviously a hint of threat in his tone, but Su Qiubai was calm.

To say something threatening. Where does the old driver take it for granted?

As for what ghost did you do? Maybe only Lorado knows

Immediately, everyone waited for the police to arrive, and the atmosphere was indescribable.

Probably the most relaxing is Su Qiubai, sitting in a chair and playing two games.

In just ten minutes, the police came. After understanding the situation, they directly transferred the monitoring in the hotel.

After that, we couldn't tell the weirdness. Many people thought that with the monitoring, Su Qiubai's ghost would be found.

As a result, I watched a video back and forth for more than ten times. At the end, the manager's eyes were almost glaring. Whatever it looks like, the plate comes out of the back kitchen and has these things.

"You're wronged, this is obviously the reason for your restaurant!"

"Yes! The lad is innocent! Refund!"

"I will complain to you!"

At last. In the witness of the police, the manager waived all guests and the old driver leaned against the wall. Smile like a flower!

But it was also for remedy, so after eventually asking the boss, the manager made a decision.

"To apologize to all of you. Everyone who dine today can come here at half price!"

This is indeed a big temptation. Many of the original emotional guests were quiet.

There is really only one such a large-scale seafood restaurant in Qinghe City. They have a lot of weird things that they only have here. If they have been half-price in the future, that would be a big deal.

Seeing the anger of the crowd subsided, the manager breathed a sigh of relief.

As a result, at this time, an untimely voice sounded again.

"Does anyone eat this kind of thing in the future? It's not the only one who makes seafood. But I know of a shop. It will start tomorrow with all kinds of expensive seafood. The price is also very cheap."

After the old driver said this time. Everyone understood it thoroughly.

This guy is here to hit the scene!

"Are you there? Which shop?"

"Yes, I haven't heard of it? Qinghe's largest seafood restaurant is here, right?"

Many people took his words and asked them.

The manager over there snorted, "I'm also curious when Qinghe City has such a shop!"

When everyone was about to say something, Su Qiubai continued to laugh, "Because everyone didn't know, I just spoke out in the sky, and in front of me! It's the opposite Niu million!"

For a moment, there was such a cold field.

then. There was a lot of debate.

"Millions of cattle are closed! I haven't heard of any seafood!"

"Yeah! You see, it's closed!"

That manager even taunted. "It turned out that you were asked by Niu Million? But it's estimated that the main business of their shop hasn't been figured out yet? I don't mind telling you that Niu Million sells braised pork. There is no seafood at all, and the whole Qinghe Only we in the city have a dedicated seafood supply channel. "

"It didn't happen before, it doesn't mean it won't happen in the future! I can now tell you responsibly that starting tomorrow Niu Million will also serve seafood! And they have everything here, and the price is half cheaper than them!"

Su Qiubai said lightly, but the listeners took a breath.

we have everything? All cheaper?

Everyone thought that Niu million was going to die. How come it sounds like a strong rise now?

But again, more people still don't believe it, especially the seafood staff.

"Are you kidding me, are you all there? Aside from anything else, just Australian lobster, you can't have it!"

"That's right. If I can get Australian lobster, I will go out and walk backwards!"

"Don't be afraid to flash your tongue"

The messy voice sounded, and Su Qiubai ignored it, but left a sentence and turned away.

"Is it true? I'll know it tomorrow! Right Australian lobster, right? The first 100 customers who enter the store tomorrow will get one for each one! And it's more than five pounds!"

Su Qiubai has already gone out, and the shop is still silent.

It took a long time for someone to react.

"What did he say for the top 100? Australian lobster? Five pounds or more?"

"It really seems!"

"Oh my God! Mad"

Without much stay, a group of guests are anxious to leave and tell the news to relatives and friends. The seafood restaurant looked at each other with incredible looks.

"Manager, what can I do?"

"Huh. Don't worry, wait to see Niu Million completely finished tomorrow! Help them spread the news!"

Without hesitation, the manager replied.

Then added a few more words.

"The entire Qinghe city. Australian lobster is definitely only available to us! We don't have it in our store for more than five pounds! I would like to say hello to Lao Zhang and never supply them! I want to see it by myself See how they die! "

In this way, Su Qiubai just left the car in front of his car. The words he said on the hind legs spread quickly throughout Qinghe City like the wind.

"Really fake? Australian lobster, five pounds or more?"

"Really! Many people have said it! I have to go tomorrow!"

"I'll go as well!"

And at the moment, as the owner of this shop. The old cow was sitting on the backseat carrying the seeds.

Suddenly, the phone rang and an old friend called.

"Old cow! Leave me two Australian lobsters!"

The call was just answered. The first sentence over there made Niu Million almost choked to death by sunflower seeds.

He coughed twice before scolding.

"Why are you crazy! Where can I keep two Australian lobsters for you? Will I go to the sea to fish for you tonight?"

Talking, Niu Million rolled his eyes.

"What? That's not fun enough! Then leave me a line?"

"I'll leave you an egg, do you want it? I can understand if you borrow money, you need two Australian lobsters to open your mouth"

"Lend me some money."


The old cow continued to scold. This guy knows him well, so he doesn't have any worries about talking, and then he hangs up after a few words.

Just picked up the seeds, the phone rang again.

Look at the number is the cousin in the city, and connected without much thought.

"Millions, how many Australian lobsters?"

Followed, the old cow was aggressive.

Is this a big adventure lost? Line up with yourself for Australian lobster.

"Cousin, where do I get the Australian lobster, do you want king crab?"

With a bitter face, the old cow replied.

"And king crabs? A few more, then."


After finally hanging up the phone, Lao Niu was about to talk to Su Qiubai, but the phone rang again!

Take it and look at it, it's your own wife!

Pressing the phone to connect, suddenly a strange feeling permeated my mind.

Then, the voice of the old cricket opposite to him sounded.

"Great nephew, leave me fifty Australian lobsters"

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