Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 190: queue

Soon, some people saw Niu Million in the dark.

There is no way, there are too many people, and everyone is lighting up, so the old cow came alone and noticed the first time.

"Boss Niu is here!"

"It's really Boss Niu. The door is about to open. Don't squeeze everyone!"

"Boss Niu, do you really have more than five pounds of Australian lobster?"

"They said yes, they must have!"

Listening to the messy sound in his ears, Niu million squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, opened his mouth and wondered what to say.

"Oh, don't squeeze everyone. I'll go to the store and prepare."

In the end, he didn't dare mention the lobster. After the old cow smiled stiffly, he ran into the restaurant from behind.

The waiters have all arrived. Seeing the old cows come in, one was more anxious than the other.

"Boss, really want to send Australian lobster?"

"Right? There are almost a thousand people outside, but where is the seafood?"

Watching them. Niu Million didn't know what else to say, and started to smoke without sitting on a chair.

All the waiters are a little aggressive, what's the situation?

The news has spread since yesterday, and now the red banner is hanging outside the hotel. Why can't I see a single hair of seafood inside?

Is this a joke?

Still others wanted to ask again, but looking at Niu Wan's somber complexion, he dared not speak again.

So the situation at this moment becomes like this.

The crowd outside the door was so enthusiastic that they waited for five pounds of Australian lobster to give it to themselves.

The boss sits in a chair and smokes, the rest are cleaning.

The most outrageous thing is that there are no ingredients for cooking at all.

According to the rules of the restaurant, the door will officially open at eight o'clock. Is there only one and a half hours left waiting for the miracle so quietly?

No one spoke, the atmosphere was terrible and depressed.

Suddenly at this time, Lao Niu's cell phone rang.

Immediately, Niu Million took it out of his pocket and had no time to see whose phone was connected.

"Boss cow?"

As a result, it was not Su Qiubai's voice at all.

The old cow is already a little disappointed, but then feels a little confused, is it another Australian lobster?

"Who are you?"

"Me? Hehe, I'm the owner of Longquan Villa, Feng Youcai!"

Over the phone, Niu Million could hear the taunting tone of the guy across the phone.


Of course, there is no good temper for this guy, so I asked directly.

"Hehe. Boss Niu doesn't sound good. Why is this happening? I'm right at the door of your hotel now. People are getting rich!"

Feng Youcai continued to speak, and sure enough Niu Million heard the noisy sound inside the microphone. It seems that this guy is really just outside the hotel.

"If you're a messer, goodbye."

There is really no mood to talk with this guy, so Niu million has to hang up while talking.

"Don't worry! Boss Niu, I don't think there is even a lobster in the store. Hehe is too full, isn't it full of bitterness?"

Feng Youcai continued to speak, as if all the depression after being stolen by the cow because of the star rating was all vented at this moment.

Niu million did not speak, Feng Youcai's voice continued to sound.

"I can help you, give you a few baskets of Australian lobster, and at least cope with today's scene, but the condition is that you want to transfer me the star rating!"

Finally, Feng Youcai explained the purpose of the call.

Niu Million still hasn't spoken. The most important thing in opening a restaurant for business is credibility. If the door is opened today without Australian lobster, it is estimated that this restaurant will be completely dead.

But I want to transfer the star rating to such a guy. To be honest, the old cow is very unwilling!

For any city and restaurant, being a star brand is a lifelong dream!

Therefore, this decision is very difficult for the Lao Niu.

"Think about it. There is only one chance. If you miss it, it will never be there."

Hearing that Niu Million was struggling, Feng Youcai added another sentence.

Then Niu million hung up the phone!

He can still remember what the master said when he was rated.

He said that Niu Million should always remember why he opened this restaurant and what kind of cuisine is what the chef should make!

It is because of this sentence that Niu Million made a decision to reject Feng Youcai.

He had already thought about it, if Su Qiubai could not receive the news before opening the door. Then tell everyone the truth to get everyone's forgiveness.

It's difficult but helpless!

Feng Youcai outside was cold when he heard Niu million hang up.

"Toasting without eating and drinking! Wait for it to end!"

He was right in saying nothing. At this moment, he was standing at the door of the seafood building, which was opposite the Niu Million Hotel, watching more and more people coming from all directions.

"Is there anything wrong with Zhang?"

After thinking about it, I still felt a bit uneasy, so Feng Youcai asked the manager next to him.

"No problem. I just finished talking to Lao Zhang, and his lobsters are all there."

The manager answered quickly.

After hearing this, Feng Youcai felt relieved.

Now he was waiting to see Niu Million open the door and was bombarded by everyone!

Do n’t want to keep the star rating at that time!

At this moment, the old driver who let the cows hang their stomachs is driving a large aquatic truck at the dock in northern Australia.

"How about everything, right?"

Because they have been waiting for them to load the car, Su Qiubai took a nap in front of him by this effort.

Now he opened his eyes and jumped down, then asked the Australian fisherman.

"All the seafood will be packed right away. I'll send you another five hundred pounds of lobster!"

He waved his hands, and the fisherman smiled.

Su Qiubai's business is so cost-effective, so he is also very proud of it. Five hundred catties of lobster will be given away!

After hearing this, the old driver laughed, followed the fisherman who rushed across the road and gave a thumbs up.

"Brother, steady!"

Time passed minute by minute. When the sun shined through the glass into the hotel, Niu million shook himself.

The lobby manager walked quietly behind him.

"Boss, it's time to open the door in ten minutes."

His voice is not loud, but enough for Niu Million to hear clearly.

No squeak, the old cow nodded and stood up.

Then he walked towards the door alone.

Through the glass, he had already seen the people standing in line outside, and he could not say anything, but it seemed that the whole person had fallen into the bottom of the valley.

Probably not really suitable for restaurants.

Thinking so, he planned to open the door.

Outside, as time gets closer and closer to business, the mood of the big guys is also rising!

"Don't squeeze! I'm ahead!"

"I just counted it, and I happen to be the hundredth. Line up!"

"Yes, line up! Why do you cut in line!"

Noisy, many people quarreled.

Feng Youcai also felt that time was almost up, and began to make people in it.

"What's going on! There has been no one in the store. It won't be a lie?"

"Yeah! No sound at all!"

"Fuck, I didn't sleep here in line last night. If it was deceptive, I would smash his shop!"

"Where's the boss! Come out and say, is there any!"

With the deliberate shouting, many people became confused.

Then, the bigger the more you think, the more you feel wrong. The Australian lobster, five pounds, is free.

How is this possible!

I used to trust Niu Million, but now I think about it, 80% have been cheated!

Immediately, the crowd that was still full of expectations before became full of anger. Many people have rushed directly to the door and started to smash it.

The scene was out of control for a while.

Seeing this scene, Feng Youcai's mouth sneered, but Niu Million inside was even more desperate.

Finally, after taking a deep breath, he opened the door.

"Don't squeeze everyone! Listen to me explain to you!"

Stopping everyone, the old cow yelled.

"What's the explanation? Is there any good explanation? Where is the lobster!"

"Yes. Where is the lobster! Hurry!"

"It's plain to lie, right?"

However, the old cow was not given any chance of explanation at all, and a group of people opened his mouth almost to obliterate him.

Just at this time, a few loud horns came from the street.

Everyone turned back and saw a super-long aquatic vehicle, slowly driving over.

A smokey head stuck out in the cab.

"Seafood is here! What are you doing! Don't want lobster anymore? Line up!"

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