Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 198: Sky knife

Xing Wanli's words made Su Qiubai dumbfounded, and then he was deeply puzzled.

Zongtian Group is at best a first-class group. Perhaps it is indeed a transcendental force in the eyes of many people.

But these people must not include Xing Wanli!

What is the reason why Xing Wanli warned himself about this? And meet yourself!


Without hesitation, he asked directly.

"Behind Zongtian Group is an overseas super group. These years, he has been doing unseen activities in Huaxia. When the time comes, he will be uprooted naturally, but it is not yet.

Xing Wanli's expression was still serious, as if waiting for Su Qiubai's decision.

At this moment, the mood of the old driver has stabilized a lot. At the same time, I began to seriously consider these things.

"How long will it take?"

Finally, Su Qiubai made a sound.

At any time, he is a Chinese first. So you should choose to trust the government.

"Six months! After half a year, those of our martial arts should be able to come back, and then Zongtian Group will be finished."

As if a little sigh of relief, then Xing Wanli said.

"Okay! I can wait for half a year!"

In the end, Su Qiubai made a guarantee.

In fact, he has his own considerations when making such a decision.

Anyway, the Zongtian Group is also a first-class group, and it is a bit weak to think of it alone against such a giant.

Therefore, it would be better to wait another half a year. Now that Xing Wanli promises to do it, the Zongtian Group will definitely not stay at that time!

After thinking about it, the old driver was relaxed a lot.

After telling him the secret of Xing Wanli in the summer, Su Qiubai seemed to be pressed on a huge stone on his back. As long as he thought about it, he would feel very nervous.

Today, after the truth was revealed, the stone was finally unloaded.

"There is one more thing I want to ask for your opinion. I wonder if you would like to join the Huaxia knife group?"

Suddenly Xing Wanli looked at Su Qiubai and asked after a pause.

This made Su Qiubai chatter a bit, this is the first time he heard the sky knife group.

However, Xing Wanli gave an explanation.

"The Sky Knife Group is also called the Huaxia Special Action Team. It gathers top Chinese and high-end military forces from all walks of life, and usually performs some special tasks!"

Su Qiubai then understood a little, but hesitated. He doesn't want to be **** by any organization. If it's not wrong, his biggest dream so far is probably to drive a taxi early to make enough money to buy a house.

Seems to be aware of his hesitation. So Xing Wanli continued, "You can rest assured that the Sky Knife organization will never force members to do anything, and you can reject all tasks if you are unwilling to accept them."

Immediately, the old driver was relieved.

Then after thinking carefully again, he nodded at Xing Wanli.

Immediately, the old man on the screen laughed.

Today's meeting was not his own opinion. It was a decision made by senior Huaxia executives after discussions.

It's all because Su Qiubai's energy and strength now makes everyone scared.

Especially because of those inexplicably disappearing killers on Fenglei Mountain. As a result, the pressure faced by Huaxia in all aspects has been reduced a lot, and even many secrets in Europe and America have secretly withdrawn from the country!

In view of all these, the senior management held a meeting because of Su Qiubai.

The final decision was to invite him to join Sky Knife. And specially formulated the first mission for Su Qiubai!

However, the mission matter Xing Wanli did not choose to tell at this moment, but simply told him some of the rights and responsibilities of Skysword members.

After listening. The old driver felt a sense of reverence.

The so-called foreign devils do not die for my Huaxia heart. Every day's stability and tranquility are always silently dedicated and defended by everyone!

So, if you were hesitant to join Su Qiubai before joining Sky Knife, then you will become much more determined now!

Born and died in Huaxia, for this country, even if he is just an ordinary taxi driver. I still choose to contribute to my strength without hesitation.

This is the true national soul of Huaxia for thousands of years!

"Young man, keep working hard! One day you will see the true face of this world!"

This is the last word Xing Wanli said to Su Qiubai, and then the screen went dark.

Sitting in a chair, Su Qiubai gradually digested all the things he met with Xing Wanli for a long time, as if suddenly too much information got into his mind, making him take a little time to accept.

For many people, this day is ordinary.

But for the old driver, it is a completely different concept!

It took almost ten minutes or so before the chocolate came in from the outside.

Looking at Su Qiubai, he smiled, and then handed Su Qiubai a small crystal block.

This crystal block looks very chic. It looks like a five-pointed star, but only the star above one of the small corners is bright.

"This is a token of the sky knife group. Your rating is one star, so only one star is lit."

In a very simple sentence, Chocolate has already explained to Su Qiubai about this token.

Frowning slightly, Su Qiubai wondered what the crystal block would do, but then he looked up and saw some envious eyes of Chocolate.

"The One-Star Token is not very much in the entire Skyknife group. Congratulations. We are now colleagues, so don't worry about things before."

Still laughing, chocolate seemed quite natural. Su Qiubai looked at him but said nothing.

I almost died in this guy's hand last time. It was really not so quick to be happy.

In the end, there was no intention to stay more Su Qiubai. Chocolate turned and sent a car to take him away.

The reason for this is because the chocolate received the above order, and Su Qiubai is more special. Giving him freedom is the most important thing!

Therefore, there is really no need to tell him about the messy rules of the Tiandao group.

After watching Su Qiubai leave, Chocolate reported the news about sending the crystal token to him.

At this moment, in a secret conference room in Beidu, several people are watching the summary and introduction of all the information about Su Qiubai on the screen. Among them, there are stars who have just video chat with the old driver.

In addition to him, several other people also look gray hair, but they all look extraordinary.

"Will he choose to stand with us?"

Suddenly someone broke the silence. Then asked.

"Surely, these things he has done can be seen, although sometimes the treatment is too reckless and violent. But he is loyal to Huaxia and the people!"

"I also agree that we can focus on training!"

Immediately, the meeting room was silent again.

"His mission has already been issued. Do you guess he will accept this mission?"

"I will definitely accept it. It will be interesting until he arrives in Beidu."

"Really? But as long as he can be quiet for a while, don't think about dealing with Zongtian Group, I will be satisfied."

Inexplicably, the atmosphere of the conference room was so lively that these old people even smiled.

"Either he's here or not, by the time he'll be quieter for these kids who are all day long."

"Yes, but Huaxia can finally be quiet for some days."

Of course, will the old driver know that in the far north, the first mission to join the Sky Knife team has already been issued.

At this moment, he was still remembering those words of Xing Wanli, as if a layer of tulle that had been blocked in front of him suddenly opened it, and then exposed the layers of mountains behind.

The water in this world is deep!

Driving his Hummer, he planned to go to Lao Niu's restaurant to see, but at this time, he suddenly heard the sound of the system.

"Turn right at the traffic lights and go straight 500 meters. Someone needs your help!"

Hearing this voice, the old driver froze.

Looks like it hasn't experienced this kind of thing for a long time, isn't it to say that the tasks of the super system are all in another world?

Just wondering, Longaldo had already given an explanation.

"That was an independent task of the super system. Now it's an ordinary task, so hurry up and execute so many words!"

After hearing this, Su Qiubai could not help but rolled his eyes.

Then the throttle kicked out.

Who will be the new guests?

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