Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 290: Come home

After he said this, Chris and the ice wolf were serious at the same time, even the iron head was shocked.

"That person is in the northern capital?"

Perhaps it was impossible to hold back the tension and excitement in his heart, so Chris asked.

They originally planned to go to Fenglei Mountain, and then find this guy named Su Qiubai and ask for an explanation.

Now that he is in Beidu, wouldn't it save a lot of things?

In their opinion, even though the events on Fenglei Mountain are full of weirdness, the whole world believes that it must be the cause of Huaxia's intervention.

For Su Qiubai, the attention he attracted was not as great as expected.

Imagine, to what extent can a person who has not participated in the King's Trial try?

Therefore, now that Su Qiubai is actually in the North Capital, Chris and Binglang have decided to hold the boy directly, and then forced to ask what happened on Fenglei Mountain.

If he didn't say anything, he would simply take him away from Huaxia, and everything would come to an end by then.

"Yes, he is in Beidu now, maybe he will come to Butterfly Villa in a few moments."

Following this, the general threw a blockbuster again.

He can see the excitement in the eyes of the two Kings of the Americas opposite, and understand that the name Su Qiubai must have great appeal to them.

However, in the general's heart, he didn't feel how good the Chinese person was.

Instead, at this moment, as soon as he thought of Su Qiubai's eyes, his whole body seemed to be weak.

The only purpose of saying this is to find someone to stop the evil star for himself, and then try to escape, as to say that these can really deal with that evil star?

The general's heart didn't hold any hope at all, if before he saw Su Qiubai, he felt that the events on Fenglei Mountain had nothing to do with Su Qiubai.

But now, he has been very sure, it was definitely caused by that guy!

Now that these two arrogant kings of the Americas are about to hit the muzzle, that's a piece of good news.

"Why did he come to Butterfly Villa?"

After all, Iron Head is the host here, so I'm curious about this.

Basically, the general had already thought about the wording before talking about it, so without any hesitation, he told the lie he had compiled.

It only said that he had packed up a foe of the federation, and the foe called Su Qiubai for help ...

"That's the case. You can rest here. I want to see how brave Su Qiubai just came here!"

After listening to it, the iron head seemed quite righteous and patted his chest like Hong Zhong.

"Yes, you'll stay here. If Su Qiubai doesn't come here, it's his luck. If he does come ... don't want to leave!"

The ice wolf, who had not spoken, was also loud at the moment.

He is very tall, but he seems a bit thin, and it really matches the name.

The general's heart was ecstatic, while muttering that these guys really didn't have a brain, but at the same time they were grateful.

Then the iron head ordered the servant to take the general to rest.

Without quitting, the general left the room and went out to meet with Nanye Xiu.

The three kings in the room, however, secretly discussed.

"Do you want to take him away?"

It was Chris, who said this to the ice wolf. Obviously he was hesitating about what method should be adopted for Su Qiubai.

"Look at this guy's attitude first, if he doesn't want to tell those secrets, we'll take him back to America!"

After a pause, Ice Wolf said.

The iron head that had been silent also made a noise at this moment, but he just shifted the subject from Su Qiubai.

"There was news from Zongtian Group saying that it won't take long for that thing to pass the experiment!"

Hearing this, Chris and Ice Wolf's eyes appeared a touch of excitement and shock at the same time.

Few people know that this butterfly villa is actually the base of contact between Zongtian Group and a super group, and Chris and Binglang belong to this group, so iron heads will tell them about it .

"It's finally time to pass the experiment. What is the power of that thing?"

It seemed curious, so Chris asked, lowering his voice.


Without hesitation, the iron head gave the answer. He had seen it with his own eyes before, and he used these four words to describe it without any exaggeration.

"Hua Xia's warriors should be back soon? I heard that place seems to have changed a bit."

The ice wolf said silently.

Nodded, the two people next to each other became grim.

"Once the people in Huaxia return ... it will definitely be a **** storm!"

It took a long time for the iron head to say a word.

This time, neither Chris nor the Ice Wolf objected.

As kings, they always know more about things than ordinary people, especially about all the Chinese warriors who disappeared in that place!

Huaxia, which was originally strong, suddenly became thin.

This is why so many overseas forces choose to launch various actions and temptations. Many people think that Huaxia will be completely finished.

However, after so long, it seems that people have not been affected in any way.

Instead, more than ten foreign kings on Fenglei Mountain have all disappeared!

This also makes everyone more frightened of this ancient country, not to mention that there have been some new changes in that place, maybe those missing warriors really want to return ...

The atmosphere in the room was suddenly silent. The three of them were thinking about what might happen next. They actually felt a sense of fear and timidity.

Just then, a sudden knock came from the outside.

Facing the expression on his face, the iron head let outsiders come in.

"Master, someone is looking for a general outside."

The servant's head was very low, and he said this.

The three calm people suddenly showed different expressions because of this sentence.

"Is it a Chinese?"

Followed, Iron Head asked.

"Yes, he said that if the general did not hand him over within two minutes, he would drive in!"

The servant felt a little weird when he said this.

But here Butterfly Garden, even the bold Chinese people, should not be so arrogant.

Not to mention anything else, the iron head is a real king, not to mention the strength of the two around him at the moment is equally unfathomable!

Some people actually said that they would drive in here with a car, which is really hard to imagine.

"Huh, rush in? I haven't seen such an arrogant person for a long time! Notify the guard, break his leg, and then close it!"

Tietou doesn't think he needs to stand up now, after all, his identity is the owner of Butterfly Mountain Villa, so there is no need to easily shoot.

What's more, he is very confident in the guards of Butterfly Mountain Villa. You must know that he has always been a gathering place for foreign warriors, so he often sees some powerful warriors and stays.

So Tietou believes that no matter how powerful Su Qiubai is, he is definitely not his opponent.

After watching the servant leave, all three laughed.

"I didn't expect it to actually come. Originally, the two of us thought that we would go to Fenglei Mountain, but now we just have to catch this kid, we don't have to worry about it!"

Chris looked very happy, as did the ice wolf next to him.

"Who knows there is a fool who is rushing to the door ..." Iron head also chuckled, three Shi Shiran sat down and continued to drink, while waiting for news.

The general on the other side almost cried out with one or two of Nan Yexiu after hearing that Su Qiu Baiguo had really arrived at the Butterfly Villa.

"General, what shall we do? Can these people deal with Su Qiubai?" Nan Ye Xiuyi was very nervous when he said this, and the whole person seemed to be shaking.

"It's impossible. Su Qiubai is more powerful than my master. These guys are arrogant and will definitely suffer a lot!"

In front of Hideo Minano, Tieto voiced his opinion.

After all, he is an apprentice to Adam, so Mino Hideichi can make a comparison.

"What then?"

Immediately, Nanye Xiuyi's face turned pale. m. Reading ,.

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