Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 332: I am very busy

After entering the room, a few people sat down, and Ao Bai sat naturally on top.

No way, old people are used to it.

James frowned but said nothing. He usually sat in that position.

However, there is no need to have general knowledge with an old man, let alone his own hostage.

So to ease the expression again, James sat next to Aobai and asked, "Old man. I called Su Qiubai and asked him to come and pick you up, OK?"

Still bad Chinese, James waited for Aobai's answer after speaking.

"Su Boy?"

"Yes, that's him, I'll let him come over to pick you up."

After speaking, James asked people to bring the mobile phone over, and then dialed out Su Qiubai's phone, which had been found before.

The old driver was talking to a bunch of uncles and suddenly heard the phone ring.

It's an unknown number. He didn't want to answer it anymore. All the awards were received for half a day, and his ears felt irritated.

But hesitated a moment, still pressed the answer button.

"Look, I'm not Su Qiubai, you are wrong, call someone!"

After saying this, he just hung up the phone. Followed into the pocket.

Then, James here was aggressive.

what's going on?

With his eyes widened, he stared at Huang Mao blankly.

Huang Mao, they don't know what happened, just seeing James look a bit strange.

"Is this phone Su Qiubai?"

Hesitated. After looking at the number, James asked Huang Mao.

Huang Mao froze, but this phone number he found from the Drivers Union, it should be right!

Take the phone, he looked down carefully and nodded at James.

"Yes, this is the number!"

This made James feel a bit strange. It was Su Qiubai's phone. Why did he say something wrong?

Aobai next to seeing these foreign devils looking at each other was very fun, and immediately smiled.

James felt a little depressed, but quickly dialed the phone again.

Su Qiubai heard the cell phone ringing, picked it up and looked at the same number again.

"Everyone said you were mistaken, is it interesting over and over again? Don't call again!"

After being connected, he said these words in one breath, and then Su Qiubai hung up again.

James on the other side was at a loss again, but fortunately he was driving outside this time. So everyone in the room heard it.

"Really wrong?"

With a frown, James felt that his abduction was not quite right, especially because the wrong number made him feel a bit angry, and then the blame looked at Huang Mao.

Huang Mao immediately understood. Quickly set the number again, and then he felt depressed for a while!

Indeed, it should be Su Qiubai, but why he did not understand this.

Several foreigners are planning to find someone to ask again.

"Continue to fight. It's Su, you can't hear his voice!"

The old man's eyes were full of contempt, James's throat was a little blocked, and the hostage was very strange!

But since he said the number is correct, James also dialed out for the third time.

This time, he had experience, almost just connected to the phone, and immediately started talking.

"Su Qiubai, listen. Your father is in our hands. If you can't get to the suburban villa 301 on time, we will kill him!"

Speak these words as quickly as possible, and in English. James is inexplicable.

This feeling is really good. Regardless of who is opposite him, let's finish talking first!

The old driver thought it was a notification of winning again. After hearing these words, the whole person frowned, and the temperature in the hall seemed to drop a lot.

The uncles next to him noticed that something was wrong with him, and they didn't talk anymore.

"I tell you, if you just touch my dad with a sweat, I will definitely kill you!"

Taking a deep breath, Su Qiubai asked Long Rado to locate by phone, and said in an unusually cold tone in his mouth.

Hearing this, James smiled.

This is what the kidnapping should feel like, and this is what he wants to hear.

"Oh, are you scared now? If you are scared, you will come here at 7 o'clock tonight at 301, otherwise you will wait to collect your dad!"

Just after James said this. Su Qiubai heard Long Rado's voice.

"Defined location, villa 301 in the suburbs!"

This made the old driver's heart even heavier, at least to prove that the other party is not a prank.

After hesitating for a while, his mind quickly made plans, but at the same time he felt very confused.

What kind of person went to Honggang Village to kidnap his father, and also to the suburbs of Beidu?

Because of this doubt, he said, "Let my dad answer the phone!"

James had a smug smile. Then he turned to look at Aobai next to him.

"He wants to talk to you."

As he said, he handed the cell phone to Obai.

Obai Shun took it and shouted directly.

"Su, what's the matter?"

Hear this voice. The old driver looked blank.

Isn't this Aobai? what's the situation?

After turning around in his mind, Su Qiubai vaguely understood what was going on. It must be that these foreigners kidnapped Aobai as their dad. No wonder the car had disappeared from Aobai after leaving the hotel Already.

Feeling relieved, is it necessary to worry?

Would he be afraid of being killed by these foreigners?

What a joke, the reverse is almost the same!

"Brother, didn't they treat you?"

Then he asked.

"No! These people are nice. You can't get over? Eat together!"

Obai still had a very relaxed tone, and the old driver here felt a little weird when he heard this.

But after a dry cough, he said, "I have something right now and can't get over it. You can play with them. When you find it boring, just call me and I will pick you up."

These words came out of his mouth. Su Qiubai seemed to be a little too idyllic, but remembered that these **** had the intention of kidnapping their dad, but felt that they deserved it.

Probably the whole North, they even kidnapped Xing Wanli. There will be no serious consequences of abducting Aobai!

"Okay, I'll let the devil call you then."

Obao is completely without fear, said in front of James.

Su Qiubai heard Aobai return the phone to James.

Both James and Huang Mao listened very carefully here, because the phone had its speaker on.

However, he did not understand the dialogue between Su Qiubai and Aobai.

Just play with them. I said it was boring. Who was the last ghost on the phone?

James took the phone a little bit puzzled and put it in his ear.

"How are you thinking? Come to Villa 301 tonight, otherwise your dad is finished!"

Lowering his voice, James wanted Su Qiubai to hear the murder in his tone.

As a result, the old driver's next sentence left him confused again.

"I don't have time today."

That indifferent tone surprised James.

"What about tomorrow? Come over tomorrow!"

Then, he said subconsciously.

"I don't have time tomorrow." Su Qiubai continued, and the kind of casualness made James even more dazed.

After a pause, he suddenly became angry, and that anger seemed to swallow him up!

"Look, Su Qiubai! Your dad is in my hands now, not when you bargain with me. If you don't come to Villa 301 tonight, you will wait to collect your dad tomorrow!"

Gritting James, the yellow hair next to them is almost an expression, after all, this is already arranged.

As long as Su Qiubai comes here, be sure to kill him!

As a result James's voice just fell. Su Qiubai gave the answer.

"I've been really busy lately. If you don't have time to pass, you can just do whatever you like. Just tell me when you like."

Then the phone hung up

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