Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 385: Ordinary old driver

On the other side, Sachiko was pale at the moment, scared by the situation at the scene.

After all, she is just a girl in her early twenties. She has always had a carefree life. Although she understands the disputes of some big families, she has never been affected in early spring.

But now, everything was bleeding in front of her.

There were people who stood before her one by one, but at this moment they were constantly falling down. The despair and terror in their eyes made Sachiko feel cold indescribable all over her.

"Longjing, wait for a chance to take Miss Xingzi away immediately, I will try to stop them!"

Zhu Tailang's complexion was unprecedentedly dignified. The dozens of them carefully hid in the corner of the venue, which has not yet been affected.

But seeing the wild boar they have blocked the gate of the field, Zhu Tailang is also obviously that the current situation is almost the same as desperate, so the decision he made is to fight hard, at least to let Sachiko survive.

"Uncle Taro, let's leave together!"

After understanding Zhu Tailang's meaning, Sachiko looked very frightened, and the frightened child seemed to be about to lose the last straw!

Shaking his head, Zhu Tailang said nothing, but smiled at Sachiko again.

His expression was very indifferent, it seemed no different from the way he always looks.

Longjing's old face was also full of anxiety. Once Zhu Tailang died, then Sachiko really couldn't see any hope!

And at this moment, the duel between the three wild wolves and Chuan Shu is more and more dangerous!

I have to say that these three wild wolves are really very fierce. When they shot, they seemed to be both defeated. The Chuanshu side was very passive. [Www.]

Suddenly, the blood wolf seized a chance, and the axe in his hand was suddenly chopped on the chest of a king on the side of Chuan Shu.

Blood splattered, the most important thing was that the huge force collapsed his chest, and finally his body hit the wall heavily.

Without any pause, the blood wolf rushed towards the Xiyuanchuan tree with an axe.

The Chuanshu, which was already struggling with the golden wolf, was suddenly surrounded by mountains at this moment.

"Chuan Shu ... it's over!"

The wild boar standing at the door suddenly said such a soft voice, and there was a little dread in his eyes.

No wonder that the three wild wolves in the city of cherry blossoms can only be managed in early spring, and now they are really well-deserved!

At least this fierce fighting power, even the king, is not something you can have!

So, he was a little skeptical about the actions of these three guys, but he soon became calm.

After all, their people have gone outside, plus they have five kings!

It should be enough to deal with the three brothers ...

The wild boar just thought of it here, and suddenly I heard the king on the side of Chuanshu screaming again, the whole arm was chopped off, and after a few tumblings on the ground, nothing happened.

So, the three brothers all rushed at Chuan Shu.

In just two rounds, Chuan Shu was also hit by the wolf's fist on the ribs. With the sound of bone fracture, he was completely defeated!

The battle situation here completely decided the battle of ordinary martial arts. As soon as they saw that Chuanshu was finished, these elders were also killed one after another, and all the situations became very favorable for the Golden Wolves.

"Haha, I said long ago that no one can stop us, the Xiyuan family is ours!"

With a mad laugh, the blood wolf pinned the axe in his waist.

It was at this time that he saw Sachiko and Zhu Tailang in the corner.

Almost at the same time that he noticed the blood wolf's gaze, Zhu Tailang's face changed immediately!

Something that was very worried from the beginning ... Now it can't be avoided!

"Ms. Sachiko, how did you think about what I said before?"

Sure enough, the blood wolf showed that kind of ridiculous smile again, and in front of so many people at the venue, directly asked Xiyuan Yuko.

His words also temporarily stopped the fighting in the venue. The elders and warriors who were still alive brought Chuan Shu to lean in this corner, and the enemies that surrounded them were outside!

"Blood wolf, you beast!"

Really frustrated, Longjing shouted the sentence almost shivering.

"Haha, I was originally a beast. The **** guy in early spring asked the three of our brothers to make a dog for him for so many years. I forgot that I was still human!"

No one expected that the blood wolf would say so, his eyes began to look crazy, his eyes stared at Sachiko tightly.

"I just want to take his Xiyuan family, and then take over his daughter. Whoever disagrees can stand up!"

Taking the axe out again, the blood wolf's voice was still the kind of arrogance that did not put anyone in his eyes.

The wild boars didn't say anything. At this moment they were ready to shoot.

After killing the three wild wolves, the Xiyuan family will be a piece of cake in front of them!

Of course, the blood wolf would not know that the ally they had found was already planning to kill themselves, almost as soon as his sentence was finished, Zhu Tailang suddenly rushed out.

His speed was very fast. The indomitable momentum surprised everyone. Fortunately, they saw the last hope!

However, the speed of the Golden Wolf and the Silver Wolf is also fast.

Of course they know Zhu Taro's strength, and as early spring's best friends, their hatred for Zhu Taro is unparalleled!

So basically when the blood wolf talked, the three of them were ready to start working with Zhu Tailang.

Nothing is unexpected to them now!

In a blink of an eye, the three wild wolves had surrounded Zhu Tailang in the middle, just a few rounds, after Zhu Tailang spit out a blood, he was knocked to the ground.

At this moment, everyone in the Xiyuan family is desperate!

If Xingzi was dead, he desperately wanted to run towards Zhu Tailang, but was caught by Longjing.

He knew that Zhu Tailang did these things to gain a chance for Sachiko, and he should not let her die!

"Miss Sachiko, come with me!"

This time, the blood wolf didn't think there was anyone to stop himself, and he jumped towards Xiyuan Yuko directly.

Everyone felt that Sachiko was completely finished, and even Sachiko himself closed his eyes.

On the wild boar side, a command was issued at almost the same time, and all the warriors who had been waiting outside had already poured out.

However, everyone has no time to manage this matter.

Because at this moment, something incredible happened!

The blood wolf had already flew out of the body, and was actually kicked off by one foot. The sound of the bones cracking seemed to fall to the ground.

By the time everyone looked at him again, he was already full of blood, despairing in his eyes, and stared at Sachiko in the direction of what he wanted to say, but in the end he still didn't say it.

Then ... I closed my eyes!

That's right, he died ... it was impossible before, a blood wolf that no one can stop, now like a dead dog ... no, just lying there like a dead dog, it will eventually become a cold body.

Silence, death-like silence, no one expected that such a thing would happen, it was like seeing a ghost in the daytime!

You know, the fighting power of the blood wolves among these three wild wolves is the most powerful!

But now it's been seconds!

"Someone else kills and kills as much as you like, but it's really bold to move her ..."

With the sound of this fluttering sound, the whole audience's eyes were focused on the man in front of Xingzi at this moment.

There didn't seem to be anything special, as if he had stood behind the crowd before and no one had noticed it at all.

But now, this man has made everyone feel suffocated.

Just a kick ... choked the blood wolf!

What is this concept? This guy ... how scared should he be!

It happened, his face was very calm, calm as if stepping on an ant.

That's right, this person is an old driver, an ordinary Qinghe taxi driver! m. Reading ,.

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