Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 394: guess

The wild boar was really anxious this time, he could feel that kind of killing intention, maybe one accidentally, Su Qiubai would cut off his head.

"I really don't know. I'm just a puppet. I'll do whatever it asks me to do. The specific things are completely unclear!"

Again, the boar explained.

He was so nervous that he started shaking.

"Mr. Jing Jing was seriously injured. It was caught by them in the city of cherry blossoms, and then I escaped. He should know what happened next."

result. Jiangkou was holding on to want to get up, but continued in his mouth, a pair of eyes staring at the yellow wild boar.

"Tell me. Where is Jing Ye?"

At this moment, Su Qiubai had reached the wild boar, still a calm voice. But the wild boar could no longer bear that fear.

"He's at the Black Dragon Altar!"

He swallowed a saliva, and said the boar desperately.

He knew that if he continued to remain silent, he would really have lost his life here.

So it's more important to be able to survive than to leak information from the organization!

Su Qiubai frowned slightly when he heard the three words on the Black Dragon Altar. He had never heard of this place, but gave an explanation following Jiangkou.

"Heilongtan is the headquarters of the underground Heilong Formation, but few people know exactly where this place is."

After hearing this, the old driver understood something.

But at the same time, he was more worried about the situation of Jing Jing.

As a super group, the underground Heilong Formation must be much deeper than they thought. Originally, they thought that Jing Jing had not fallen on their hands. I did not expect that things would be so bad.

He knew very well that the reason Jing Jing would clash with the underground black dragon group. It was exactly what happened on Fenglei Mountain at the beginning.

His disappearance caused Jing Ye to kill two kings of the underground black dragon group in a rage, and then began to be hunted down by them all the time, to this day!

The more I think about it. The more angry Su Qiubai was, the more calm the whole person became.

"Where is the Black Dragon Altar?"

He continued to look at the boar, he asked.

"The black dragon altar is west of the cherry blossom city. On the top of Longshan is the black dragon altar!"

At this stage, the wild boar did not plan to conceal anything, so he spoke very happily.

After hearing this answer, Su Qiubai glanced at Jiangkou and wanted him to confirm the truth of the news.

Eguchi is also obviously hesitant, although he has been staying in the city of cherry blossoms. But he did not know about the position of the Black Dragon Altar. After all, this is the biggest secret of the Black Dragon group. It is also where all their hole cards are hidden.

"How's Jing Ye now? What have you done to him?"

Soon, Su Qiubai continued to ask.

What he is most concerned about now is Jing Jing's safety, and he has made a secret decision. If something goes wrong with Jing Jing, he must let the entire Black Dragon team be buried!

"He's fine, he's fine."

Obviously hesitated, but in the end the boar said.

"Don't lie to me?"

Taking another step forward, Su Qiubai lifted his feet and flew out the whole boar while talking.

Suddenly caught off guard, the wild boar was like a ball, and eventually hit the corner before stopping.

Although the body hurts terribly, because of the internal fear, the footsteps in the ears continue to sound, and the boar immediately raised his head.

"I only know this. It seems that Jing Ye is involved in the killer's door, so it was taken to the Black Dragon Altar. I don't really know what to do!

Shaking his head again and again. The blood in the boar's mouth kept falling.

He was really scared, and it was the kind of courage that was going to scare him.

"He shouldn't know if the purpose of the black dragon group to catch Mr. Jing Jun or the secret of the killer door, so he should not hurt him until he obtains that secret!"

Once again, Jiangkou spoke.

His thinking was very clear. In a word, Su Qiubai finally stopped and didn't mean to continue to operate against the wild boar.

See this scene. The boar's heart was full of gratitude, and he almost knelt down toward the estuary, completely forgetting that he had thought about killing the estuary before.

"What the **** is a killer gate?"

After a pause. Su Qiubai directly asked Jiangkou.

This problem has troubled him for a long time, and he also vaguely understands that the reason why the Black Dragon team will have trouble with Jing Ye to this point, more reasons are because of this killer door!

But until now. He knew all about this killer door, and he was totally unclear about the reason Jing Jing had a relationship with the killer door.

This question made Jiangkou hesitate. Finally he took a look at the wild boar.

Now that he understood what was going on, Su Qiubai slapped his head on the boar's head, and then passed out before him.

"It's okay now. You say it."

Then he looked at Jiangkou and said.

Jiangkou, on the other hand, obviously relaxed a lot, and then began to slowly talk about the process of knowing Jing Jing and the legend of the killer door.

"Mr. Jing Jing is the only hope for the reappearance of the killer door that has disappeared. Only he can find the cause of the disappearance of the killer door that year!"

Just the first sentence. Su Qiubai frowned slightly.

Although strange in his heart, he said nothing in his mouth, but continued to listen to Jiangkou's remarks.

"In fact, a senior of our family. It used to belong to the killer gate, and the last glory of the killer gate also disappeared from the cherry blossom city!"

Continue, Eguchi said.

This time, Su Qiubai understood a little. Before, chocolate said that the killer gate was a very powerful organization in China, and there were many masters in it.

But then overnight, it seemed like everything had disappeared!

Unexpectedly, the family of Jiangkou actually knew some secrets, no wonder the underground black dragon group would always target.

"Before the senior left. Leave a word, he said that one day someone will use the unique swordsmanship of the killer door, that person is the ultimate candidate to unlock the secret of the killer door!

Eguchi glanced at Ali while talking. Obviously, both brother and sister knew this.

On the old driver's side, his heart suddenly moved and he asked, "What swordsmanship?"

"Yi Shuihan! This is the name of the set of swordsman Mr. Jing Jing said he created this set of swordsmanship!"

The next sentence, Jiangkou's answer gave Su Qiubai's heart a little more shock.

In fact, when he heard the swordsmanship, he guessed that it might be Yi Shuihan, but he did not expect it to be so.

But why does the old man at the end of the killer door say that the person who can make the cold water is the person who unlocks the secret of the killer door?

At the same time, he noticed an important message in Jiangkou's sentence.

"You just said to leave? Where did that senior go?"

Nodded, Jiangkou continued to answer, "According to the words left by that senior, we guessed later that all the killer people went to another place! Or another world!"

Every time I think of this possibility, Jiangkou himself can't help but be excited.

After all, who will easily accept, there will be another world.

But so many people disappeared overnight, and it seemed that this explanation was the most appropriate.

Of course, this is just their guess, no one can prove, and few will really completely believe that there is indeed another world.

But Su Qiubai, who was opposite, heard this remark and responded quite differently.

He froze.

Because he knows that there really is another world, and more than one!

Therefore, Jiangkou's guess is likely to be true!

The killer gate that was once invincible on earth, probably really all went to another world!

To put it simply, it is probably that they may have opened the space-time tunnel, or went to a place like Heifenggang.

But why did they say before they left that people who can easily turn to cold water can unlock the secrets of killer doors?

That's right, Jing Ye is indeed the founder of Yi Shuihan.

But this set of swordsmanship can do it!

Suddenly Su Qiubai fell into a daze of speculation

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