Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 410: who is it

Of course, Su Qiubai did not know anything about Longshan. After returning to the Holiday Inn Palace, he thought he could go back with Jing Jing.

The result was almost that his forefoot had just entered the hotel, and then he just saw the Jiangkou rushing out of it.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Jing Jing has passed out, please go and see him!"

Jiangkou seemed very anxious, and Su Qiubai was surprised.

No more to say, he rushed into it immediately.

When I got to the room, I found that Jing Jing on the bed was lying pale, eyes closed and I didn't know what happened.

"Mr. Su, look ..."

"Don't talk, I'll check it for him!"

Speaking, Su Qiubai ignored these people next to him, including Yuan Yi, and went directly to Jing Yan's side.

Then he started to check it up.

Hua Qi's qi-seeking technique starts to flash from both eyes, and then from the meridians to the blood vessels ...

About five minutes later, the old driver frowned.

It is strange that according to his inspection results, Jing Jing has no reason to faint him except that he is slightly weak.

But it is ... Jing Ye at this moment is indeed eyes closed.

"Mr. Su, how are you?"

Jiangkou seems to be the most anxious. After all, Jing Ye is the only person who can unlock the secret of the killer's door. As the long-awaited person of the entire family, Jiangkou does not want him to do anything.

"He's fine ..."

Shaking his head, Su Qiubai's eyes continued to look at Jing Jing on the bed, and his doubts deepened.

"But there is no problem how to pass out, this ..."

Jiangkou didn't seem to believe it, but he didn't question it when he was halfway talking, because he knew that Su Qiubai's medical technique was the only one in the world.

However, the current situation still leaves Jiangkou without knowing what to do. Once Jing Ye really does something, he doesn't even know what the whole family will wait for years.

As for Su Qiubai here, of course, he would not have these thoughts like Jiangkou, and now he is completely at a loss to understand what is wrong with Jing Jing's body.

Finally, looking around, Su Qiubai said, "You go out first, and I'll check it for him."

Jiangkou and Ali left them, hesitated and agreed.

Yuan Yi and Ma Xiaoxue followed them and walked out of the room.

Soon, only Su Qiubai and Jing Jing were left in the room.

This time, the old driver took out the silver needle, and then carefully observed Jing Jing's body. When he finally planned to apply the needle, he suddenly felt something wrong.

The next moment, a cold voice sounded from the ear.

"Don't move or I'll kill you!"

When he heard this voice, Su Qiubai lowered the silver needle in his hand, and did not dare to turn his head.

He could feel that at this moment there was a very sharp dagger on his neck. As long as he slightly moved, the dagger would surely cut his throat.

By then ... destined!

But compared to his inner nervousness, Su Qiubai was more dazed and confused.

He didn't know why Jing Ye did this, and logically such things would never happen!

But now, it is indeed Jing Jing who was just lying in bed, and now he is holding a dagger on his neck.

"Jing Ye, I'm Su Qiubai ... don't you know me?"

Slowly turning around, Su Qiubai suspected that Jing Ye was moved by the people of the Black Dragon group, so there was an amnesia?

Thinking of this, he also saw Jing Jing's face.

That's right, it is indeed Jing Jing in his memory, but I don't know why ... the smile on the corner of his mouth is cold and strange.

"Of course I know you, Su Qiubai ... the man in Miss Qiuhan's dream."

Then Jing Jing said.

While talking, he slowly stood up, and it was clear that he had no problems with his body, but the sneer was more obvious.

Su Qiubai's mind was a bit at a loss, he didn't know what the guy was talking about, let alone who Qiu Han was in his mouth.

This phoenix ... seems to become a stranger in an instant.

"Don't understand? Hehe ... Rest assured, you will soon understand, let's say this ... I came to such a low-level world, all because of you!"

At this moment, Jing Jing had completely stood up, but the dagger still had no meaning to loosen, and it was still tightly placed on Su Qiubai's throat.

"Be careful, this guy is a time and space killer!"

Suddenly, Rondo's voice reminded Su Subai's mind.

When hearing this sentence, Su Qiubai's feeling of bewilderment became more obvious. He was a little confused about the identity of the opposite guy.

Is he Jing Jing or someone else?

Especially this time and space killer ... what is it?

"The space-time killer is similar to the space-time driver, except that the driver is transporting guests, and the killer's task is to assassinate in different space-time and world!"

Knowing that Su Qiubai must not understand, Long Rado explained it again.

Hearing this, he understood something vaguely, but after he understood it ... it was even more strange ... Why is there such a person who finds himself, and shouldn't he be Jing Jing?

"Aren't you Jing Jing?"

Frowning slightly, Su Qiubai's eyes stared at the opposite guy.

"Ha ha ... I'm not Jing Jing, of course, I really don't understand why a guy like you would let Miss Han Qiu forget about her dreams ..."

The killer on the opposite side continued to laugh, seeming to have a more mocking taste.

This time, Su Qiubai paused for a moment.

Then he asked, "Miss Han Qiu in your mouth, who is it?"

As he turned out, the killer on the opposite side had a stronger smile.

"I know you're very curious, but ... I won't tell you, as long as I kill you now, my mission is completely over! Such a low-level world is really meaningless, but it can get a high amount The bounty is worthwhile. "

The killer still smiled, and at the same time the dagger in his hand was more vigorous.

Su Qiubai was even more confused, but fortunately, Rondo's voice sounded at the moment, "Ms. Han Qiurong in his mouth may be Xia Rongrong."

Almost as soon as I heard this sentence, Su Qiubai's mind went blank for a moment.

The whole person had an indescribable sense of urgency, and even ignored the dagger on his neck, Su Qiubai stepped forward violently.

"That Miss Han Qiu is Rong Rong? Tell me, what's going on? Tell me!"

Because his heart was too anxious, Su Qiubai's voice was shaking.

Such a news was like a thunder to him.

Although time has not passed long, Su Qiubai hasn't heard anything about Xia Rongrong for a long time.

Heifenggang's mission has not yet started, so although he knows that Xia Rongrong is opposite the Wuhai, he is powerless.

Moreover, he did not know what exactly Xia Rongrong was going through there, and did he still remember himself?

Whenever I think of it, the old driver's heart will always be violently beating. It is because of the girl who has been at the bottom of his heart that he has never accepted the minds of all women, including Long Ruoxuan.

Because he knew that he missed the girl, but missed like crazy.

It is for this reason that Su Qiubai has always made himself strong. He wants to have the strength to meet Xia Rongrong as soon as possible, and then come out with words that have no time to say.

"Sure enough, the young master's guess is correct at all. The memory deleted by Miss Han Qiu is you! Thank you for helping me to make sure that I have not found the wrong target again. As for what you want to know ... probably I will not tell you of!"

Seeing Su Qiubai's anxious look, the killer was even more proud of smiling.

He came to earth this time, just like he said, the young master of his own family heard that the distinguished Miss Han Qiu once called a name called Su Qiubai in a dream.

This made the young master very jealous, and then sent the killer out!

Now, he is planning to finish the task by hand! m. Reading ,.

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