Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 513: Jia Busi

Beidu International Exchange Center, today is a very important day for Zhongle Culture Co., Ltd.!

Because today, the scale of the Chinese music company will take a big step, and the influence will be different. [Www.]

"Business, how's things going?"

Everything was going smoothly, and as a result, Wen Xiaoyi received the incident of jumping in the Zhongle Building, so the president Tian Zhongle let Zhang Enterprise deal with it as soon as possible.

At this moment, with the effort of drinking water, Tian Zhongle asked Zhang Enterprise again.

"I have asked Secretary Tian to do it, and there will be no problems."

Nodding his head, Zhang Enterprise hurried to reassure the boss, in fact he didn't care about it now.

It's just a thoughtful little actor. He has seen too many things like this, and it's nothing.

He guessed that Secretary Tian might call himself if he couldn't talk about the price. He wouldn't add more money until the meeting was over.

"That's good. This matter must be handled well. Our cooperation with Dingsheng Entertainment has just begun. It can't affect our own image because of such small things."

Tanaka was a middle-aged fat man, and this Zhongle culture was founded by him.

Since Zhang Enterprise followed his elders from the beginning, Tanaka was quite assured of him.

"Rest assured, I will handle everything!" Once again, Zhang Enterprise made a guarantee.

Incidentally, the conversation between the two was over.

Then, the meeting also entered a short break.

It was at this time that a brown-haired foreigner approached Tanaka. [Www.]

When he saw this person, Tanaka played all his spirits immediately.

Today's meeting is actually a cooperation ceremony between Zhongle Culture Co., Ltd. and Dingsheng Entertainment.

A brief introduction to this great entertainment, the world-class film and television consortium, can be said to have extraordinary influence all over the world!

To this cooperation today, the Chinese company has put in too much effort. After all, as a domestic cultural company, it always pays a huge price to be in line with international standards.

And now, all this is finally going to succeed.

This brown-haired foreigner is named Jia Busi, who is the chief person in charge of Dingsheng Entertainment's Asia. This time, he came to Huaxia from Dongying to discuss the cooperation between the two parties. Of course, seeing this person, Tian Zhongle must be treated carefully.

"Mr. Jia Busi, what do you have to order?"

Although the double development has become a cooperation, Tanaka still looks like a slave in front of Jia Busi, which is actually his inner worship of the heyday entertainment.

"That's it. I want to ask you about it. Do you know a Chinese man named Su Qiubai?"

With a smile, Jia Busi asked Tanaka directly without turning around.

The whole Tanaka music here was a whole bunch of people. He really did not have any preparation for Jia Busi's question.

As for Su Qiubai ... I have never heard of it.

"Does Su Qiubai have anything to do with you? You can tell me I'll investigate."

Without hesitation, Tanaka gave the answer.

"No, no, no! Don't do this. I just have a lot of respect for Mr. Su, so I want to see him ... I guess you can't know him."

The tone seemed a little regrettable, and even a little excited. Jia Busi's last sentence ... also did not hide his contempt for Tanaka.

Tanaka was also a bit embarrassed when he heard this. He understood Jia Busi's meaning, that is, he was not qualified to meet this person named Su Qiubai.

This sentence, coupled with Jia Busi's expression, made Tanaka music somewhat dissatisfied.

Zhongle Culture Co., Ltd. probably doesn't have much reputation in the world, but in China, it is definitely the leader of the entertainment industry!

Now Jia Busi actually said that he was not qualified to meet a Chinese, and Tanaka's emotion was strange.

"I don't know what kind of person Su Qiubai is, can you tell me?" So Tanaka asked.

Seeing Tanaka's eyes and hearing this sentence, Jia Busi understood something vaguely.

However, he didn't think he was wrong at all.

The man named Su Qiubai did indeed convince Jia Busi completely, and even if it was not for him, Jia Busi might have died.

"Before I went to Dongying to participate in an auction held at the White Tiger Auction, where I saw Mr. Su ..."

Later, in the presence of Tanaka and Zhang Enterprise, Jia Busi explained the things at the auction.

On his side, he was getting more and more excited, starting with a large sum of money, and then shouting a sky-high price of 10 billion ...

On the other side, Zhang Enterprise and Tanaka Le were stunned.

Looking back on the past experiences of the two people, they never imagined that there would be such a horrible Chinese person, and they never heard of it.

"Later, those killers are about to do something, and Mr. Su has already prepared robots ..."

Followed by, Jia Busi invited Su Qiubai out of Luban No. 7 to kill all those killers. He could still see the shock in his eyes.

"This ... so terrifying!"

Tanaka Le looked at Jia Busi blankly, Zhang Enterprise also almost an expression.

There are actually such terrible people in the world! Such a person ... is still a Chinese!

Suddenly, both people were weird and proud.

At the same time, Tanaka's previous dissatisfaction has disappeared without a trace.

Such a horrible character, what is his Tanaka, is completely acceptable without knowing it.

"This time I came to Huaxia, I just wanted to try to find Mr. Su, and to express my gratitude to him ..."

In the end, Jia Busi explained why he was looking for Su Qiubai.

"I'm really sorry, I really don't know this Mr. Su, such a person must be the elite of the country, and we ordinary people will probably never be qualified ..."

Tanaka was also hard to hide the shock in his expression, but he said to Jia Busi immediately.

"That's right. I'm still sorry to see Su Qiubai ..."

In the end, Jia Busi sighed.

Zhang Enterprise next to him did not speak from beginning to end. When he wanted to come to someone like Su Qiubai, he was too far away from himself, and at this moment he had no say at all.

After that, Jia Busi and Tanaka continued to talk.

Zhang Enterprise was quietly called aside.

"Mr. Zhang, Secretary Tian just called from the hospital. He said Wen Xiaoyi's family was coming for you, and he told you to run away. It was too late."

This is a small executive of the company. Because Zhang Enterprise could not get through to the phone, Secretary Tian called him.

"What the hell? The family is coming for me? Let me run? Secretary Tian is crazy?"

After hearing this, Zhang's first reaction was unbelievable. How could his deputy vice president of Zhongle Company be afraid of such a thing.

"But ... Secretary Tian did say that, and he sounded very serious. I wonder if it is true?"

The little supervisor is also a little hesitant here. If it wasn't for Secretary Tian's three orders and five applications to tell Zhang Enterprise all these things, he would definitely not have said them.

"I have more important things now. I don't have time to deal with these messy things. You tell Secretary Tian ... he doesn't have the ability to do this job anymore. Don't make such an absurd excuse!"

With a cold snoring, Zhang Enterprise said directly to the small supervisor, his eyes were also very cold.

From the two telephones of Secretary Tian, ​​he thought the facts were the same as he had guessed. It must be that the guy was too useless to figure out this thing, so he came up with such a reason.

After speaking, Zhang Enterprise turned around and left, leaving only the small executive here with a embarrassed face.

Later, he called Secretary Tian again.

After speaking the answer of Zhang Enterprise, Secretary Tian also shut down.

He knows ... Zhang Enterprise is going to suffer a lot. Anyway, what he should have said already, so it's better to avoid it early.

At about this time, the old driver's white Hummer stopped at the door of the International Exchange Center.

They are coming! m. Reading ,.

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