Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 547: Fall from the sky

Almost as soon as this sentence was finished, Su Qiubai and Long Rado issued orders.

As an old driver who has experienced too many scenes, Su Qiubai had already confirmed one thing with Longlado when the Reffno family appeared.

His growth value is enough for a summon, a feature born with the super system!

The reason why he didn't choose to do so at first was that he was a little hesitant to summon himself this time.

According to Lonado. Because his brain level has been raised again, the summoning function of the super system has become more powerful.

In other words, it is very likely that he will summon something that cannot be controlled, even no one can predict!

It is for this reason that Su Qiubai will try to solve the Levno family by himself.

However, it turns out that his current strength does not yet have this ability, so he can only open this unknown call.

"Please enter the approximate range of the summoned person."

Then he heard the voice of Rondo's recovery system.

Without much thought, watching the old driver of Aaron enter the three words vampire, and then the call began!

Besides, in the hall, everyone who was waiting for Su Qiubai to answer, immediately seemed a little dazed when he heard his words.

This confusion is not just on the side of the Bruchs. The same goes for Revno.

Obviously, Su Qiubai seems to have made a decision in a situation of exhaustion.

But what was the decision?

This question appeared in everyone's mind, but couldn't guess what the answer would be.

"What do you mean?"

at last. Aaron asked.

As a result, his words just came out, and Su Qiubai suddenly had another person beside him!

No one knows where this person came from, except of course Su Qiubai.

This guy looked very weird, his face was so cold, he couldn't feel any anger standing there, and his eyes seemed to be born from hell.

Because of his appearance, the atmosphere in the entire hall seemed to be a little stiff. He always liked the cold blood, but all felt the blood was cold.

"who are you?"

Bruen Castle, which has been completely blocked, can be said to have surprised Aaron with such a thing.

So when he saw this person clearly, he already asked sternly.

The entire Revno family, including blood bats once again hidden in the dark. It also seems to be triggered immediately.

However, this person did not mean to answer Aaron's question at all, but just slowly turned to look at Su Qiubai.

What kind of eyes are those. At least the old driver seemed to freeze his bone marrow when he saw it!

This was a feeling he had never felt before, and that fear made Su Qiubai feel as if he had raised his hand. Will be killed.

Who is he?

Aaron wants to know this question, in fact Su Qiubai also wants to know.

"You can convey a thought to him, hurry up and he can only stay in this space for three minutes. And it will cost your entire growth value."

Finally, Rondo's voice sounded, and he seemed somewhat helpless and even more surprised.

The old driver was surprised when he heard this.

Just staying for three minutes will spend all your growth value!

Madan's own growth value is now hundreds of thousands!

So much growth value. Can he only stay for three minutes?

What exactly is this guy?

For such a long time, Su Qiubai also knew the system and often communicated with Long Rado for calling this function.

But this time, he was really scared.

It stands to reason that the stronger the guests, the harder it is to summon them. And the growth value spent after entering this space will be even more terrifying.

But these three minutes have cost you more than 100,000 growth values?

What's the concept, is this special Buddha?

Big loss

There was pain in the side, but I didn't dare to delay time. Su Qiubai immediately passed on his thoughts to the guest.

"Kill the Revno family!"

He wasn't sure if this guy could understand what he was talking about, but now he can only test it, not to mention he wants to say more. It is estimated that they will not listen to what they say.

Almost after Su Qiubai said this, the man next to him looked at Aaron.

Obviously, he already knew what Su Qiubai said.

Slightly relieved, Su Qiubai followed a little bit, and wondered how this guy's strength could not deal with Aaron.

This ancient dress must look Chinese, but the identity of the old driver cannot be determined.

Besides Aaron's side, after realizing that the Chinese people's eyes were on themselves, they suddenly felt a sense of panic in their hearts.

It feels like being stared at by natural enemies!

"kill him!"

Without any hesitation, Aaron shouted directly.

Immediately, the uncontrollable blood bats appeared, one after the other.

After seeing blood bats reappear. The members of the Bruch family are a bit embarrassed by Su Qiubai.

Everyone understands that this weird Chinese is the helper Su Qiubai has found, but no one knows his strength.

"It must be good enough, otherwise I can't deal with these dead bats, and my growth value will be too wasteful."

A man muttered secretly in his heart, while Su Qiubai's eyes were staring at the guy beside him.

The next moment, all the blood bats acted!

Just like before. It's just that this time is not the same as when dealing with Su Qiubai, because Aaron's inner panic, he ordered all the blood bats to act.

It is clear that there are at least a hundred blood bats. Su Qiubai's face changed greatly.

Before, he was surrounded by the dangers that he had been doing for more than a dozen. Can these hundreds really stop them now?

There was a scream in his ears, and all the blood bats flung towards the Chinese man.

However, the Huaxia person was motionless, his eyes were motionless as before, and no vitality was felt on his body.

In this way, the first blood bat had rushed in front of him, and at the same time he waved his sharp claws, his fangs also bite in front of him.

Bruch's people were a bit desperate. They thought that Su Qiubai had found a helper, but now it's all about delivering food!

But the next moment, everyone was dumbfounded.

I saw that the Chinese person just stretched out his hand gently. Followed the fierce and abnormal blood bat to his hand.

Then it seemed that he just moved his fingers slightly, and the blood-red head was screwed down, and it fell to the ground with a plop.

Follow. He seemed to smile, facing the **** bat in front of him.

When he saw that smile, Aaron felt bad. Immediately wanted to get all the blood bats back.

But it's too late, because that Huaxia man is doing it!

I saw him take a step forward, both hands didn't seem to move much, followed by grabbing a blood bat, then five fingers spread out and immediately opened his belly!

As the most powerful fighting force of the Lefnoc family, the blood bats at this moment seemed to be soft reptiles, and five or six had been killed in just a few seconds.

However, this is just the beginning!

In the expression that the old driver was stunned, the elder brother he summoned was completely slaughtering!

The blood bats that had driven himself to desperation before were now killed by him one by one, and the speed was ridiculous. At first, he opened his stomach and broke his arms.

In the past, Su Qiubai had seen Li Yuanba tearing people in half, but compared to now, he was completely a witch.

God knows where this brother is sacred. In less than a minute, all the blood bats have been turned into fragments of the ground by him.

The last one who tried to escape was also dragged by him, and then bit his neck, without even struggling, it turned into an empty skin.

Obviously, he had absorbed all the blood in his body!

In the face of the blood, the blood was killed by the blood.

This is not a tongue twister, but a **** picture!

When the whole hall was silent, the summoned brother looked at Aaron, and at the same time exposed the tusks!

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