Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 555: kill

An old murderous driver, standing there at this moment

Everyone widened their eyes and felt the impact of his words blank.

Someone dared to put a word here that they plan to kill Bai Liye!

What do you mean? what's the situation?

Doesn't he know that the base cannot kill anyone? Doesn't he know that Bailiye's brother is Baili Qingchuan?

All kinds of thoughts kept pounding and rolling in the minds of everyone, but everyone couldn't speak and couldn't open their mouths.

Bin Qing also had her eyes widened. She knew that Su Qiubai would surely find trouble with Bai Liye. But killing him was really incredible.

"kill me?"

Similarly, Bai Liye also looked at Su Qiubai, and obviously could not believe this sentence.

After speaking, he laughed, still the taste of ridicule.

"I didn't think that somebody wanted to kill me, do it!"

Take a step forward. He was indeed not afraid at all.

After all, in this place, Thano has always been rampant.

It turned out that his words had just come out, and everyone just saw a shadow flash before them.

Then, Su Qiubai, who was holding the iron bench, fell from the sky and followed the bench to hit the top of Paliye's forehead.

This scene happened too fast. After everyone else reacted, when watching it, Bai Li Ye flew out, and his body almost broke a row of benches.

In the silence of death, only Su Qiubai continued to move forward.

There was blood on his bench, and his eyes were unusually calm, but he had a smell of death.

No one dared to speak at this time. If everyone had any questions and thoughts before, then it is gone!

It's terrible, it's clear that this man has no intention of joking at all.

This bench has told everyone that he didn't take Bai Liye as a thing at all.

In the same way, Baili Qingchuan is nothing in his eyes!

The strength of Baili Ye was pretty good, but compared with Su Qiubai, it was far worse.

After all, he experienced too few scenes. It will not be baptized many times like the old driver.

Therefore, Pali, who obviously has the power of a king, looks like a dead dog in front of Su Qiubai. There is no power to bind chickens, only beaten.

This bench split a huge wound in Perry's head. After the blood rushed out, Baili Ye's face was all over.

But compared to the pain at the wound, what really made Bai Liye nervous was Su Qiubai's footsteps.

He tried his best to get out of the pile of ruins, looking very embarrassed.

"You dare to hit me! You dare to hit me!"

Seeing Su Qiubai walking towards himself again. Hundreds of wild creeps got up.

His eyes were full of nagging and resentment, and Su Qiubai's aggressive shot was indeed beyond his expectations, and even made him unacceptable.

He Bailiye in this base has always been the object of fear and respect of everyone, but now this guy dare to do it himself!

This has never happened before!

"I will kill you. I must kill you"

He almost roared and shouted this sentence, and then Bai Liye only felt that his eyes flashed again.

Then he heard the sound of his bones breaking.

That voice is not very loud. But it was enough for Bai Liye to hear clearly, and then he flew out again.

Su Qiubai's bench rested on his ribs, and the strength was too great, and the bones of Peleno were broken by at least five or six.

Hit the wall heavily, Bai Liye spit out blood, even if his strength has reached the king.

However, facing Su Qiubai's strength seemed to be completely suppressed.

Bai Liye even had an illusion, as if he was a kid again, but his opposite was an extremely fierce killer!

But he didn't give him much time to think at all, and Bai Liye heard the horrible footsteps again.

Looking up, Su Qiubai's calm eyes let Bai Liye finally understand what is fear.

"My brother won't let you go"

This time, he no longer had the strength to stand up, but still stared at Su Qiubai and said his biggest hole card.

"Really? Then I'll wait for him."

He said this in his mouth. Su Qiubai once again stood next to Bailiye.

Then he raised the bench again.

This action made all the warriors on the scene as if their hearts had been mentioned to their chests.

No way, Su Qiubai is too scary at this moment.

Moreover, he really seems to be planning to kill Bai Liye!

Also aware of this, there was also Bai Liye himself, with a flash of panic in his eyes, only at this moment he realized what a terrible guy he had caused!

He had never feared himself, and his brother did not look at him!

Although he was reluctant to admit it, the fear in Bailiye was real!

Then a third dull crash sounded in everyone's ears.

Bai Liye's body was like a disconnected kite. It flew in the air, but fell heavily on the wall.

At this moment, Bai Li Ye is already dying.

Lie on the ground until he heard the approaching footsteps again, and was shocked by the fear of wrapping himself.

Opening my eyes diligently, this young Master Baili, who had nothing to worry about in weekdays, didn't put anyone in his eyes, was shaking now.

He could feel that this guy really wanted to kill himself!

"Let me go, I am wrong."

I tried my best to say this. The last hope of Bailiye was to beg for survival like a dog.

His heart was full of fear and regret, as if to swallow him.

However, in the end, Su Qiubai still did not want to leave any affection.

"Let you off? Have you let go of others?"

Almost as soon as the voice fell, the bench in his hand once again rose up, and then patted on the head of Peleno.

The young Master Baili closed his eyes completely.

Yes, he is dead!

Su Qiubai just stumbled around the bench, and then Bai Liye was really killed.

It took a long time for someone to react. Then turned around and left the first time to inform the flower railing.

Everyone understands that something is wrong

Everyone before thought that even if Su Qiubai really went to the trouble of Bai Liye, it would at best hurt him.

No one expected him to kill, and this way!

It is no exaggeration to say that the next base will cause an unprecedented shock because of this matter!

Everyone thought that Su Qiubai could finally stop now, but at the next moment, they saw him dragging Bai Liye's body outside.

This time, everyone was a little surprised again.

What is this ancestor planning to do? Shouldn't he be preparing for the anger of Baili Qingchuan?

Even if Baili Qingchuan can let him go, there will definitely be some movement on the base side.

It is conceivable that Su Qiubai will face unimaginable pressure next.

After all, even Bin Qing did not have the courage to face Su Qiubai at the moment.

He's terrible, it's like death!

After leaving the restaurant, Su Qiubai suddenly leaped suddenly, and then just under everyone's attention, he directly stood Bai Liye's body on the side pole.

"Tiandao training camp was originally a level of fair competition. I will kill one of this kind of beast from now on! The corpse of Bailiye is here, and some people come to me despite it!

Then, when Su Qiubai jumped down, his voice also spread around.

Thousands of warriors around all felt a cool air on their backs, especially the corpse of Bailiye stood there, and it was a shock beyond words!

Everyone can understand that the reason why Su Qiubai would do this is to warn the remaining warriors on the one hand and to make it simpler on the other.

He was provoking Baili Qingchuan, provoking the first person recognized by the base!

Of course, some people think otherwise.

As Bin Qing's eyes widened, she knew that Su Qiubai was not provoking Baili Qingchuan at all.

But he didn't take Baili Qingchuan at all!

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