Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 558: Quartet forces

"You are Qiu Bai?"

Almost just after arriving at the base entrance, Su Qiubai saw the combination of these two men and two women in front of him.

Then, a proud young man asked him.

Nodded, the old driver said nothing, and at the same time began to recall the introduction in the task.

"I am the captain of this time, Zhang Teng! You must listen to me all the next actions, otherwise leave!"

At the same time, before Su Qiubai answered, the kid named Zhang Teng had already said to him.

His expression was still arrogant, as if the old driver was not in his eyes at all.

The last team information of the previous system has been clearly stated above, so Su Qiubai knew that Zhang Teng was indeed the captain.

Nodded, Su Qiubai said nothing.

He just followed the team thinking that he could get points. Anyway, he must be going to the Tiankeng side, just by the way.

After getting Su Qiubai's answer, Zhang Teng looked back at one of the two girls in a purple dress.

"Roy, everyone is here, we can leave!"

With Zhang Teng's words, Su Qiubai also looked at the girl.

He knew that the beauty in a purple skirt was called Wang Luoyi, and it was obvious that Zhang Teng had a deliberately pleasing taste.

The other girl, named Wu Yan, was far worse than Wang Luoyi, and at the moment she was silent.

The last man was called Wang Lin. It should be Zhang Teng's follower, and nodded his head at a glance.

This is all the members of this team. After a casual sweep, Su Qiubai had already guessed that eight or nine would stay intact.

"Then let's go, this time all rely on Brother Zhang."

Wang Luoyi's voice was very soft, and it sounded very charming. After he said it, he smiled at Zhang Teng.

At that moment, Zhang Teng smiled very happily.

"Rest assured, everything is on me, this task must be successfully completed smoothly!"

Patting his chest, Zhang Teng said.

"Yes, Brother Zhang Teng is in the 95th place on Qingyun's list. Such a task would not have been accepted if you looked at Roy's face ... Some people have a lot of light!

Wang Lin also followed, and with the last sentence, Su Qiubai and Wu Yan, who were on the other side, also lost their meaning.

The old driver was still calm, for him it was no different with whom he teamed up, he was just for points, it seems ... the situation of Wu Yan is similar to him.

After that, the five did not delay much time. After all, a large number of people have now flocked to the Tiankeng side. If it is late, the bamboo basket will be empty!

After getting on the car prepared by the base, five people set off quickly.

Zhang Teng deliberately talked to Wang Luoyi along the way, Wang Lin was always helping and touting, while Su Qiubai and Wu Yan were always silent.

Listening to the voices of several people in the ears, Su Qiubai's understanding of Wang Luoyi's girl also changed somewhat.

At first he thought that this woman should be a little girl who was not acquainted with the world, but it turned out that he had guessed wrong.

Wang Luoyi was very attentive. Zhang Teng approached her deliberately, but she kept her distance and talked well.

Of course, these Su Qiubai just paid attention to it casually. All his thoughts were on the next Tiankeng and what the points will be redeemed for, and wherever he has time to care.

"Brother Zhang, will people from the Quartet come this time?"

Suddenly, Wang Luoyi and Zhang Teng asked such a sentence.

Su Qiubai, who had closed his eyes, felt a little curious. After all, he never knew what the Quartet forces were, so he looked at Zhang Teng.

At the same time, even Wu Yan, who had been silent, was the same.

Seeing the eyes of a few people, Zhang Teng seemed very proud, but began to explain, "Surely will come! We Chinese warriors sent so many, Europe and America will never miss such an opportunity. As for our old counterpart Shadow ... that will definitely appear! "

In a word, Zhang Teng made Su Qiubai more and more curious.

He had heard Ma Xiaoxue said before that it seemed that there were many competitors in the Tiandao training camp. She suspected that the reason why Yuan Wei would be attacked and disappeared was the ghost of Shadow!

Now I heard the shadow from Zhang Teng's mouth again, and what Quartet forces are, so he will be more curious.

"If the Quartet forces would appear, wouldn't the pit be particularly chaotic that day?"

Because of Zhang Teng's words, Wang Luoyi was obviously worried.

"Of course it will be dangerous. Shadow and himself are deadly opponents. When they meet, they will definitely die! After all, it is less than a month from the opening of the earth ’s mystery, and it is good news for them to die. "

Speaking of this matter, Zhang Teng's face was also a lot more serious. Obviously, he was also afraid of the shadow organization.

"In the secret world of the earth ... what exactly is there? Why did the Quartet reach an agreement?"

It may be because of these words that Wang Luoyi did not hold back from speaking out his own doubts.

Su Qiubai was even more confused.

The Quartet is very strange to him. What is the agreement? Seems to have something to do with Earth's mystery?

what's the situation?

Therefore, he immediately focused his attention and waited for Zhang Teng's answer.

"In fact, I am not very clear about this, but we all know ... Since the Earth ’s mystery has been continuously discovered, the world has gradually integrated into the Quartet. Europe, America and China, plus shadows, are behind each other. There are vassals ... "

As Zhang Teng began to talk about this, Su Qiubai was extra serious and even had some intent.

After all, for him, none of these things have been heard, so it is always good to know more.

"Even if Huaxia and Shadow are completely deadly opponents, but they have not violated this agreement. Every four years, the Quartet forces send ten geniuses to explore the secret world of the earth ..."

At this point in Zhang Teng's words, Su Qiubai felt a sense of sudden realization, and was even more surprised!

He never thought of such a thing, and he knew nothing about it.

Ten geniuses ... that is, the top five in the Qingyun list, plus many of China's vassal forces took the remaining five places!

It turns out ... The Earth's Secret is not just for the Sky Knife Training Camp, but a promise from the Quartet!

At this moment, Su Qiubai understood everything.

Inexplicably, he feels even more looking forward to it, and he does not know what kind of scene the geniuses of the world will gather together.

What level does your own strength belong to?

Thinking about this in his mind, he didn't say much in his mouth, while continuing to listen to Zhang Teng's words.

"Relax, Roy, even if there are many masters of other forces, I will protect you!"

In the end, Zhang Teng said again.

"I believe Brother Zhang!"

Nodded, Wang Luoyi also answered.

Su Qiubai narrowed her eyes again.

In any case, it was a reward to be able to understand these before the earth's mystery opened.

Afterwards there was nothing to say. By the time of Tiankeng, the sky was dark again.

Su Qiubai, who got out of the car, was scared by the scene in front of him.

He visited this place a day ago, the huge city, and the endless fragrant forest in Bruch Castle and the valley behind.

But now, there is only a **** pit, and at the same time, there are a number of tunnels full of holes. I don't know where to go.

In navigation, he also thoroughly saw the diameter of this crater, which is completely horrible!

Compared to the diameter, it is more exaggerated but the depth. God knows how deep it is, and it seems like it leads to **** in the night.

"This is where those creatures were before?"

The old driver with a lingering fear asked Longrador that this natural shock was indeed extraordinary.

"Yes, go in along these passages and you can enter the bottom of the tiankeng, there are a lot of good things underneath!"

Long Rado seemed very excited, and he would not let go of any opportunity to improve the function of the system!

When the old driver nodded, Zhang Teng also spoke.

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