Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 589: return

Hearing Ma Xiaoxue's words, Bin Qing was stunned. She was frightened. She didn't know where Ma Xiaoxue came from!

"Xiaoxue, Baili Qingchuan's strength has surpassed the peak of the king! I know that Mr. Su is really great ... but how could he win Baili Qingchuan?"

With his eyes widened, Bin Qing looked at Ma Xiaoxue and asked.

Gently glancing at Bin Qing, Ma Xiaoxue's mental state is much better now, and her explanation to Bin Qing is very brief.

"Do you think we have any other way besides trusting Mr. Su? If Baili Qingchuan wants to kill you, what do you do?"

This sentence made Bin Qing immediately hold back, she did not expect Ma Xiaoxue to say so.

If you think about it ... it really seems like that!

Then, Bin Qing sat by the bed, looking pale.

The situation now ... she really doesn't know where to hope!

She didn't say it again, but she determined that she was dead with Ma Xiaoxue, even if Su Qiubai really appeared ... the only result was just one more death!

This world, especially in the training camp, has always been a strong one!

At this moment, most of the people in this base have the same idea as Bin Qing. It is that Baili Qingchuan was originally fierce, and now it has surpassed the peak of the king.

So, the results are completely predictable!

In this way, one day has passed, and Baili Qingchuan has been staying in front of Bailiye's grave. No one knows what he is doing, but he can feel the depression before the storm!

The next day came like this, but Su Qiubai never came.

Until now, no one knew he had gone to Tiankeng, so naturally everyone thought he should have run away.

"Where did Su Qiubai go? He wouldn't have guessed that Baili Qingchuan was in trouble, so he left?"

"I also think it may be the case, of course it looks kind of, now it seems ... it's also a scam!"

"Don't say that, I think Su Qiubai may really have something, so I couldn't come back."

"He doesn't have to come back here anymore, Ma Xiaoxue, they have suffered."

Seeing the sun slowly sink into Xishan like this, Bin Qing felt a sense of seeing his life come to an end.

At this moment, she could see the quietly standing figure downstairs.

Baili Qingchuan ... or death, stand below!

The deadline he gave him seemed to be coming, and now ... it became clear that the first person to die was Ma Xiaoxue, after all, she was the person most closely related to Su Qiubai.

And the next ... is Bin Qing.

"Xiaoxue, it's going to be dark!"

Looking back, Bin Qing said nervously.

Nodding his head, Ma Xiaoxue's face was pale, but he was stubborn.

Shaking his head in despair, Bin Qing no longer knew what to say, and she didn't know why the training camp didn't mean to stop it.

Of course, if she knew that the news was released by a railing, she would probably not be surprised!

Downstairs, there are many people standing in the distance. Everyone knows ... When the sun completely goes down, it is when Ma Xiaoxue and Bin Qing are finished!

Finally, as the last few minutes passed slowly, the sun completely sank into Xishan.

Then, Baili Qingchuan, who has been closing her eyes, suddenly opened her eyes and looked up at the same time, fiercely radiant!

Atmosphere, at this moment into a taste of despair!

"Dead, all dead! Bury my brother!"

The voice seemed to come out from the throat of Baili Qingchuan, and after he finished speaking, he burst into a loud voice.

The result was almost at the same time, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Su Qiubai is here!"

Shengsheng took his own body forward, and Baili Qingchuan looked behind him after turning in the air.

At the same time, Bin Qing with eyes closed in the room opened with joy.

Then, I saw a shadow in the distance, stepped towards this step by step, and finally stood behind the crowd.

At that moment, everyone spread out towards both sides, and then Su Qiubai moved on.

With both feet hiding from the ground, Baili Qingchuan stood still and stared at the guy in front.

He knew that the person he had been waiting for came!

The **** is killing his brother!

Su Qiubai has never seen Baili Qingchuan here, but at the same time ... he guessed the identity of this guy!

Want to come, be able to stay here, and look at yourself with this kind of eyes ... Only the first talent in the training camp Qingyun list ... Baili Qingchuan.

"Are you Su Qiubai?"

Slowly, Baili Qingchuan asked.

Without talking, the old driver just looked at him calmly.

In his opinion, this Baili Qingchuan, like his brother Bailiye, was an extravagant and arrogant man, and it was a **** thing!

If he didn't come back on time just now, probably Ma Xiaoxue and Bin Qing would be hit!

At the same time, Su Qiubai had another indescribable anger.

Inside this base, Hua Pinglan actually ignored this kind of thing, but he really couldn't think of any use for him.

"You killed my brother?"

Without waiting for Su Qiubai's answer, Baili Qingchuan suddenly laughed. He smiled happily, as if he was talking about something he didn't care about.

In the end, it changed silently.

"I will definitely crush you to death, and use your body to feed the dog!"

With a cold drink, Baili Qingchuan rushed directly, and the speed was amazing!

The onlookers of the warriors were startled. It was amazing to see the strength of the warriors beyond the peak of the king for the first time!

Bin Qing and Ma Xiaoxue were nervous and speechless, for fear that Su Qiubai would be injured.

However, when Baili Qingchuan was about to collide with Su Qiubai, a figure suddenly appeared.

Just waving his sleeves gently, Baili Qingchuan took a few steps back before he stopped.

He immediately felt unusually angry, and now that no one would let him kill Su Qiubai, it seemed to him just like stopping him from taking revenge for his brother.

However, when the figure was clearly seen, Baili Qingchuan was still stunned, something unexpected.

The person standing in front of him ... uncle Mu was unsurprisingly. It was just that he repelled Baili Qingchuan.

The old driver had a calm face, and just now he knew that Uncle Mu had arrived, so guessed that it might not be so easy to fight!

Not only is it just Uncle Mu, they even hide beside the flowers.

Now seeing Uncle Mu come forward, the director hurried over.

"Uncle Mu, Baili Qingchuan's strength has surpassed the peak of the king, so I ..."

Having said that, Hua Pinglan still lowered his head at Uncle Mu.

His meaning is very obvious, that is to say that Baili Qingchuan's current strength, he has no ability to manage.

Gently glanced at the flower railing, Uncle Mu seemed to have no mood to pay attention to what he thought, but slowly turned his eyes to Baili Qingchuan.

"Don't know what to do in the base? Five days in confinement!"

As the well-deserved first person at this base, Uncle Mu had already punished Baili Qingchuan while he was speaking.

This sentence is not only surprised by Baili Qingchuan, even the warriors around are also a bit surprised.

For a long time, these leaderships have made no secret of their preference for the strong. Now that Baili Qingchuan's strength has surpassed the peak of the king, Uncle Mu should take great care of him.

But now ... this is not the case.

Uncle Mu favoritism is not Baili Qingchuan at all, but Su Qiubai!

The old driver has been calm, and he still respects Uncle Mu, although he said that he knew that Uncle Mu did not do this to protect him, but to protect Baili Qingchuan.

However, Su Qiubai didn't say it, and then Baili Qingchuan shouted angrily.

"I don't agree. He killed my brother. I'm taking revenge for my brother! Why stop me now!"

Staring at Uncle Mu, although he knew that he was not the old man's opponent, Baili Qingchuan was not so afraid.

Frowning slightly, Uncle Mu looked at Baili Qingchuan.

"Do you really want to compete with him? The mystery of the earth is about to open, you will be companions!"

"Companion? Hehe ... I'll kill him! Definitely!"

As a result, as soon as Uncle Mu's words fell, Baili Qingchuan said angrily.

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