Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 595: Identity

The actions of Long Ruoxuan made a few young people feel a little surprised. Everyone was just natural, and when they saw beautiful women of this level, they were full of mature breath.

Everyone thought that they would attract her eyes, but now it is obviously not the case!

Especially Baili Qingchuan, originally Su Qiubai's incident has made him feel hit. Now when he meets a beauty, he always feels that as the leader of the sky knife training camp, he should go up and say something.

Then took a deep breath, revealing a smile that he thought was chic, and was about to open his mouth to speak with Long Ruoxuan, but the beauty in front of her smiled suddenly.

There is no ecstasy. But this smile looked in the eyes of Baili Qingchuan, and only felt that his face was frozen.

It is an expression that obviously sees the talents in your heart, and you can see it with long eyes.

Inexplicably enthusiastic, Baili Qingchuan turned his head and was about to make trouble. As a result, after seeing the appearance of the person clearly, he was dead again!

How could Madan be this bastard!

That's right, the old driver was chasing this child in a hurry, as if he hadn't seen anyone else at all, only the child was in his eyes.

"Stop him!"

Suddenly looking up, I happened to see Long Ruoxuan and shouted in joy.

For a moment, Long Ruoxuan didn't understand what happened. What's more, Su Qiubai is chasing a few years old child.

But without waiting for her to help, the child rushed into her arms.

A bare-ass boy, at this moment secretly revealed a sly smile, but then turned to Long Ruoxuan. Becoming innocent and childish seems to be totally indifferent to the world.

I don't know why, almost seeing the dexterous appearance of this little guy, Long Ruoxuan felt extra cute, and also had a kind of closeness that motherhood couldn't help but want to hold.

Coincidentally, Su Qiubai has already arrived here.

Seeing that this guy got into Long Ruoxuan's arms, he looked so innocent, and suddenly felt depressed.

This bear child, until now, has no idea what his origins are, but by looking at it, it is definitely not easy!

"Why are you chasing him?"

I couldn't care about the joy after seeing Su Qiubai. Long Ruoxuan had completely become the kid's umbrella at this moment. When he was talking, he looked at Su Qiubai and had some complaints.

"I you come down!"

Opening his mouth, Su Qiubai simply looked at the little fart.

He knew that the guy knew what he was talking about, and at the same time he had asked Lonado to check on the identity of the guy.

"Don't scare him, you can just say no!"

Seeing the child looked a little frightened. Long Ruoxuan protected him again, and then told Su Qiubai.

The helpless expression of the old driver happened to be at this time, and he heard Long Rado's answer.

"Son of the ox demon king and princess iron fan. The nickname is the holy infant king who lives in the withered pine and fire cloud cave of the mountain"

Then, the old driver only felt a loud noise in his head!

His eyes widened and looked at the little fart hiding in Long Ruoxuan's arms and laughing at himself, he finally knew the identity of this guy!

Red babe! The one holding the Zhang Ba fire pistol. The evil demon who vomits madness really!

That's right, the real evil!

If it weren't for evil, how could anyone have such a skill!

I never expected that I would encounter a red baby here, and look at the situation now. Su Qiubai vaguely felt that his first villain was probably here!

"Have you made enough trouble? What are you doing here? Not for making you flirtatious! Who is this kid!"

Suddenly, Hua Linglan stood up at this time.

He had the same idea as Baili Qingchuan, Long Ruoxuan such a beautiful woman. Actually met Su Qiubai again!

Even if we know each other, it seems that we have a great relationship!

This makes the flower railing very angry, and chocolate is nearby, naturally it is necessary to speak out and reprimand oneself before they appear to have an identity.

In the end, he said this, but it was enough to keep the Baili Qingchuan behind.

Originally he was still thinking about what Su Qiubai might have with this woman. Now, saying this with the flower railing is equivalent to putting things to work!

In other words, Su Qiubai does have a leg with this woman!

His face was staring at the old driver. Baili Qingchuan felt that the most tragic thing in his life was to meet this guy. It seemed that as long as he collided with him, nothing happened.

Long Ruoxuan on this side then turned her head and looked at the flower railing.

She was a little confused, who is this person?

The old driver had no time to take care of the railings. He is still immersed in the shock about the red baby.

Followed, I was a little nervous.

This is really a bomb! And now lying in the arms of Long Ruoxuan, if something happens, it's over!

"Chocolate. This is your subordinate? Eyes can't be seen, don't you see that I don't know how to salute?"

Leng snorted and looked at the chocolate against the railing.

The grievances of these two people have been around for a long time, and now it is necessary to seize the opportunity to ridicule them!

As a result, after he said this, the chocolate was calm, but he took two steps forward carefully and bowed towards Long Ruoxuan.

"Miss Long, this is the flower rail."

After saying this. He looked back at the flower railing.

Then, Hualianlan's face changed!

He is at the same level as chocolate. Now chocolate is saluting Long Ruoxuan, and he wants to get him wrong.

And Miss Long!

There is only one Chinese surnamed Dragon! The old home of the Long family in Beijing, after estimating the age, spent the sweat on the railings!

Miss Long Ruoxuan! Granddaughter of Dragon War!

To figure out this identity, no longer dare to hesitate, and go forward tremblingly. Then he bowed and saluted at Long Ruoxuan.

The granddaughter of Dragon War, even if he gave him a brave heart and a brave courage, would not dare to have the slightest indifference, and was afraid that Long Ruoxuan would be more accountable than he was just now.

However, they didn't mean to ignore him at all.

Long Ruoxuan hates people like Hua Ping Lan. Before that, she showed off her strength, and she seemed to be a grandson in the back, a villain!

"You haven't told me why should you chase him?"

Once again, Long Ruoxuan asked Su Qiubai that this question was the most important to her.

Hua Linglan's face was ugly, and Long Ruoxuan ignored him directly. This caused him to spit fire but didn't dare to say more. After all, he spent the railings against the Long family, and it was nothing!

The Baili Qingchuan behind them were also a little subconsciously surprised.

Who could have thought that this woman was so big that Huabiquan would have to be careful with her.

At the same time, Baili Qingchuan became more jealous and envious of Su Qiubai. On what basis can this kid be treated like this!

However, the old drivers at the moment did not have time to enjoy their jealousy. After all, the red baby was in front of him, and he had to be careful.

"Can we both say a few words alone?"

Looking at Long Ruoxuan, Su Qiubai thought about it and said.

After looking at him, Long Ruoxuan turned his head towards the red baby.

"Will you tell him?"


Milk sounds puffy. Said the red baby.

At that moment, Su Qiu's white nose almost crooked, this is really a demon! But now he is unwilling to say anything to himself, even if depressed, he can only hold it in his heart, there is really no other good idea.

"Let's go to the hotel first. There will be a meet-up later. Everyone better go and see."

In a timely manner, Zhu Li looked at Su Qiubai and said to Long Ruoxuan.

The flower railing here didn't say anything. Although he really wanted to work with Chocolate, this matter was indeed the most important. As the person in charge of the Sky Knife training camp, he did not dare to delay.

Subsequently. Everyone went to the hotel together.

Along the way, the red baby had been lying in Long Ruoxuan's arms. Long Ruoxuan did not have any resentment, but was amused by him.

Of course, this is not the case for the old driver. The thought of this little fart kid shivered inexplicably.

But, this time, there has been no unfavorable system. There is nothing he can do with him, so Su Qiubai can only act by chance!

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