Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 614: request

"What is that?"

The military man asked in a low voice, and it seemed that he could swallow the saliva.

They didn't speak to Prince Edward. At this moment, the people felt that there were such amazing things in this world.

Spaceships they have never seen before, and species that they have never seen before.

Where are they What are they going to do? How far is it from the earth?

Many questions arise in the minds of different people, but no common answer can be found.

It was at this time that Su Qiubai spoke.

Looking at these people in front of him, he did not include any different eyes, very frank, unprecedented frankness!

It's just that what he will say next is more relevant to every earth person, no matter whether he was a friend or an enemy, which camp he is in.

"This is the news I just got from this spaceship. At this moment ... this is what the outside of the earth looks like!"

Without thinking much about what kind of impact such words would bring to the young warrior in front of him, Su Qiubai just told the story.

Some things always have to face!

Sure enough, as soon as his words fell, everyone's face changed!

Even if they had some speculation before, they did not expect that these things would be so close to themselves!

"How is it possible! Outside the earth?"

"Wasn't they coming in soon?"

"No ... it won't be like that!"


The crowd began to shout, but there was nothing else, but they felt that this matter was a bit too exaggerated and too incredible!

Su Qiubai never said a word. He waited until the mood of the crowd eased a little before he spoke again.

"Nothing is wrong. The reason they didn't come in was because of the barrier outside the earth! As long as that barrier was broken, they would come in and land on the earth!"

The old driver's face was more serious than ever, and the cruelty of this matter must be said.

The warriors on the other side seemed more and more shocked, and that feeling was probably only understood by themselves.

"After a maximum of six months, this barrier will disappear!"

Once again, Su Qiubai threw a bomb and went out. Now that he had planned to say it, he had no intention to take care of it.

A long time later, a voice sounded among the silent crowd.

"Are these aliens ... powerful?"

"Very powerful! The hounds we encountered before are just one of them! There are even many things that are far more scary than hounds!"

The old driver went on to tell what Rondo had told himself.

"Then what do we do?"

Finally, Prince Edward raised his head, and at this moment he felt the responsibility of his shoulders.

After all ... the earth is a common home!

"There is no other way, only by desperately trying to do everything possible will you survive!"

Looking at him the same way, Su Qiubai answered.

Immediately, everyone was silent again. This time the silence lasted for a long time.

"If that's the case, let's fight hard!"

Suddenly, Prince Edward clenched her fists and said in a low voice.

As he said this, the whole man's eyes glowed with unprecedented fighting spirit, and he also had a desperate temperament.

This surprised Su Qiubai slightly. He didn't expect the Prince of the Shadow Group to have such a spirit.

And behind him, so are the blue and white heads.

"Yes, you have to swear to protect the earth!"

This sentence has been spoken by Americans for many years. Numerous movies and TV series are playing similar scripts, but it is the most cruel truth to tell from these two American populations at this moment!

Protect the earth ... that's it!

Since the leaders on both sides have stated their positions, the other warriors have no hesitation and directly agree with their approach!

For a while, the control room, which was originally dull, began to regain its vitality.

As for Huaxia, it is naturally incumbent on it, and the Yisuo brother patted his chest to show that Su Qiu's white horse is the first to look forward to it!

In the end, there was only Baili Qingchuan alone.

"Look at me, it's the same with me ... absolutely can't tolerate other things occupying our home!"

Seeing that everyone was looking at himself, Baili Qingchuan didn't hesitate, he said directly.

Hearing this, the old driver was relieved.

This was what he wanted to see, and it was also the purpose of his telling the news.

Fortunately, everyone did not let him down!

But the next moment, what happened was a little unexpected.

Prince Tian suddenly took two steps forward, then slumped on one knee towards Su Qiubai.

"Mr. Su, my prince is willing to be loyal to you!"

No one expected him to do this, and even the shadows were dumbfounded for a while.

This is too unexpected, Prince Edward is the boss of the Shadow Group!

Now ... this young genius should have infinite possibilities in the future, but now he has made such a decision ... Faithful to a Chinese person, a guy who belongs to the opposite side!

When everyone was surprised, Qingtou and Baitou suddenly stood up.

Then, like Prince Edward ’s actions, she also kneels on one knee towards Su Qiubai!

"Blue-headed and white-headed are also willing to be loyal to you!"

This time, it is exactly equivalent to two bombs being thrown into the deep water, making a loud noise in everyone's mind!

crazy! Absolutely crazy!

Shadow and the Americans, and both leaders and leaders on both sides, actually made the same choice at this moment!

Together, loyal to Su Qiubai?

You know, the concept of allegiance is definitely not ordinary, which means absolute obedience and obedience!

It can even be said that even if Su Qiubai asked them to betray their organization, they would not hesitate to agree!

After all, that's their attitude!

The reason why he made such a decision was that Prince Edward had communicated with Qingtou and Baitou.

From Su Qiubai's disregard for saving their lives, and then killing Yu Shangshui and those hellfire dogs, until this guy just had the ability to enter this spaceship!

These things happened, so that Prince Edward began to understand.

Su Qiubai and them must not be in the same world!

This guy, God knows what level he will reach in the future, and now he has chosen allegiance ... It is definitely worth it in the long run!

Plus, everyone just learned what kind of crisis the earth will face!

Although it is a bit reckless to say such a hasty decision, but ... this is a bet once, all the bets at once!

The old driver was a bit aggressive.

Speaking out of the crisis facing the earth, I just want more soldiers to face and bear, not loyalty!

Subconsciously, he intends to refuse.

As a result ... behind Prince Edward Tian and Qingtou and Baitou, all the warriors are like this!

"Mr. Su, we are also willing to be loyal to you!"

Neat voice, only Baili Qingchuan was standing alone, he was very hesitant.

The reason for hesitation, after all, his brother Bai Liye died in Su Qiubai's hands, not to mention ... he was not assured of Su Qiubai.

The old driver did not pay attention to Baili Qingchuan.

He did not hesitate to refuse, but at this time was blocked by Lonado.

"Promise them, cultivate a group of your confidants, these people have infinite possibilities in the future, maybe they can help you!"

It's very straightforward, Long Rado will always choose the biggest decision on Su Qiuli.

The old driver was still undecided. He had never faced such a thing and never considered doing so.

"Don't hesitate, think about it ... in the future you will definitely leave the earth and go to the depths of the universe. By then, who should take care of your family and friends? This is a very good opportunity and you should not miss it!"

Again, Longaldo said.

And this time, Su Qiubai really moved.

Longrado is right. He must be looking for the end of the super system. At that time, fathers and mothers will always have someone to take care of them.

Thinking of this, the old driver finally no longer hesitated, and then made one of the most important decisions he ever made. This decision even affected many, many things.

"Okay! I promise you!"

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