Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 645: Kill

This girl is called Mina!

She's a Dongmao, or ... no one knows where she is!

As mentioned before, as the president of the Foreign Friends Association, Mina has always been very mysterious!

Not just her, the entire federation is equally mysterious.

Especially after the return of all those warriors, there are even four more Emperor-level warriors in the federation!

That's right, exactly four!

It is precisely because of the return of these four people, and also because of their unparalleled power, that this federation is involved all over the world, and finally their minions are revealed!

To put it simply, this is simply the coat of the killer federation!

From the beginning of Fenglei Mountain, Adams ... After that, Su Qiubai drove and crashed the plane of General Nanye Xiuyi and General in the Butterfly Villa!

It can be said that the killer federation in Su Qiubai, the Chinese, has suffered unprecedented losses!

And Mina also sneaked into the North Capital at this time.

However, due to the fear of Su Qiubai, as well as the immature conditions in various aspects, the action against Su Qiubai was also delayed.

This time, the return of the four King-level warriors has completely expanded the killer alliance!

They felt that it was time to kill Su Qiubai and then announce their strong rise to the world.

Don't think that Mina is just an ordinary girl, her true identity is very horrible ... the former world killer ranking second place!

That's right, a girl lying in bed at this moment seems to know nothing, such a terrible killer!

This time, the operation against Su Qiubai was closely deployed.

And Mina is one of the most important links!

Besides the old driver's side, where would you think of it from the beginning to the end?

After leaving the ward, he called the traffic police again.

However, the result was exactly the same as before, and the girl's family was still not reachable!

This makes Su Qiubai very depressed, but helpless.

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to accept it.

After going downstairs and buying something on the street, he planned to return upstairs to take care of the girl.

The result is that at this time, I met someone who had never thought of it!

Wen Xiaoshu!

When I saw her, the old driver was stunned, and I never expected to see her here.

Wen Xiaoshu also froze, and then ... the eyes inexplicably turned red, but smiled at Su Qiubai again.

A simple process, the old driver watching is inexplicably sad.

When setting up the cultural company last time, Su Wenbai went straight to Europe because Wen Xiaoshu and the three girls, Long Ruoxuan and Gu Chengya, went head to head.

Now think about it, the approach was a little too irresponsible.

It hasn't been seen for a long time, Wen Xiaoshu has become thinner and more slender, standing there like a green bamboo in a green mountain.

"long time no see!"

Haha, Su Qiubai said after walking over.

"long time no see."

Wen Xiaoshu also laughed, but looked a little dull.

In her past life, she has never encountered a man who made her feel nostalgic and sweet, and never had a man made her feel lost and grieved.

And everything, the guy across from her made her realize, and it was truly unforgettable!

"How will you be here?"

Always feeling a little awkward, Su Qiubai continued to ask with a smile.

"My mom is not feeling well recently. I came to get some medicine for her. Why are you here?"

After all, Wen Xiaoshu couldn't look down on him, so he said it honestly, and finally asked a question.

After a little hesitation, Su Qiubai talked about the previous things.

From the moment he hit the girl in a car, he's spoken out in fifteen and ten.

After he finished speaking, Wen Xiaoshu began to worry for him.

"How can this happen? If you have amnesia ... what did the doctor say?"

Obviously this matter has nothing to do with myself, but when Wen Xiaoshu said it, he was really anxious, as if it were more important than his own affairs.

Shaking his head, Su Qiubai did not say that his inspection must be more prepared than the doctor, but the situation at the moment really made him feel strange.

"Which ward is that girl in now? Take me to see."

Then, Wen Xiaoshu said again.

Hearing this, Su Qiubai froze.

He didn't expect Wen Xiaoshu to have such an idea, and looking at her expression didn't seem to be telling lies at all.

Wen Xiaoshu didn't realize where he was wrong after exporting, and didn't even think about going to the ward to see what effect he could have?

"Uh ... well."

Seeing Wen Xiaoshu seemed very determined, Su Qiubai could only agree.

Later, the two turned and entered the hospital building.

It was almost that they had just entered, and someone in the dark had spread the news to a place they didn't know.

"What if there is a woman next to the target?"

"Go ahead, get ready!"


The old driver didn't know that because of this short news, someone in this hospital was sneaking in.

As I said before, this is a killing game against Su Qiubai!

Pushing the door open, Wen Xiaoshu saw the girl lying on the bed for the first time, and she did exactly the same as Su Qiubai said. She seemed to have amnesia.

Or rather, like a fool.

Standing behind him, Su Qiubai still didn't have a good idea, and then watched Wen Xiaoshu go up and talk to the girl.

However, she didn't say anything from beginning to end, and she always seemed to be so confused that she didn't understand anything.

In the end, Wen Xiaoshu frowned and came over.

Then, pulling Su Qiubai to the window.

"Is it possible she pretended?"

Suddenly, Wen Xiaoshu asked.

She looked at Su Qiubai with a serious expression.

Su Qiubai froze for a moment. He did not expect Wen Xiaoshu to say so, but soon shook his head to deny it.

He was pretty sure what he saw in his eyes. Although the girl said that there was no problem with her brain, she would never pretend it!

After all, the brain is a very tight organ, and it's normal to see something wrong with Qi.

"How did you say that?"

But still felt a little strange, Su Qiubai asked Wen Xiaoshu.


Continue, Wen Xiaoshu answered seriously.

Hearing this, the old driver smiled.

He didn't expect this answer, and thought it was more interesting.

"Don't you believe it?"

Although Su Qiubai did not speak, Wen Xiaoshu saw the answer directly from his smile, so he asked again.

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that I can be sure ... she didn't pretend to be a patient!"

With a smile, Su Qiubai explained.

"you do not believe me?"

However, Wen Xiaoshu was staring at him and asked, his tone seemed to be serious.

Suddenly, Su Qiubai didn't expect her to be so serious. When she waved her hand and was about to explain, suddenly he heard Long Rado's voice.

"Danger alert! Danger alert!"

Two consecutive sounds, the system prompts.

Immediately, Su Qiubai's expression became serious. As long as the system sounded such a tone, it meant that the situation was indeed dangerous. One accidentally ... probably he might be finished!

It was at this time that he suddenly realized that he didn't know when there was a little sound in the corridor, and it seemed as if it was frozen.

After making a snoring expression towards Wen Xiaoshu, Su Qiubai slowly touched the door.

He was very careful with every move, because no one knew when the danger would come!

Especially now that there is Wen Xiaoshu and the patient on the bed, he must be more cautious!

Wen Xiaoshu also noticed that the atmosphere was not right, so he slowly stood at the corner, close to Mina on the bed.

Su Qiubai, at this moment, has already reached the door of the ward.

Then, one step forward, he opened the door.

Almost at the moment when the door opened, several flying knives across the side shot straight, the power was very large, and the speed was even more outrageous!

However, this was nothing to Su Qiubai. He did not mean to retreat at all. Instead, he stepped forward and the flying knife was directly caught in his hands.

But the next moment, dozens of black shadows smashed the ceiling and came over to Su Qiubai ...

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