Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 659: Sunset withered grass

God knows what Su Qiubai has experienced for these two words. He originally had all the hopes of the earth and ran here to participate in the competition.

It turned out to be a good chicken!

After finally killing a wild boar, the crystal was snatched by others, and then seriously injured.

Now it's better, a fiery beast killing the outside to enhance its strength, but he is staying in this underground parking lot to find mice. Can it be more sad?

But thank goodness, it's finally done!

Immediately after jumping up, Su Qiubai ran towards Lu Ban, and then stared at the thing in front of them with wide eyes.

It's weird!

The whole body looks almost ten meters high, with a black shell and dim light. It seems to hide cricket faces and killing power.

What is this special thing?

Opening his mouth wide, Su Qiubai looked at Lu Ban and Ma Jun.

"This is what you want, you can call it an invincible tank!"

Lu Ban seemed to know what Su Qiubai wanted to ask, so he answered directly.

Invincible tank?

Just the tacky name just thought of it here, but Su Qiubai laughed again.

However, the name is really domineering!

Can this thing really help me?

His heart was full of excitement and excitement, Su Qiubai directly planned to go up to see it, and Luban and Ma Jun should leave at this time.

The summoned guests will be sent back directly by the system. Su Qiubai knew this early, so he said goodbye to the two and watched them leave. Su Qiubai was not surprised.

But soon, he almost jumped up.

Madan's, these instructions are used too! I left without telling myself how to play.

In a hurry, he wanted to let Longaldo bring them back again. Long Rado refused.

"Rest assured, I will control it directly through intelligence, I have to say that those two guys are really geniuses!"

Obviously, at the end of the day, Rondo's tone was shocking and incredible.

This is the fact. Su Qiubai did not understand the process of this invincible tank, but Longaldo was very clear!

Even if it has been in countless times in the universe, the appreciation of Lu Ban and Ma Jun is sincere. The appearance of such a chariot is absolutely incredible!

Su Qiubai didn't have these ideas. He had jumped into the chariot.

It was more spacious than he thought, and the strong metal and heavy feeling made the old driver's body hot.

"set off!"

With his order, Longaldo began to control, and immediately the tank slowly moved.

The next second, before the old driver responded, the chariot suddenly accelerated. Go straight up the ramp and hit the garage door.

The tens of centimeter-thick steel plate was knocked open like a piece of paper. Following the glass, Su Qiubai saw the sunlight outside. The city finally appeared before him again.

"Haha I Hu Hansan is back!"

After shouting, this chariot from the ancestral craftsman of Huaxia history appeared for the first time in front of everyone.

In a corner of the city, several people were hiding in the ruins. Looking around carefully.

"Mitutu, should they have been dumped?"

Talking is a girl, looks handsome, but the body is almost as big as Mi Tu.

This girl. It is the same player who came from the gyro star like the destroying picture, called Hanbing.

The two separated from the eight claws in the team. They have been hiding in Tibet for the past two days. After all, their strength is said in this trial. It's basically the bottom, and there is only this way to live!

"I don't know if it shouldn't, they can't find us."

After Mi Tu carefully looked around, he lowered his voice to Han Bing.

In addition to the two of them, there are three other warriors on the planet.

Speaking of them, the reason why several people collide together is that they provoke the same enemy!

That guy is called Sunset and is a seed player!

You know, there are only one hundred seed players in each division. So the strength of the setting sun in this city is definitely a master!

The reason the five men complained with the setting sun was because they interfered with the setting sun and killed a beast. At that time, they only looked at it from afar. As a result, after the beast escaped, the setting sun remembered all the faults on them.

Then, this guy said that he must kill them before he would give up. Several people have been hiding for several days, and they are still frightened.

"I don't think he will catch up"

There was a sigh of relief, Bing said softly.

The result was almost her voice, and suddenly a cold voice sounded behind her.

"is it?"

At that moment, everyone hurriedly turned back as if they were shocked. Then I saw a bald warrior staring at them gloomily.

This guy is the sunset!

Mi Tu and Han Bing both changed greatly, and then turned to run subconsciously, but another warrior appeared on the other side.

After seeing this person, Mi Tu's face was pale.

Withered! From the same planet as the setting sun. And also a seed player!

Obviously, the setting sun was linked to the withered grass, and it was intended to kill them.

Five people stood in the same place as if they were dead, and for a while they didn't know what to do.

"Run, why don't you run?"

A cold snoring sounded a strange-looking weapon in the setting sun's hands, like a mountain knife, but there were two blades in front.

"I hurt and returned empty-handed. If you ran away, what face would I be a seed player?"

Continue to talk, the sunset came over step by step.

Mi Tu and Han Bing are speechless, or they don't even know what to say.

They don't have to think much at all. I know that the five people are not opponents of the setting sun, let alone a dry grass is added, it is even more desperate!

"Get ready!"

Taking a deep breath, Mi Tu said quietly to others, he knew this was the only way!

Five people did not answer, and they were ready, and they knew that Mi Tu was telling the truth!

Soon, they rushed towards the sunset together.

But in less than ten seconds. Five people flew upside down, and one warrior was killed on the spot.

From beginning to end, Frost didn't do anything.

The purpose of his coming here is just to ensure that none of these people will run away for the setting sun, and it is enough to kill the setting sun alone!

"Hurry up. Kill them and let's leave quickly. The beast is coming soon!"

Frozen didn't take them as a thing at all, and urged again.

Nodding, a glimmer of cold light flashed in the setting sun.

Mi Tu They lay on the ground without even having the energy to resist, simply closed their eyes and waited to die.

The result is that at this time, a voice came from a distance.

Everyone was startled and looked subconsciously over there. After all, in this city, there is not much such movement!

When I looked back, I saw a black truck roaring towards the roadblocks along the way. It was all crushed into pieces, and it looked like a giant tank from a distance!

"What is this?"

For a moment, Han Bing said to himself subconsciously, the sunset on the other side did not speak. But there was a hint of alert in my heart.

As for the destroyer lying on the ground, they had hope in their eyes.

Finally, the truck came to their side, and then the speed dropped.

but. They didn't mean to stop at all, and they wanted to leave at a faster speed.

Seeing this scene, the setting sun was relieved, although he said that he had absolute confidence in his strength. But after all he knew nothing about the truck, he still had some fears.

Seeing that the truck was about to leave, Antu was so anxious that he shouted directly.

"Help! All the spar we can give you!"

Hear that. The setting sun looked aside, and the truck stopped.

Then slowly turned his head and headed this way.

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