Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 184: Universal Alchemy Furnace

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

Eight ginseng can improve, work ability, reduce fatigue, its effect strength to discuss the shortcomings of styrene-propylene without styrene-propylene bladder. An old ginseng that has been around for years. It can even greatly prolong the time of death caused by body failure. When the ancients were injured or bleeding, they often put a piece of ginseng containing clothing in the patient's mouth to ensure that they could buy more time for treatment.

Of course; there are many benefits of ginseng. It is simply a replica of Wan essential oil. Anti-tuberculosis, liver protection, blood nourishment, lung moisturizing, whitening, immunity enhancement, etc. Even male compatriots who ca n’t do that can have a first aid before sex.

But Chen Fan looked at the bucket, this Tai Sui who had absorbed the essence of ginseng was worried. Eating a bowl of meat can supplement nutrition, but eating a ton of meat can kill people. People do n’t have to count on eating for a while, and electric eels are only used for fighting or being injured. It only takes a little bit, and eating it at other times is a waste.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan walked outside the stone tower. Ready to go back to Zhongyun City to buy a beautiful big glass jar and put Tai Sui in it to cultivate slowly. Anyway, this guy is also half a year old ginseng. How chilly is it to use a plastic bucket?

There was a big fish tank in the old house. It was used to raise electric eels at first, but the fish tank was too high, which was inconvenient to take and put too often.

The glass jars for raising Taisui do not need to be very high, the key is "wide". Waiting for Chen Fan to carry a large glass jar with a diameter of 1.5 meters and a height of half a meter. When we returned to the lake beside the stone pagoda to wash it clean, two hours had passed. The big guy couldn't fit in the diving cabin. He simply let the electric eel catch his mouth into the cave.

After putting Tai Sui in a glass filled with fresh water, it was already noon when I returned home, and I washed my hands just to eat.

"Eating?" Chen Fan suddenly realized after washing his hands; Yunmeng hadn't returned home yet.

Looked at the time, it was already twelve twenty. And Yunmeng will be home from school at eleven forty, fifteen to twenty minutes.

Chen Fan was somewhat at ease and took out the phone to ask about the situation.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later"

"Isn't it shut down or not in the service area?" Chen Fan wrinkled his head tightly and didn't return for nearly half an hour. And she didn't call herself, what happened to her?

When he came to the garage to start the car, Chen Fan gradually slowed down the car after leaving the gate of the Parkland community, and focused on the sidewalk. At noon, not many pedestrians on the road. Yunmeng wore a white coat, which should be easy to recognize.

When the car drove to the Suguo shopping mall on the third row of roads, there were six or seven pedestrians in a circle on the sidewalk at the entrance of Chen Fan to watch the bustling. And there was a woman's noise in the center.

By watching the crowd, Chen Fan suddenly caught a white figure, like a cloud, and there was also an electric car that fell to the ground.

"Day!" Chen Fan quickly turned the steering wheel and creaked, turning the car to the city square.

"What's the matter?" Chen Fan squeezed into the center of the crowd and saw Yun Meng standing pitifully beside the electric car, and asked anxiously.

"Are you an adult in her family? It was just right. Hurry to lose my money. She crashed my car and two boxes of eggs." A forty-five-six, blue coat was covered with dust and Egg white women speak faster than machine guns. Pointing to the electric vehicle that fell to the ground: "Look, you can see, there are only 17 eggs that I bought from the market on the market, and now she is hit by only 17, and you quickly lose my money.

"Why didn't you call me?" Chen Fanxian Yunmeng was not injured, nor dust. Asked her with a little blame.

"The phone just fell to the ground and broke. I, I want to call you at the phone booth, and then you will come." Yun Meng's hesitant face turned to embarrassment after seeing Chen Fan. Just like a good boy who accidentally did something wrong, he didn't dare to look directly at the adult's eyes. "I said what happened to you guy. You quickly lost the money, so I can dress up." This woman has a degree of shame that makes the announcer ashamed, and has a mental level that even Hua Luogeng must admire: " Two boxes of sixty plums and green eggs, a total of forty-three are broken, according to a piece of three hairs: one, count, you pay me fifty-seven dollars and nine cents, I will not need a few fractions, the electric car rain cover , Du insurance is broken, the two add up to you to pay me 300, and my clothes are also worn, you have to pay me 100. "

"Wait a moment, let me ask about the situation!" Chen Fan cut off her wordy, since both of them were not injured, then figure out the responsibilities. Something happened quickly.

The cause of the incident was simple and funny. When the woman net came out of the city and drove off with an electric car, the five yuan change she found fell out of her pocket. Just stopped with a brake. Yunmeng, who was driving behind, only half a meter away, didn't have time to respond because he took out his phone and looked at the time. He banged it together.

But Yunmeng used to climb mountains and trees. So the sports cell is pretty good, although the phone has fallen. But the man did not fall, and the woman was brought down to the ground by an electric car.

If you look at the regulations of the car, as long as it is not a lane change or a rear violation caused by the front car, the rear car should be fully responsible, because the front car is likely to encounter a variety of situations. But the safety distance maintained by the rear car is not enough.

Chen Fan did n’t know the laws of electric cars, but if he did n’t talk about egg juice, he was n’t a shrew who had n’t negotiated. Let ’s talk about it. In the same words as her machine gun, Chen Fan estimated that three or five lawyers were not necessarily If she could have spoken to her, she would not help Yunmeng to justify and took out 500 yuan from her pocket and handed it over.

"Boy, I have no change for you!"

"Then forget it!" Chen Fan helped her lift the electric car, waved her hand, and pushed Yunmeng's electric car away from the accident scene.

"Pay attention next time!" Chen Fan patted Yun Meng's head: "Leave the car next to the city, I will take you to beg for something, and then buy a mobile phone again."

"Hang!" Yunmeng vomited ... Japanese; said embarrassedly! , "The distance is too great, and there is no response to be afraid ※

"You can't blame you on this matter, the woman is also responsible. This is not an emergency. She should look at the back to see if there are other vehicles." It ’s not clear, let ’s say it ’s unclear. "

There are only two places to eat next to the city. One is a western restaurant, the other is still a western restaurant. After choosing a more luxurious home, Chen Fan found a seat by the window and sat down. Following the recipe sent by the waiter and ordering something close to the taste of Chinese food, Chen Fan helped Yunmeng to order a fruit shake.

Foreign wine, this is probably something that most people must order when they eat Western food. He turned over the wine list. Simply ordered a glass of cherry fruit wine brewed in the restaurant.

No matter how good the Western food is, it still has more than one difference to the Chinese cuisine. After the dishes are ready. Chen Fan was too lazy to even use a knife, and used a fork to mess with it.

"Kuo Yunmeng saw that he even poked a whole steak on the fork and sent it to his mouth. He suddenly couldn't even wipe the milkshake from his mouth, and he kept smiling while covering his stomach.

"Huh, what's that?" Chen Fan put down his fork. Then he turned his face in doubt to the window.

"What? ... Yunmeng was really fooled!

While Chen Fan was taking advantage of Yunmeng's failure. She secretly glanced at the tomato sauce with her fingers, then suddenly extended her fingers and quickly wiped on her small jade-like nose.

"Ha this time, it was Chen Fan's turn, clutching his stomach and laughing wildly. His voice was so loud that the people who ate nearby screamed at him with contempt.

But when he saw Yunmeng, the beautiful girl of Lipin Ningxian, her scornful eyes were hard to brake halfway. Changed to "envy, jealousy, covetousness, greed" and the saliva swallowing that only the parties could hear.

"Well, a third long tone. Yun Meng froze for a moment, only to realize that he was fooled, and he could hang an oil bottle in his mouth.

"Ha Dong, I'll wipe it for you!" Chen Fan smiled and picked up the napkin next to him and gently wiped the tomato sauce

"What a coincidence, is Brother Chen eating with his girlfriend?" At this moment, a man in bright clothes and with bright shoes and heels walked to the table and asked Chen Fan to be honest.

"Are you?" Chen Fan raised his head in doubt. After thinking for five seconds in his head, Xiran Dawu said: "You are Wei Jie, why come come to eat?"

This man with a typical **** face. It was the person who met Zhang Ruoyang's birthday last time and was struggling to pursue Gao Ruoyu; however, Du Ruoyu took Chen Fan as a shield in front of him.

"!" Wei Jie smiled and smiled at the waiter passing by. "The cost of this table is charged to my account."

Even if someone pays for themselves, why would Chen Fan refuse? It was only a half-push, and then he grinned in an arc: "Thank you!"

"Brother Chen treats me as an outsider?" Wei Jie still foolishly regarded Chen Fan as the cousin of Chengdu Ruoyu, flatteringly said: "Brother Chen, please use it slowly, I will lose my company first.

When Wei Jie left, Chen Fan began to laugh while covering his stomach: "This silly hat even invited me to dinner?"

"Why is he a stupid hat?" The blush on Yunmeng's face had not yet emerged from the shyness of the "girlfriend", and Shuimeng's big eyes asked Chen Fan curiously.

"It will be unclear at one and a half, let's eat quickly, don't mind him Chen Fan lightly on her forehead, and then continue to deal with that steak.

One minute before the time passed, the two of them were interrupted again. It's just that this time he is a waiter in white clothes.

"This gentleman, 20: Guests of the No. table, let me send you a bottle of Qiao Lai Fei."

"Ah, huh?" Chen Fan smiled as unpredictably as Wu Peihu.

When the waiter left, Chen Fan couldn't even eat anything, and picked up the waiter's full goblet. Jiang took a sip of red wine and said, "Silly pen!"

"Brother Chen Fan, do you have any trouble with that person?" Yun Meng reluctantly tapped his head with his finger, this. The nerve-wracking action she did was blowing a piece of wind on the sidewalk outside the glass window. Pedestrians stopped to watch.

"It's nothing to celebrate, just an IQ superiority emerges spontaneously!"

After drinking enough food, Chen Fan laughed and took Yunmeng to buy a mobile phone again, and then sent her to school, another call to dry Wang Bing. Let him drive the BMW, which has been abandoned by Chen Fan, to pick up and drop Yunmeng to and from school.

The next afternoon, Chen Fan took the electric eel again to the seabed cave, preparing to observe the latest situation of the fairy-level Taisui.

Walking to the second floor of the stone pagoda, Chen Fan took Tai Sui out of the water, and then he was surprised; the ugly scar of the size of the cigarette box was still built. There is no trace of growth. It's not like what the book says: Eat one piece after another.

"Day, will it not die?" Chen Fan's eyes filled with question marks. The information says that Tai Sui usually recovers the next day. It does n’t recover, but it does n’t grow a little, right?

Putting Tai Sui back in the water again, Chen Fanxian did not actually die, because bubbles appeared on the surface from time to time, indicating that he was still breathing.

Staring at the gold bar like a glass jar for a long time; Chen Fan suddenly patted his head, secretly how to forget this thing?

This one has lived for tens of thousands of years. If you rest in ordinary fresh water, you can still grow a piece of meat, then it is really a ghost.

To know that its meat is more powerful than the millennium ginseng, which means that it must absorb a lot of nutrients in order to make up for the lost part. How much nutrients can be contained in the freshwater in this pool? You can guess with your toes.

It's as if you can't honour three meals a day, just use a slow head and a bowl of porridge to raise muscle bulge, and martial arts masters who are rivaling dozens of people come out. Foods with sufficient nutrition are recommended to be cooked ※

"Day, isn't it a waste?" Chen Fan's eyes are bigger than the bull's eyes. Eating ginseng and changing ginseng is worse than eating ginseng directly. Why go through the process of being too old?

I thought so, but Chen Fan scratched his head and decided to buy some high-end ginseng, and then grind it into a glass jar. On the one hand, because she was too beautiful. Now it becomes an ugly scar face, very ugly. On the one hand, because he now has more than 10 billion yuan, he doesn't care about that much money at all.

Returning to Zhongyun, Chen Fan drove to the major ginseng specialty shops on the commercial street to buy some old and wild ginseng.

Like this specialty store, although the price is more expensive. But at least don't worry about buying fakes.

However, when Chen Fan really walked into those shops. Then I realized how ridiculous he was to buy old and wild ginseng.

Not because the money in his card is not enough. It is because there is not much wild inventory in these shops.

Now Changbai Mountain wild ginseng is mostly hollowed out. Ninety-five percent are planted manually. The cheapest kind is the same as white radish. Just a few hundred yuan a catty. The wall is embedded in a glass wooden box, almost all wild ginseng with roots, only a few ten grams, and it is sold for a price of up to 30,000 or 50,000.

What else can Chen Fan say? You can only pull out the bank card. Sweep all the wild stocks away, then move on to the next one.

After traveling back and forth in the urban area of ​​Zhongyun for half a day, Chen Fan spent a total of three million yuan before selling more than 400 grams of authentic wild ginseng, more than 400 grams. This also needs to add those long roots. Dry goods

Feeling not addictive, Chen Fan simply bought two pounds of Cordyceps sinensis and two pounds of Ganoderma lucidum.

Pick out the five largest ginseng, half catty Cordyceps, half catty Ganoderma lucidum, and prepare to wait for the parents to come back, let them make tea and drink, then he went to buy two small mills grinding Chinese medicine, and two basketball size Glass fish

When he returned to the cave again, Chen Fan used the Kunwu dagger to cut two pieces of walnut-sized ** from Tai Sui, put them into small glass jars, and then grinded the ginseng into a powder with a machine and sprinkled it into the big jar. Then grind the Cordyceps and Ganoderma into powder and sprinkle them into two small glass jars.

According to the truth, Tai Sui should be able to absorb any nutrients, and then slowly expand itself, otherwise this guy can not survive in the water. It can grow in the soil like sweet potatoes again.

Feeding millions of medicinal herbs to Tai Sui. To let others know, it is estimated that this prodigal must be cut with a knife.

Cordyceps sinensis: This thing is like Tai Sui. It doesn't know the specific sex. The larvae of the bat moth are infected with fungi, and then slowly die. When the spring flowers bloom, grass roots grow on your head. Do you say it is insects or grass?

The experiment proves: Chen Fan's theory is completely correct. By the next day, the big Taisui cut part has obviously grown some milky white tissues, even the two small ones next to it. It also grew stronger.

I measured it with an electronic scale, the larger one grew two hundred and twenty grams and the smaller one two hundred and ten grams.

Of course; the monsters of the Wannian class have an appetizing appetite. The medicinal materials in the water have been consumed, leaving only a faint smell of medicine. This point can be seen from the original milky white, golden yellow, dark red liquid into a clear and transparent colorless liquid.

"God, you killed me, this guy just eats people and doesn't spit out bones. Feeding millions of medicinal herbs, there is no reaction at all." Chen Fan bowed his head in pain, if not Chen Fan was mentally powerful If so, he really wants to boil them with boiling water!

After tasting the powerful Chen Fan, he never dared to fight wild ginseng anymore. After returning home, he called Ito Yun and Yu Lin and asked them to separately purchase a large amount of artificially grown ginseng. Ganoderma with artificial planting. As for Cordyceps. Because it cannot be planted manually. In addition, there is not much inventory in Zhongyun City, and the test is temporarily suspended.

It took only one day for the artificially planted people to participate in the purchase of Ganoderma lucidum, and they purchased more than two hundred kilograms of inventory respectively. After being shipped to the stone tower in the diving cabin, Chen Fan continued to grind them into powder with a machine, and then delivered In the pool.

What delighted Chen Fan was that the effect of artificially planted people on Ganoderma lucidum was only five to six times weaker than that of wild ones. Chen Fan only used more than one hundred and fifty kilograms for the wounds on his body, so he restored it to its original state. Without any scars.

As for the walnut that was fed with Ganoderma lucidum, it was too old, and it grew to the size of a bowl in three days. "

But this little Taisui made Chen Fan puzzled again and again.

According to the principle, it absorbs so many nutrients of Ganoderma lucidum, and its own color should slowly turn into dark red, which is almost the same as the color of Ganoderma lucidum. But until now, it is still milky white, and only by careful observation can its color become dim.

To this end, Chen Fan also deliberately cut the size of bubble gum and fed it to electric eels.

Results; the performance of the electric mantle after taking it made Chen Fan confused.

Because this one is almost too old to grow up with Ganoderma lucidum. The effect is no different from that of the big one. The electric eel eats as much energy as it does. The power surged.

It is important to know that the effectiveness of Ganoderma is generally recessive, and it can only be revealed after long-term use, unlike ginseng. The day of service will be effective. It is not as effective as stimulants in improving the vitality and endurance of the body.

As such: is Tai Sui equal to a universal alchemy furnace, even if a few pounds of organic fertilizer is put in, it can be transformed by itself. Divide nutrients into * ginseng?

Than: Hey, didn't get six thousand words!

Five extra words for free!

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