Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 171: Snatch the road

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

. Han Peng "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" Hearty

The two policemen were so tense that their muscles were shaking because of tension contraction. When they heard the movement, the nervous system pulled the trigger reflexively.

"Bang!" Chen Fan had just revealed a small gap in his pistol, and one nailed it to the wall below the muzzle. Even the bolt was scratched by the spattered shrapnel.

"Fuck, the reaction is so fast?" According to the stand, Chen Fan was preparing to raise his pistol to attack from above, the other party's words, to make him like Medusa's petrified magic.

"Put down your arms and hold your head in both hands, we are the police!"

The older Zhang team shouted in vain. The two were blinded by the flashlight inexplicably, and then quickly fired. They even forgot to call their identity according to the rules. When they saw the dark and muzzle, they realized that It was a shootout with "criminals".

"Holding his head with both hands out! Xiao policeman also made a full voice, hoping that the other party would be afraid of the majesty of the police, and he would stop.

"Police?" Chen Fan had the illusion of falling into a dream. He even rubbed his ears three times to make sure that he heard correctly. This group of bold criminals even claimed to be a policeman?

"Quick, hold your head in both hands!"

"Then throw your documents over and let me have a look!" Chen Fan stunned his back teeth slightly.

Policemen? Go to hell, the police come back for no reason? After coming, how many shots of "crackling" did you shout?

"Okay!" Zhang team learned that Suo Suo pulled out the black book with the silver national emblem printed from his pocket, and then threw it on the stairs with a snap: "The ID is there!"

Putting his lips together, Chen Fan's eyes scolded and scolded the little black book in the center of the stairs. There were no auxiliary items to hook it over. It was impossible for him to reach out. In fact, even if he took it, he could not recognize the truth.

But the word "police" really has a great deterrent effect on him. If the two are really policemen, then the consequences of attacking the police will be amazing.

"Who are you?" Zhang team saw there was no movement. Shouted loudly.

The dog barking on the third floor was too loud, and it was as if the lungs were motivated, and it didn't stop for a moment, and it didn't even speak loudly.

"I am the head of this villa. Three gunmen broke into me and were subdued by me."

"Then you immediately come out with your hands on your heads!" Zhang team can see whether he is the head of the household, he only saw the muzzle of the flashing hole just now.

"Hey, Team Zhang, the guard," at this moment, in the radio headset, remembered the question of the companion.

"Wait a moment, I will turn up the volume a bit." After twisting the volume control on the radio to the maximum, he said: "Speak again."

"The situation is like this? Do we need to go to drug aid?"

"The situation is temporarily unknown. We just fired a few shots just because something was flashing. You don't want to leave your position first. To prevent someone from escaping from the windows around the villa." Zhang Zun whispered, covering his mouth: Was the information transferred out? "

"Already tuned out" the voice on the radio hesitated: "Team Zhang, this man's assets are over 100 million yuan, and he is a person with a big head. Would you like to ask the city council to send them the armed police forces?"

"No, for the time being, you two come over. There is an unidentified man in a coma downstairs. You are asked to carry it out to identify it. If it is the head of the household, you will immediately notify the city council. If not, wait for my order."


"What are you whispering about?" Chen Fan asked aloud.

"After confirming your identity, believe me, we are the police, you can now walk out with your hands on your head."

"Not now!" How could Chen Fan go out because of the other party's rhetoric? His eyes rolled, he came up with a way: "To prove that you are not gangsters, you can"

Before he finished the word "yi", the scene that had already extinguished the smell of gunpowder changed in vain.

"Bang!" Xiao Xue, who was locked on the third floor, broke the glass door and rushed down from the third floor.

, Wan

Chen Fan stood dumbfounded, holding the Beretta automatic pistol in his hand and hung down like a weak noodle. That kind of balcony door with the same thickness as the glass door of Lidian was actually broken by it?

It was a few steps down the stairs, and its head was still stained with scarlet blood. Like a red-eyed **** **** of war, any enemy who dared to block in front of it would be torn by its ruthless claws.

"Don't shoot!" Chen Fan suddenly screamed and wanted to rush out and grab Xiao Xue!

"Ah!" Where have the two policemen seen such a big, so fierce dog? Being bitten by such a dog, he will have a lifelong disability without dying.

"Bang! Bang!" Two bullets without long eyes immediately whizzed towards Xiaoxue, a bullet passed through its forehead, and a bullet hit its swollen bone on the front shoulder. , The huge kinetic energy carried directly presses the "God of War" on the brake, and then rolls back a few meters away like a hoist.

"Ah!" Chen Fan at this time, which one is the real police or the fake police? After protruding the barrel for a while, he pulled the trigger.

A burst of Uzi submachine gun-like shooting sounded through the room, almost four shots per second, and the whole corridor was covered with bullet rain.

"Boom!" The two policemen lying on the stairs only fired two more shots, and they were afraid of any resistance when they were pressed by bullets.

And the gravel spattered on the wall, the two who hit it were called bitter again and again. Among them, Xiao Liu police net wanted to hug his head, and suddenly felt a pain in his leg. When he reached down and touched it, he only felt a warm one.

After emptying the magazine, Chen Fan immediately pressed the magazine card, and before he could freely land on the magazine, he snapped and installed the new magazine.

I didn't have time to aim just now, and a bullet clip almost tilted to the wall at the stairs. I had to kill both of them at this time.

"Quick withdrawal!" The older Zhang team bounced from the ground in vain, shouting with a broken heart, and dragging the injured Liu to run downstairs.

His heart was almost bursting with excitement. The gangster turned out to have a submachine gun? This villa must be surrounded and then call for support.

"Xiaoxue Xiaoxue!" Chen Fan hurried to him in front of him. Poorly, he now fell to the end of a paint shop, with blood on his head, and a blood hole the size of a wine cup was opened at his shoulder, passing through at a forty-five degree angle Tendon meat.

"flash". This was Chen Fan's only thought at the moment. At this moment, he took Xiao Xue with his left hand without any delay, and then held the gun with his right hand to guard and **** downstairs.

"How to flash?" Two seconds later, he thought of a good idea!

"Quickly inform the City Bureau and let them send police troops." The two policemen shouted at the grass immediately after escaping from the gate.

"Team Zhang, the comatose man is not the head of the household here! The Armed Police Squadron has been out and can be arrived in as little as fifteen minutes." A policeman handed the freshly baked documents to him: "This is the basic information of the head of the household , You see,

Halfway through his voice network, the two courtyard lights were lit up in vain in the villa courtyard, followed by a roar of great motives.

"Parking!" Zhang team's "Woo!" Came out of the green belt, and the blue and bright vomiting pistol pointed directly at the front window glass of the car.


He had also seen this car when he searched the garage, but after pulling the door twice and not pulling it open, he stepped forward and watched it with a night vision device. Without any existing people hiding inside, he left the garage. Pay more attention.

"Stop!" Three security guards followed, and two police officers sprang from different directions, each with a deadly weapon.

And their costume made Chen Fan hiding in the car completely stunned. His black uniform made him understand how serious a mistake he had just made, but unfortunately all of the fights were over, and it was too late to regret it.

Stepping on the accelerator, Chen Fan ignored the "black uniform" rushing out of the grass and drove wildly towards the beach.

More than 10 million Maybach, even the rearview lights are bulletproof, not to mention the eight-centimeter-thick front window that the president of a small country can drive.

"Boom!" After a burst of beans-fired gunshots, the glass was smashed with several snowflakes, and the body was smashed with several four-slot Maybach, and the bottom disappeared into everyone's sight.

"Bulletproof car?" Under the yellow street lamp, the policemen's horrified expression clearly illuminated.

"The General Administration, the General Administration, there is a gangster armed with an automatic weapon who flees from the Bolan Community, please send someone to hunt down immediately


The slowly closed gate of the community couldn't stop the Maybach of this beast lineage from ramming.

"Eleven miles, only eleven miles from the seaside dock." The infinitely variable throttle was almost screwed to the end by Chen Fan. As long as he reached that point, not to mention the police pursuit, even if Gundam came, it would be useless.

At 10:20 in the evening, there are not many vehicles on the wide road, which allows Chen Fan to run boldly.

Eleven miles, what is the concept of a car with a speed of 150 horses?

Don't arrive in three minutes

All the pedestrians on the road all looked at the madman. The eyes looked at the whistling car and dared to drive fast in the city center? Waiting to enter the bureau for lunch!

"Well. Sure enough; when this fast-paced car disappeared into the eyes of pedestrians, we immediately saw three police cars trailing behind.

In today's society with high technology and information integration. When there are cameras all over the streets and the chase cars constantly reporting their directions to the headquarters, it is really hard to play a beautiful "Grand Theft Auto" in the city.

Of course; this difficulty factor will keep changing with the equipment.

As long as an ordinary car pulls out a blocking nail at the intersection, it can pierce the four tires of the car and make it completely out of control.

But what about Maybach, which is built with high-end technology?

Defense: I went to buy a computer this afternoon, and my sister was about to take it with me. My "broken ass." Gasped louder than the helicopter, and he bit his teeth to get a new host.

I will change more tomorrow!

echo is off.

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