Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 212: Le Ji is sad

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Can't bear to watch, misfortune alone?

These two oil wells were officially put into production in less than two days, resulting in such an unforgivable technical situation.

Platform No. 3 can barely blame the irresistible situation. What about No. 5? The oil control valve piled up with money, there will be loose interfaces that only inferior toy manufacturers will appear?

Tonight; destined to be a sleepless night!

All the people on the seven drilling platforms got up from their sleep. Deep sea divers and technicians landed on the helicopter platform above through the trestle connecting the platform and the platform, and flew to the two oil wells in trouble.

At 6 pm local time, inside the Takeda Building in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

No matter how low the land standard is, Ota Otoro is a typical example of "Le Ji Ji Sheng Bei".

Originally, he had a beautiful vision of the future, imagining that he could rely on these seven oil wells to make a lot of money, but he did not expect that the seven oil well nets produced one million barrels of oil, and he nested two.

If the No. 3 oil well does not go well, it will also face huge environmental pollution fines.

When I think of the crude oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in the old days of 2o, Ota Otaro couldn't help but feel cold. The accident directly caused economic losses of hundreds of billions of dollars, and even BP paid tens of billions of dollars in compensation for this.

"What's the situation with Oil Well No. 3!" Sitting in the center of the office, Ota Otani even froze with the refrigerator.

"The leak is eleven centimeters long and four centimeters wide, and the downhole pressure is 27 atmospheres. Five divers are trying to fix the leak with the poly-bong buckle. According to the data, there should be no risk of failure. After closing the leak, it is expected that the broken cable can be connected the next morning, and the oil control valve can be completely closed at that time. "A 25-year-old man sat next to the computer and said fiercely.

"Currently, the crude oil benefited is about 1,700 barrels. Except for a small amount of crude oil spilling from the isolation zone, most of it has been successfully enclosed in the isolation zone. Now three nearby oil recovery vessels are working there. Deoiling The supply of the agent and the oil-absorbent blanket is sufficient, and the oil stains can be completely cleaned up in about three days. "

"Well" Ota Otaru exhaled heavily: "Well No. 5 oil well? I want to understand why the oil control valve is loose. Don't fool me with quality problems. The oil control valve is not a tap. It ca n’t be loosened without any reason. "

"The most likely thing is the change of the underground rock formation, which caused the misalignment of the oil control valve and the pipeline, which caused the outer shell of the oil control valve to loosen." Although the staff member was young, the academic foundation was still quite rich. Once talking about familiar issues, There is no cure for it.

"According to the data returned by the downhole detector at that time, there was no abnormality in the bottom seabed, but this does not exclude that it never moved. The seabed is composed of hard sandstone and detrital limestone. Complex turbidite layer. This structure seems to be abnormally stable, which can fully relieve the shock caused by the movement of the plate. It will not collapse and break in vain like the hard rock layer. But this does not mean that there are no defects. It is easily affected by the air pressure at the bottom. When the pressure of the crude oil belt changes with the benefit of the crude oil, it will also follow a slight flat change. This change is very slow, and after the internal layer body is balanced, it will not stop. move."

"But it is this slight and slow change that makes it difficult for the instrument to detect it. When the time is long, the oil control valve at the wellhead is slightly displaced. There is an angle deviation from the drilling platform above. The pipeline is very long and tough. The force inside does not affect it at all, but the oil control valve does not work, it does not have any toughness. "

"Damn, wasn't the shock tube already filled when the well was drilled, was it filled with condensable materials?" Ota Otto slammed the table: "Notify the company that the relevant equipment will be delivered to seal the wellhead, and then replace the oil control valve. "

After talking, he scratched his head in pain. Oil well No. 3 needs to be replaced, and oil well No. 5 needs to be replaced with an oil control valve, which must be delayed for at least a week.

Even if the other five oil wells were running at full capacity, they could not produce enough crude oil for delivery.

You have to know that he has more than one contract, and every week's output is full.

This matter is just like digging underground coal mines, which are all high-risk industries. Either dry until the wellhead is exhausted without major problems, or permanently close the wellhead if a major problem occurs.

The only thing that can be done is to pray to God not to be so cruel, no matter how artificially prevented, there is no way to eliminate hidden dangers.

But God is so cruel sometimes, and cruel is not human "

There was silence in the office, except for the sound of the staff typing on the keyboard. Nothing else. Ota Nakaro narrowed her eyes slightly, and tapped a cigarette.

Pain is useless. Let ’s just look at everything. Is n’t the two oil wells temporarily lying on their nests? At that time, the Japanese side will first delay it for a few days, and first only the newly signed customer will provide it to see if it can compensate less.

Ding Ling Ding Ling's burst of cheerful phone ringing interrupted his thinking.

It must be that the No. 3 oil well blocked the loophole!

Ota Otoro threw away half of the cigarette butts. Then connect the phone.

He is very confident in his perception ability, and once that illusory feeling comes, he can hardly go wrong. It was with this strong sense of perception that he climbed to such a high position at a young age.

"Ota Jun, the loophole of our No. 3 oil well has been successfully blocked. The effect of the buckle is very good, and there is no trace of crude oil leaking!" Sure enough; there was an exuberant cry from the phone.

"It's beautiful!" Ota Otaru couldn't help but waved his fist: "Strive to connect the broken cable as soon as possible, so that we can lift the oil production pipeline for repair work."


Hanging up the phone, he was in a better mood and turned his attention to the young employee on the left, preparing to encourage him to solve the dinner problem himself.

"Huh?" Ota Otoro was startled by the sullen expression on his face, and his dull eyes staring straight at him.

"Old, old, boss, the No. 1 drilling platform came to report and said that they encountered the same problem as the No. 5 platform. The oil control valve and the outer cover of the valve were soaked, and the electronic components inside were" shorted, "

This sentence directly made Ota Sakuro from the heavenly cover to the toenails cover, and the soul felt a sense of ecstasy.

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