Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 243: Deputy researcher

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six! It ’s five o’clock in the morning, two thousand Zhuo, owe one thousand one "※

Policewoman driving Aston Martin?

Sister, your family is so rich, why not go to work in the government? It's really not possible to go to the procuratorate or the court, it's better than being a policeman, a naturally hard-working profession!

Chen Fan felt that his brain was obviously not enough. This kind of plot has always appeared only in the middle, how could it be born beside him?

Xun glanced back, Chen Fanxian Zhang Bingbing was facing his back, did not pay attention to the situation here.

Zhonghai Police Officer Certificate

Name: Zhang Bingbing

Position: Deputy Researcher

Police rank: Level 2 Superintendent

Siren: Heart Defense 32

Work unit: Zhonghai Public Security Bureau

The deputy investigator in the public security system is equivalent to a technical staff member who enjoys deputy-division-level treatment but does not hold specific leadership positions.

The deputy investigator seemed to be an official with sesame and green beans, but it was not. It was treated at the same level as the deputy county magistrate. As long as the director is safe, she can hold various positions.

In other words, this dripping little Nizi turned out to be a policewoman with a lot of officials?

Even if she was so old, she guessed that she had attended a police school for four years, graduated from the Ugly Police College, and worked for one to two years this year.

If she is wearing such a large police rank in a small county, it is not too unacceptable. As long as the police academy is well-known, the road is solid enough. But her place of work is Zhonghai City, known as the Oriental Pearl of the international metropolis.

She is in this position, don't think it's nothing in Zhonghai. But if you want to airborne to the counties and cities below, you must at least get a team leader and deputy director. If the relationship is hard enough, it is no problem to hang a political commissar. This is not impossible. Nowadays, the state advocates the rejuvenation of cadres, and there are many people who have entered the leadership of local counties and cities in their twenties.

"No," Chen Fan burst into tears and cried: "This kind of person with little roots can enter the public security bureau, so what kind of police can Guangwei Weimin expect to punish them for evil?"

"Have you seen enough?" Zhang Bingbing didn't know when he appeared behind him, wrapped in a sheet, she looked at Chen Fan with an eye without any sense of sensation. Obviously Chen Fan's sentence: Little brain Genjin, her words were heard.

"Look, it's enough." Chen Fan's face couldn't help but red, like a thief caught on the spot when stealing a wallet. He is now the person who hangs the horn in the Zhongyun Public Security Bureau, and then sees the public security. Of course, my heart is straight.

"Seeing enough? Do you want to leave? Could you ask me to invite you to go to jail?" Zhang Bingbing gently tapped the small book on the forehead. This action was made by her. It was so full of wind and wind that Chen Fan couldn't help but even admire his mind flying to the country of Java.

"Horse, leave now!" Chen Fan swallowed quietly, and then put on his clothes like a gust of wind. Walk out the door lightly.

"That's right!" Chen Fan, who disappeared, protruded his head again, and he said with a sigh of warmth: "I suggest you look at a doctor in your heart. I happen to know a master of psychology, specializing in psychological and emotional issues Analysis and consultation. I can give her her phone number, and I will pay for it. "

"Go!" Her face was blue, without saying anything, she pulled the pillow and hit Chen Fan.

Lying in bed, Zhang Bingbing looked at the half-size bed that had been cold for a long time. She knew that she would never forget this night, this man, this first time in her life.

The tears of gold and silver, which quietly occupied the entire eye socket. She was born in a large household in Zhonghai City. I could have followed the path paved at home, and entered the company as an assistant in the finance department as soon as I graduated from university. After two years of training, he officially took over the work of the finance department. Be a diamond collar that makes people envious.

However, rebellious psychology, the word is particularly heavy on her, starting from junior high school. She tried her best to resist everything her parents arranged for herself, and wanted to take a path that she liked freely.

She is the old son of her parents, and her two older brothers have already established a family. She really pampered her as a princess. When she saw that she was so inconsistent with company management, she let go of her feet and let her like. Anyway, someone in the family takes care of it, and I ’m not afraid to go wrong!

As for being a police officer, it was purely an accidental coincidence. When high school filled in volunteers, she asked the girl friend Hu Qian who had been playing from elementary school to high school, which university volunteer was she going to fill out?

Her girlfriend, who can share anything except her husband, is a living person who goes crazy, and the crimes committed from elementary school to high school are basically Cai Zhu, who can hide the jacket of the boy in the women ’s toilet. Afterwards, people who didn't blush and didn't jump, called the sister, and only helped him get it back.

Asked what volunteers to fill in? Hu Qian patted her chest very boldly and said: Ready to fill in the Chinese People's Public Security University, or do you also fill in this volunteer! Let's work together as policemen, eliminate all scum from the society, and return a harmonious and stable atmosphere in the country.

Can't stand the rhetoric of Hu Qian's girlfriend. Zhang Bingbing simply gritted his teeth and filled the volunteers into the People's Public Security University.

As the best police school in China, the admission score of People ’s Public Security University is much worse than that of Fudan University, and the requirements for selecting students are strict. Anyone who is too fat or too thin and has a bad political outlook is free. However, this is not a problem for the two students with top grades and good family.

** Excellent Party Member, Vice Chairman of Student Union. On three occasions, he was awarded the second-class merit by the school, and was even assigned to serve as a lecturer assistant in the "British Model Class" where only dozens of first- and second-class British model police officers are transferred each year.

After Zhang Bingbing graduated from the Public Security University with outstanding results, Chen Yalan, deputy director of the Zhonghai Public Security Bureau, personally called the school to persuade her to return to her hometown to take the civil service examination.

True Gold was not afraid of the bear furnace fire, and she returned to Zhongyun without failing to live up to the earnest expectations of the leader. In just two years, he was promoted from an ordinary criminal investigation technician to a post of deputy researcher, and was seconded to other provinces to participate in criminal investigation work many times.

In the citing 3 large drug smuggling cases ten days ago. With her outstanding talents, she arrested five major criminal members with Zhu Qiang as one fell swoop. Won the second-class hero model and medal awarded by the Ministry of Public Security, and took the post of captain of the second squadron of the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

Zhang Bingbing, who is 24 years old this year and actually 23 and a half years old, has held the position of squadron squadron leader. This is the youngest of the top three in the entire district of Tianhai City.

According to the truth, she should be proud of herself, but on the contrary, she is now suffering to the utmost. If time could go back in time, she would rather take off the police uniform and not participate in the drug smuggling case.

"Qian is angry with you, I am angry with you" Zhang Bingbing curled up on the bedside. Covering his mouth, weeping silently.

"Dangli Lige, Lige Dang. I was a casual man on the virgin post, and there was a beautiful woman, Mo Mingsan, who invited me out of the mountain.

Sitting in gray Lamborghini. While humming a minor, Chen Fan steered the car towards Zhongyun!

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