Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 253: The aircraft carrier must tremble in front of it

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

stop! Well, the owed final supplement and update; thousands of prisons, more explosive! Changle yin sat in the Xu loader. Squeezed by the narrow cab, he was sullen and pulled the tie around his neck fiercely to reveal the gold ornament thicker than the dog chain.

In front of him, there are two XCMG loaders with searchlights, all of which are crowded in the cab.

He originally planned to send a loader to push down the dock. This is a fait accompli. Because the construction period is really unaffordable, the tiger who eats the bones of a bank loan will devour him bit by bit over time.

After pushing down the dock, Changle decided to ask dozens of younger brothers to surround them with guys and pick their hamstrings, so as not to mess with the site like a fly all day. However, what he really didn't think of was that the other party, like him, had hard ideas, and he liked to engage in something that the government strictly prohibited.

The loader dispatched was forced down with a gun, and the four people who were hiding in the distance were also shocked by the pistol. Changle had no choice but to bring six capable confidants to "extinguish the fire."

It seemed that God couldn't get used to their arrogant arrogance. A torrential rain was in line with Changle's mind. When the time came, the battlefield was selected in the dock, and no one could hear the bomb.

"Hey Changle shouted at the headset intercom:" Mazi, Dubao, Dandan, the three of you waited at the door of the dock, and immediately rushed to the front of the bucket, responsible for shooting and bowing, others opened the loader In a straight line, after the formation is set up, the rest of the people also get off immediately and take charge of the shooting work on the left and right sides. "

"Good, boss!"

"Relax, boss!"

These people, without exception, call him the boss, not the boss, it seems that they are the old poles who mixed with him before turning into a businessman.

The night and the diffuse water curtain gave them the best cover, three inline loaders. It's like a heavy and hard spear; it's indestructible!

The silver bottle broke the water at the first glance, and the iron rode protruded the sword and shot! ,

Not waiting for the three loaders to be stable, Changle jumped out of the car with several gold medalists, and slammed five of his hands in a row; this thick slogan, a thick guy with no rifling, can shoot nine at a time Peanuts are big lead bombs, and the absolute autumn wind sweeps the leaves and sweeps a large area.

"Get on the bus!" Changle stared at the dock door with a glimpse of a bird of prey, and lived a comfortable life for five years. He did not wear away his **** fighting spirit. At every important moment, he must charge.

Just when Changle wanted to direct the loader to break through the door, it creaked and opened automatically.

"Bang!" Changle pulled the trigger without hesitation, with the red cartridge case popping out. A miserable cry came and made him ecstatic.

"Boss, Boss, it seems to be bald!" When the choking smoke was decomposed by heavy rain, the Dubao next to him, who was only one meter six or five in height, poured Changle ice water.

is not it

In the brightly lit dock, except for the two lead bullets in the chest on the pillar, there is no moving object in the twitching figure!

"Rush in a horizontal line!" The chewing muscles on Changle's cheeks were crawling like thick earthworms. Finally, he gritted his teeth and jumped out.

The three loaders that received the order changed their formations skillfully, and the high-lifted buckets just protected the people behind and the cab.

"Three loader nets rushed into the dock, and the gate closed automatically. They were trapped in the dock.

"Hum a remote control gate also wants to pretend to be a ghost". Changle ’s expressions should be as disdainful as possible: "Chen surnamed Chen, everyone is not a good person anyway. Hurry up and get out for me. Today you are either your death or my death."

"Pay attention to your words, you should take" please. The word, when the verb, is not "roll. Word".

Chen Fan plucked his head from behind a box-shaped object covered with silver-grey hard canvas: "In order to thank you for coming from afar, I decided to invite you for the first time in life and the last **** for free!"

"Toad yawns, great breath!" Changle hiding behind the bucket of the loader, "Cracked the five joints with a clatter, aimed at the position of Chen Fan's head. The mask will not kill you, and you will be sprayed on your head with a shot. It can still be beaten. "

"Four grand introductions to the equipment I brought. This gray mask is a beast bulletproof mask made by American Weapon Systems." Don't say that the five companies in your hand, even if you give you a ratio, it is useless because This type of mask is particularly good at absorbing shock waves. There was no big shock when the bullet hit it. It will not hurt bones. "

"I care about your fierce beasts. At the beginning, you have to take money obediently, and you won't have Liangzi today."

"Well," Chen Fan said sullenly: "What you said makes sense. At first, I wanted to take your more than three million yuan, and I really wouldn't cause so much trouble, but I am a born chicken belly. Don't allow a little loss. "

"Let's talk nonsense, if there is a kind, just shoot the gun and shoot," At the same time, Changle used the aggressive method and looked around, trying to find another person ’s figure in a hidden place. The enemies on the bright side were not terrible. What was scary was hiding in a secret attack on the villain. "

"Well, since that's the case, let's take a gun and shoot!" Chen Fan said while bending down, pretending to be pretending to be, and he didn't know what he could find out from below.

"Omitted. Several gold medalists Quan Xun pointed his gun at Chen Fan. As long as he was slightly abnormal, he pulled the trigger.

"Wait!" Chen Fan suddenly shouted a few people: "Let me introduce the weapons that will appear soon."

"Whew is crooked, isn't it afraid? If you're afraid, you can call Wang Bing to come, and by the way, pick up your own hands and feet, this is the case."

"Have you heard of Barrett's anti-equipment sniper rifle?" Chen Fan sighed in response to the question:

"Unfortunately I have one, and the one with ten armor-piercing shells!"

With the voice, he actually pulled out more than a meter long from the bottom, equipped with a shield-shaped muzzle brake and a sniper rifle at the front.

Although these triads do not know the specific power of this kind of gun, but the thick body of this rifle ’s hard net and the black paint seem to be able to see the thick barrel of the warhead inside, it is not difficult to estimate a conclusion before them The bucket of this loader can't resist!

"Bang!" As soon as Chen Fan drew his gun halfway, Changle, who was scared to the ground, quickly fired a subconscious.


Ma Zi, who was hiding next to him, immediately drew a gun and fired, three pistols with a fall-like style, and two five-connected ones. Pour out the ammunition thoroughly.

Ding Lingdang ’s bullets, flying fire and meteor, spattered on the hood. As a result, the hood was smashed, and even an unlucky ghost was hit by a pistol bullet in the arm, but the bunker below was still intact .

"Boss, the thing in front of the kid is too hard. I guess it is a big box welded with thick iron plates." "Stop the fire!" Changle shouted loudly. Why the thing he used to hide the bullet, looked so familiar, as if,

It's like an armored car!

Impossible impossible

That thing only exists on TV, how could it be moved to reality?


Chen Fan leaned out his head a little from behind. With a three-point disdain and a five-point mocking tone: "On this point, do you learn **** others?"

"Huh, I think how long can you hide there?"

"It takes less than two minutes, because I am now ready to send you to hell!"

"Chen Fan yanked off the thick canvas skin to reveal the wheeled armored personnel carrier hidden inside.

Changle held two red-shell ammunition in one hand, and before being inserted into the bar-shaped magazine, he suddenly stopped and opened his mouth to the maximum.

The five or six gold medalists around were also dumbfounded. They thought it was something like an iron box under the hood, but they didn't expect it to be an armored car. "

Their indifferent soft eyes were used to determine whether they were dreaming.

Who has ever seen armored cars when they are fighting?

Who has seen the Barrett anti-equipment sniper rifle while fighting?

Who has seen a bulletproof mask that even an automatic rifle can't wear when fighting?

They had an identical idea at this time, what is the origin of this young relative?

The commander's son?

It's all so arrogant, and he still cares about a dock?

"Don't be surprised, this is just a small appetizer. My assault weapon hasn't come up yet!" Chen Fan was very satisfied with this silent effect. After a laugh, he shouted loudly and forgetfully.

"Next is the moment to witness the miracle!"

"You will see the world, and only a few of you are fortunate enough to see this kind of weapon. Even the aircraft carrier should tremble in front of it to deal with you, and by the way destroy the corpse. It is too perfect!"

At this moment, "How come I encountered a neuropathy", everyone looked at him with idiot's eyes.

"Ha Changle laughed louder than him:" Come on, I want to see and see, is this miracle rarer than your neuropathy? . small

"Then open your eyes wide. Don't blink!" Sneered coldly, and Chen Fan pressed the remote control switch under his left hand.

"A dull sound suddenly came from behind Chen Fan. The door that had closed the light inside the pass house slowly receded. The stormy night outside was revealed!

The screaming sea breeze separated violently from the torrential rain and made the dock violently. Even the indoor waterway from the center of the dock to the real ten meters, also fluctuates with the outside waves!

"Don't you want us to watch this rainstorm?" Already dead, Changle still talked hard.

"Don't you have a different feeling in this rainy night?" Chen Fanhao hugged his shoulders in full leisure: "For example, there is a terrifying atmosphere spreading in?",

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