Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 256: Caiyi Street

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the super electric eel avatar!

six! It seems that it hasn't been updated in two days. On the one hand, the family forgive me for a few days in the process of "working servants and processing dens" busy getting machines to recruit people. On the one hand, they encountered several activities that could not be pushed. No explanation, everyone watch me burst!

The lowest 8,000 words today! Three thousand more! !

At this time, Boss Zhao, who checked the gold content on the side, also came over and returned the cooled coins to Chen Fan. The red light was genuinely detected. The purity was 98% and the grade was not bad. Let ’s press How about two hundred seventy-five yuan and one gram for delivery? "

Two hundred seventy-five yuan and one gram is no different from the market price. Chen Fan agreed to the price.

Sending the two away, Chen Fan and Chen Fan took the electric eel to the world of Argyll and went to him to discuss the crossbow deal again.

I learned the price of the metal rake from Zhang Xueyang. And the importance of the metal handle, of course, Chen Fan wants to speculatively put some back.

He now has five 10,000-ton oil tankers under his hands, and two 10,000-ton cargo ships constantly running on the sea. There is also a medium-sized shipyard, a small company that is only responsible for financial and business transactions, and it is not too much to add another strategic metal business!

When Chen Fan drove an armored personnel carrier to the beach. Argyle in the purple robe is busy with the muscular Baru on the deck.

Argyle is burying his head in some bottles and cans, and can go to Yao Ming with Baru who is taller. Li Xiang wore a maroon skin sac with a steel javelin over a metre long, and finally put a large knife like the door panel against his shoulder.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Fan walked to the deck of the ship. Both of them were dressed up. Was it going to fight?

"We are going to catch the bird of the wind!" Argyle smiled and tucked a bottle of scarlet ground powder into his bag: "The bird of the wind is a unique species on the island of Roke. They have a wingspan of twenty meters and feathers. It ’s gray-brown, and it ’s very good at flying long distances. I can fly for two days without sleep. I ’m going to get a baby bird back from Baru and train him to become a flying mount. ”

"Compared with my golden eagle, who is better than the bird of the wind, who is more powerful?" Chen Fan proudly showed off his mount.

"Well, since you like to listen, I will repeat it again!" Argyll said helplessly: "Except those intelligent creatures, your golden eagle can be squeezed into the top three in the ranking of all flying mounts, and It is the largest and fastest type of all mounts. If it has wisdom, it can compete with the dragon. "

Young people always have vanity, and Chen Fan is no exception. After receiving Argyle's praise, he scratched his head embarrassedly: "Then why don't you catch this golden eagle? You're not bragging about slaughtering dragons all day long Isn't it reasonable to catch a golden eagle! "

"Then, that is an adult flying dragon, not a giant dragon!"

"Although this golden eagle does not have the talent to reside in France. But its size is too large, if it does not kill their parents in an instant. Then it is likely that I will die. And the nest of this golden eagle will only be built in the strange On a dangerous cliff. You can't let me use this old bone to climb mountains? "

Chen Fan obviously doesn't believe his gibberish, old bones? The old monster is almost the same!

"That's right!" Chen Fan took the metal from his pocket and made it into silver coins, and shook it in front of his eyes: "I think this kind of orc coin is quite good. Our transaction is this time, Just half a gold key, half this kind of silver disciple! "

"This" Argyle didn't say a word, just lowered his head to beard his beard.

"Couldn't it be?" Chen Fan questioned: "Don't you say you are one of the six elders in the Royal Dharma Master's Home? Even the king talks to Yan Yuese when he talks to you! You can't even do this little requirement? ? "

"Not for this reason, but our kingdom is just a small country with less than five million people. There are not too many silver coins in reserve. There is a kingdom and an empire in the west. There are thousands of desert plains where the orcs live. Dori, two transactions will evacuate the kind of silver coins reserved by the Kingdom. After the silver coins are gone, the caravan must be sent to the desert plains. "

"Then you cooperate with Baru!" Chen Fan secretly glanced at the big man on the side: "Don't you say that he is the most outstanding genius in the God of War tribe? The relationship with the patriarch is also a relative. Just let the tribe redeem it. Hundreds of millions of silver coins are not a problem? "

Speaking of the orc Baru, Argyll supported the Wuwu's pole, and finally felt that it was really impossible to fool it, and then he had a thick face: "The God of War tribe is just a small tribe with tens of thousands of people. No, not so many. Funds. And if it is replaced with silver coins, it will cost more than two hundred tons. Will it be too heavy? "

"Then I'll give you a discount, just get two hundred tons of silver metal!" Chen Fan thought for a few seconds: "How far is your country from this island?"

"There is a thousand miles!"

"That's it; I'll help you make a ton of free shipping for free. You can run a hundred hundred miles a day, and you can only use two sides to trade back and forth while letting people go to other countries to exchange the silver coins."

"This, this, this,"

"That's it, otherwise I won't sell it yet." Chen Fan, who possesses absolute monopoly resources, fully wields the style of buying and selling, and he dropped the sentence: "Tomorrow I will bring the transport ship!" He took out the pangolin and claws, made a whistle, and slammed into the sky, summoning the cloud chasing from nowhere, and in the strong envy of the two cement fans, he drove away!

"Shall we catch this golden eagle?" Baru swallowed hard.

"Being down to earth" Argyle finally looked away from the sky: "Go and catch our bird of the wind!"

"Old man, what the **** is this guy doing? Not only are there so many mysterious machines. Even pets are pulling the wind. A queen of ice, a black monster that is more powerful than the queen of ice, and a let The golden sculpture of people drooling. "

"Duo and I said that he belongs to another world, knows space magic, and can come here through a plane barrier!" Argyll muttered while walking: "Space resident law exists only in theory, and the kid is in Bragging, he must have any special tools to shuttle the plane! "

Under the sunlight, white. The delicate beach is shining with silver light, and a giant python with a body length of 100 meters and a scale that is more reflective than a mirror lies on the ground and enjoys the sun lazily.

"Frost, how old are you this year?" Chen Fan, lying on the leather mattress, biting the root grass in his mouth, asked leisurely.

After this month of careful teaching, this white python has been able to express his meaning in words. Chen Fan feels that since it already has wisdom, of course it is necessary to give it a name. After thinking about it for a long time, I felt that Hanshuang, this name is quite suitable for it.

Listen to Argyle; the purple fruit it ate last time is the famous wisdom fruit

This kind of fruit is extremely rare. According to legend, the plant crystallized by the crystals in the body after the moon elves hang up. As long as a creature that is not too stupid eats it, it can slowly open its wits, which is actually a top treasure for strengthening pets and mounts!

"Remember, when I remembered, when my body was only half as big as now, my parents were besieged by many sea beasts, I ran away, ran away all the time, and later found a cave, I hid in. I live to this day!

Han Shuang's voice was very thin and Chen Fan listened to it and felt like a flute playing. The tune is good. It is a pity that the words are not so simple, but simple and repeated.

"It's this hole now.


"You are pitiful". Chen Fan sighed: "Who will bully you again in the future, tell me, I will help you kill it!"

"Good!" Han Shuang didn't even consider it, so he agreed!

Time was spent in this question-and-answer mode, and in the afternoon, Chen Fan said goodbye to Hanshuang. Return to the stone pagoda by electric scorpionfish.

Coming to the third floor of the stone tower, Chen Fan used a weighing cup from the container in the corner, filled with 500 milliliters of spar powder, and evenly sprinkled them into Guiyuexiang Taisui.

Hundreds of blue spars seized that time have long been used up. Now these powders are all okay for him. He transferred his thoughts to the electric eel, controlled it to swim in the sea, and hunted some green water beasts of. There is no particularly noticeable change in the size of the electric eel, but the intensity of the discharge, the quality of the body, and the concentration of the spitting venom are getting more and more powerful. The discharge can currently reach a maximum of 150,000 volts and a swimming degree of 250 knots, and it has shed its skin three days ago, so that the dark black scale armor has become darker and shining. Like the black formed by a volcanic explosion


"Didi bursts of crisp information prompts interrupted Chen Fan's movements, flicked the powder on his hand, and came to the computer. Now it's Zhang Xueyang's message!

"Brother Chen, good news, call me quickly!"


Chen Fan used his net number called the white-limbed bison to send the information, and then took the electric eel to the sea.

"What good news?" Chen Fan relied on his tone in the curved diving cabin, what good news could he have? Want to introduce beautiful cuties to yourself?

"Where are you now?" Zhang Xueyang said excitedly: "Help you introduce a good deal. Now you come to Xing'an Tea House in Caiyi Street. I will tell you in detail!"

"Good business?" Chen Fan was confused by him, waiting for him to drive Maybach to Caiyi Street. Half an hour has passed, and Zhang Xueyang's frivolous pestle can be seen at the door of the tea house, and there are all kinds of beautiful girls on the roadside. He hooked his head into a mobile radar and kept spinning.

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