Super Farm System

Vol 2 Chapter 1021: Ready to start

For a time, this sudden live broadcast has aroused everyone's interest, and the uninteresting and old-fashioned program has been unable to attract everyone's desire to watch, but this unexpected live broadcast has made everyone shine.

Then Mu Shilan introduced the banquet of Ye Chen here, and everyone's interest was raised in an instant.

It is necessary to know that this Spring Festival evening starts at 8:00, but there is a blank period from 6:00 to 8:00. Many people turn off the TV and concentrate on eating, but the live broadcast of Yancheng attracts a large audience.

"Sure enough, Ye Chen’s program ratings are high. At this time of the year, the ratings in Taiwan will fall to a low point. I didn’t expect this time to be so hot, hehe..."

The director of Yancheng TV station smiled smugly. Yancheng had a leaf morning. This is a big girl. It is not good to use it. How can Yancheng be the birthplace of Ye Chen?

"But if the Spring Festival Evening program starts, no one will watch it. Everyone will take advantage of these two hours and send a big red envelope to everyone after the event."

They have been working on TV stations for many years without going home to spend the Spring Festival with their families. Although the results in previous years were bleak, everyone did their loyalty and did not complain. After hearing the words of the director, everyone showed a hint of excitement and enthusiasm. .

“Hey, this is the first beauty of China’s first beauty, Mushi Lanmu, who can be a full-time talented person who can be a journalist. There is also the second place, Lu Yingying, who is also in this place.”

"Are you stupid? This is Ye Chen's hometown. People are Ye Chen's woman. How could it not appear here?"

"Hey, my heart is broken, why are beautiful women missing me? I am thirty years old, so single now..."

The audience in front of the TV were happy to eat while watching TV and joking. I didn’t expect this small Yancheng TV station to be so powerful.

"Well? You are watching, not only Mu Shilan and Lu Yingying, this is not Liu Yueqi? And Ye Shishi and Mu Xiaoqin, I am going to go, where is this place? The whole beauty of China is concentrated in Is it here?"

"How can we not see our leaf boss? These beautiful women will not all go to the boss of the leaf? My Scorpio, this is not the madness of the New Year's Eve to feed us a lot of dog food..."

After watching the whole scene, many bachelors exclaimed. Many people took out their mobile phones and took screenshots. Then, the circle of friends was one, and the ratings of Yancheng TV stations were rising.

The place where Chinese beauty is concentrated~!

This time, the staff of Yanchengtai can be ruined by music, and the joy of the accident.

And watching the number of people on the scene, there is a huge stage, Ye boss this is to scream with the Spring Festival Evening, this is to have their own Spring Festival Evening?

Looking at which provinces and cities in the country pay attention to Yanchengtai, the first is Yancheng, the second is not the Hongguang City.

"I didn't expect Engong to hold a banquet in Yancheng, and it was still a live banquet. I will lock this show tonight, and I can watch the replay in the Spring Festival Evening."

A young man muttered to himself, and a closer look was actually the boy who took the lead in recording the 72-hour record of Ye Chen's earthquake relief work, Qiu Ge.

"Tan Xiaowei, this year, are you also following General Ye’s General in Yancheng?"

A short-haired, fair-skinned girl watched a flash of memories in the eyes of the Chi Yanjun’s busy figure on TV. She was a girl like Tan Xiaowei and a boy saved by the stone, Liu Wei.

"Little hero, you can go to find him when you grow up. I want to have his help. Your life must be wonderful."

"Dad... Dad..." A woman touched the head of a child, and the child was already able to walk toddlers, screaming at the morning tea on the TV set.

He is actually the last survivor that Ye Chen dug out from the ruins. It is the child rescued by two of the greatest parents, Huaxia!

These people are now living in a new house built by the government, and every household has re-established a family, and some even better than the original one.

When they knew that Yanchengtai had to broadcast the live broadcast of Ye Daengong, everyone had a hundred and one hundred to tell each other that many people who had turned off the TV and prepared to eat New Year’s Eve had reopened the TV and locked the Yanchengtai. .

Yanchengtai’s ratings have been creating history in this period of time. The director is not happy now, but he is shocked by the horrible popularity of Ye Chen.

"Big brother, when did you start? I am a little hungry."

Ye Shishi came to the kitchen and urged him to work hard for a day. Everyone who was having a good lunch was really hungry.

"We are ready, wait another 2 minutes for the whole time and we will serve."

Looked at the time 18:28, Ye Chen looked at the many dishes that had been prepared behind him and smiled and answered.

"Oh, yes, have those people's money been collected? The old rules can't be broken, first collect the money and serve."

"Reassured big brother, when you are busy inside, everything is ready outside. Most of the money is paid by credit card and mobile phone, and there is not much cash."

Li Jun shook his pos machine in the side, and his eldest brother had been busy in it, and he would be shocked when he went out.

Because there are so many people eating, even the round table is absolutely shocking.

"Get ready to serve."

Ye Chen looked at the time and said to the people behind him. The people of the Red Tigers all acted as waiters at this time. The tables managed by each person had already been arranged, so with Ye Chen’s orders, everyone went to A side dish is prepared for the dish.

"Wait, since there is such a lively video and live broadcast, we are too quiet to serve without a bit of momentum."

Suddenly, Ye Chen’s eyes flashed like a flash of light in his head. Looking at everyone’s doubtful eyes, Ye Chen walked out of the tent and watched the starry night sky bursting out with a red fireworks.

"Hey, big brother, are you going to put a fireworks? This stuff will have dust and a lot of smell. Isn’t everyone eating below?"

"Yeah Ye Big Brother, the environmental protection is now so strict, no fireworks are released."

Listening to the persuasion of the third brother and Mu Xiaoqin, Ye Chen smiled slightly.

Spring Festival Fireworks: After release, the shape of the fireworks will be changed by the releaser's mind. When the final shape is set, it can be kept bright for five minutes in the sky. This fireworks is provided by the farm energy and will not cause any pollution.

The system produced Ye Chen is still trustworthy. Since the system says there will be no pollution, then there will be nothing.


As Ye Chen lit the fireworks, the entire night sky suddenly lit up with a huge pyrotechnic subtitle!

The eyes of everyone under this time were attracted by this sudden surprise.

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